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  • Thread Starter Chosker



    unfortunately due to time/deadline reasons I had to get a more immediate solution and ended up using presskit()

    I can however help testing this for any future users

    I don’t see any updates to the plugin though

    Thread Starter Chosker


    hi, thanks for looking into this.

    some info:
    im using 1and1 which runs on PHP 5.6, and I think it runs on Apache

    if I enter IndieDev Game Marketer on the WP dashboard with the console open I get these errors that I don’t get anywhere else in the WP dashboard:

    HTML1523: Overlapping end tag. Tags should be structured like “<b><i></i></b>” instead of “<b><i></b></i>”.
    File: admin.php, Line: 199, Column: 747
    HTML1509: Unmatched end tag.
    File: admin.php, Line: 407, Column: 166
    HTML1512: Unmatched end tag.
    File: admin.php, Line: 845, Column: 101
    HTML1506: Unexpected token.
    File: admin.php, Line: 1215, Column: 218
    HTML1506: Unexpected token.
    File: admin.php, Line: 1215, Column: 279
    SEC7118: XMLHttpRequest for required Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
    File: fqj8lsjzLmw
    SCRIPT1002: Syntax error
    File: ad_status.js, Line: 1, Column: 1
    SEC7118: XMLHttpRequest for required Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
    File: videoseries
    SCRIPT1002: Syntax error
    File: ad_status.js, Line: 1, Column: 1
    SEC7118: XMLHttpRequest for required Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
    File: fqj8lsjzLmw
    SEC7118: XMLHttpRequest for required Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
    File: videoseries

    I have a ton of plugins installed:

    Advanced WPLink
    bbP private groups
    bbP Toolkit
    bbPress – Report Content
    bbPress Advanced Recent Topics Widget
    bbPress Digest Fork
    bbPress Pencil Unread
    BuddyPress Last Active Users (wp-admin)
    BulletProof Security
    Contact Form Pro
    Content Aware Sidebars
    Email Subscribers & Newsletters
    GD bbPress Tools
    Hidden Forms
    IndieDev Game Marketer
    iThemes Security
    Jetpack by
    Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions
    Responsive Lightbox
    Shortcodes Ultimate
    Sky Login Redirect
    Sticky Menu (or Anything!) on Scroll
    Super Socializer
    TinyMCE Smiley Button
    Twitter Feed
    Upload Quota per User
    Use Any Font
    User Role Editor
    View own posts and media library items only
    Word Replacer
    WP Google Fonts
    WP Revisions Control
    WP User Avatar

    let me know if you need more info

    Thread Starter Chosker


    no idea, I don’t really need updates or support anymore as the site I coded with it works with everything I need.
    at the time I started this project I couldn’t find a better plugin than this though. not sure if you’ll find something better now.

    as for the sorting issue, I can’t remember exactly because I pretty much rewrote the sorting functions because I needed much more options. all I remember now is it involved some pretty complex SQL queries

    good luck!

    Thread Starter Chosker


    ok I retargetted TCPDF’s cache dir to wp_upload_dir and now if I get the images as an absolute, etxternal URL it works.
    I still can’t get it to work for images as internal links, but I guess that will do

    thanks again!

    Thread Starter Chosker


    moderators: sorry for the double post, I thought I’d post in the WP ‘general problems’ forum and again in the WPPostToPDF forums, didn’t realize that posts ended up in the same place.

    Boone: no idea what you mean with my link going to ‘boonex’, but glad the coincidence took you here.
    anyway part of the problem is indeed the fact that TCPDF isn’t able to write to its internal cache directory. At least that’s what I believe happens when I use absolute-url images instead of local-path images. I’m not even sure if TCPDF still needs to write into the ‘cache’ dir for local images.
    but anyway I do have a ‘cache’ directory inside wp-post-to-pdf/tcpdf/, and I’ve CHMod’ed it to 777 with no result.
    I wouldn’t know how to do it via Apache (from what I see it’s some sort of command line thing which I don’t have access to). And seeing GoDaddy’s response to my initial email I’d pretty much try to avoid wasting time contacting them again :/

    however if your second suggestion (‘moving’ the cache dir location to the wp upload dir) would just fix it all, I’d just try that instead, I’d have much less trouble modifying the tcpdf config file.
    I wonder though what does the wp upload dir has that plugins/wp-post-to-pdf/tcpdf/cache doesn’t?

    buuuuuuuut, like I said I think the tcpdf/cache dir thing is the one causing that I can’t use external-url images, but is it really relevant as to why it can’t reach an already-uploaded static image that rests in wp-content/uploads/something/ and that isn’t moving anywhere?

    thanks for your help!

    can’t help you with the 0’s thing,
    but do know that as of this version, if you want to change the listing range numbers you need to edit the plugin files (it’s hardcoded and there’s no option to configure it)

    also there is no shortcode to place a search box in a page. I had to edit the code to do that as well

    Thread Starter Chosker


    Well I’m not only listing the issues I’ve encountered. I’m on a tight deadline so I’m fixing the bugs I encounter and add the features I need as I go.
    I’m offering you the code for all the things I’m fixing, and the stuff I’m adding

    Thread Starter Chosker


    another bug I’ve fixed:
    in the search form, if you change the country the province list is reset. however, the city list stays as is.
    On my end, now when you change the country the city list gets reset along with the province list.

    there doesn’t seem to be a place to submi bugfixes around here though.

    Thread Starter Chosker


    feels like talking alone here, but anyway

    as for my question no. 1, I’ve solved it as well.
    problem is, listing_price_num is set to accept a value with a max length of 10 and I’m using much higher numbers (prices are in 100’s of millions, that’s the currency like in the country I’m making this website for).
    so even if listing_price was being set with its values correct, listing_price_num was being set with its maximum possible value of 99999999.99. therefore, sorting those values was faulty.
    I’ve solved it by editing the max possible length of listing_price_num, setting it to 14 instead of 10 (edited both my in-use mySQL table, and the fsrep_install_sql.php file).

    and as for my question no. 1b, I’m already creating my custom sorting options as well (learned this by fixing my sorting problem)

    now all I need to know (for now) is how I could embed a search form in the body of a page, instead of having it as a widget in the sidebar. but I guess I’ll figure it out myself ??

    Thread Starter Chosker


    as for my question no. 2, I’ve already coded it myself.

    FireStorm author: would you like me to give you my files? perhaps by creating a ‘diff’ you could officially integrate my changes into the plugin, this way you’ll have them already and I’ll be saved the hassle of having an unofficial branch (a pain to update for me)

    can’t help you with your error, but why do you say it only works for US and Canada?
    if it’s because of the Countries list, you can edit the locations in the admin: Real Estate – Locations

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