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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Local Pickup Time Select] email doesn’t show correctI am using version 1.3.1. havn’t upade to 1.3.3 yet. I have try to add asap onto the code. so now it is working fine. Thank you.
Hi, I copy and paste to my theme function.php but it does not work. I also try theme 2019. but it doesn’t work either. any suggestion? Thank you.
Hi, I have do some customize on the template now and it’s work perfect now. Thank for the plugin.
Only 2 more question.
Before you release the support on third party plugin like these 2 plugins. and got some idea how to add some snippet to the function.php to get it print. but just don’t know what to add to the action. If you can get some help. below is some idea.
add_action( ‘???something like Print_Google_Cloud_Print_GCP _WooCommerce_before_order_details’,
‘???something like Print_Google_Cloud_Print_GCP _WooCommerce_before_order_details_time’, 10,2);
function ???Print_Google_Cloud_Print_GCP _WooCommerce_before_order_details_time ( $tyle, $order ){
$order_meta = get_post_custom( $order->id );
$value = $order_meta[‘_local_pickup_time_select’][0];
$value = preg_replace(‘/(\d)_(\d)/’,’$1:$2′, $value);
$value = explode(‘_’, $value);
$time = __( $value[0], ‘woocommerce-local-pickup-time’ ). ‘ ‘ .$value[1];
echo ‘<p style=”margin-bottom:5px;”>‘ . __( ‘Pickup Time:’, ‘woocommerce-local-pickup-time’ ) . ‘ ‘ . $time . ‘</p>’;
}If you give me some suggestion. Thank you so much.
Thank you for your support. eaiting for your new release update.
One more question. I like the template table in order receipt template as I wrap one product and options in one section. but the customer order receipt is just too many line betweem product and options. Is it possible to get the order receipt table layout in the customer order receipt template. Thank you.yes. you need to choose the customer order receipt template. Now I am waiting the answer for my above question.
Now I have switch to use customer billing address. the shipping method do show up under the shipping address. problem is now, I have local pick up as a shipping method. and local pickup doesn’t show the shipping field on either email or print out paper. so which means I can’t see the shipping method on print out. back to question, if it possible to make it appear somewhere in the print out regardless if it is local pick up or force to customer billing address? I want it to be appear somewhere when there is not shipping address. Thank you.
I am using force to customers billing addrrss. so the shipping address is not showing. It is on the lasted version as I look inside the details html php file. I did find the shortcode you mentioned above. Is there any way I can put the code to change shipping method to be appear somewhere I want it? Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YITH WooCommerce Quick View] Modal popup window full width and height?anyone have any idea how to do this, make it full width and height on mobile?
Do you have a time frame when the new release will be? The shipping method is really needed in an urgent. and yes please add those to plugin to the list. Thank you.
It’s working now. thank you
I did not activate it yet. It is been activated now. Please take a look again. Thank you.
use the front end to login. and after that click anywhere on the admin to the backend. /wp-admin link is not working somehow.
here is the link and user: testing pass:testing. Thank you.I did. I just post those 2 code for example. All 3 place are change to. but not work.
yes. the snippet working if not using this multi step check out. so the problem is this plugin cause the snippet not working.