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  • Thread Starter Chipleh


    Hi back RavanH,

    Much appreciation for your lengthy feedback, I’m going down the path of trying to resolve the issue based on your feedback. Per your question:

    “So you resolve the issue by importing a DB backup from when the XML Sitemap Feeds plugin was activated? And this works without the plugin being active? Even without the plugin files being in the plugins directory?”

    I resolve the issue of the child pages not rendering by importing a DB backup from when the XML Sitemap Feeds plugin was still activated… this [only] works when the plugin is still active… with all the plugin files being in the plugins directory(however, I haven’t tried removing the plugins folder while the plugin is active, that never crossed my mind). As soon as I make a change to that state of the db via the plugin, everything goes wonky again. I did some more testing this weekend and found out that somehow the theme is definitely dependent on the sitemap being active. To re-create the issue:

    1. Restore the db with sitemap active
    2. Check site, everything renders properly
    3. Go into your plugin>Settings, under ‘Enable XML sitemaps’ – untick XML Sitemap Index to turn it off
    4. Check site
    5. Everything is wonky again.

    Somehow the theme has hooked into the sitemap settings, and per my client, I cannot switch the theme, much to my chagrin again, as they are using a theme that is two years out of date, but they like it – Bootstrap Ultimate – as they have other sites built off that theme as well. I have made a child theme based on Bootstrap Ultimate, which is merely an extension of styling of the parent theme, no new functionality.

    So, taking for example that I cannot resolve this weirdness with my theme, question for you: I know that Yoast and your plug-in can be installed together and running parallel with each other, is there any way to have both site maps enabled but for Yoast’s sitemap to take precedence? Ugh! I h@te that question with a passion!! As I would prefer not to use Yoast at all.

    Again, thanks for your time, brother, I appreciate you,

    Thread Starter Chipleh


    I’ve decided to go the jQuery route for now, but if anyone has a php solution/suggestion, I’d love to know.


    I just had a look at the markup on that page, and the “Most Popular” posts are tagged with multiple tags, but none of the tags are named “Most Popular”. So, you should be able to go into the posts section of wp-admin, find the post that is no longer relevant, and remove the tag that is aggregating it to the spot you want it removed from… if that makes any sense.


    Thread Starter Chipleh


    I was trying to adapt the code here:


    $paged = ( get_query_var(‘paged’) ) ? get_query_var(‘paged’) : 1;

    $custom_args = array(
    ‘post_type’ => ‘post’,
    ‘posts_per_page’ => 3,
    ‘paged’ => $paged

    if (function_exists(custom_pagination)) {

    which I have working on categories alone, but I’m not able to tie the year query into the pagination. If I get this working, I’ll report back, but if anyone has a better idea, I’d be much obliged.

    I just found the answer here, as was looking for this solution today:

    Maybe it will help you(if you’re still looking), or someone else

    @francescocarlucci – that’s perfect man – exactly the answer I was looking for as well – cheers to you.

    Thread Starter Chipleh


    Thanks Wordsuccor, this is great info; I did not know about your #1 or #2 points, and I had not come across the blog you posted.

    Cheers to you, and thanks for your time. I’ll post back here when I nail down a specific solution.

    Works for me as well in Firefox… what browser are you using? Your issue is browser specific, and not related to your pc performance.

    Thread Starter Chipleh


    So, I just worked out a solution, in case it helps anyone that was encountering the same issues I was having: it’s not server-side, but works for any DOM…


    function loadLESS ( filename ) {
    // If LESS isn’t available, do nothing
    if ( !window.less ) {
    //console.log(“LESS isn’t available”);
    // Create LESS link and add to <head>
    //console.log(“LESS IS available”);
    var link = jQuery(“<link type=’text/css’ rel=’stylesheet/less’ />”);
    link.attr(“href”, filename);
    jQuery(“head”).append( link );
    // Notify LESS that there is a new stylesheet
    less.sheets.push( link[0] );


    In functions.php, enqueue less.js, along with that .js file:

    function theme_enqueue_styles() {

    wp_enqueue_script(‘less’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .’/js/less.js’, array(‘jquery’), null, false);


    function loadLESS_js(){
    wp_enqueue_script(‘loadLESS_js-script’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/js/loadLESS.js’, array( ‘jquery’ ));
    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘loadLESS_js’ );

    With all that, .less is now compiling nicely in WordPress. Again, it’s not server-side; for deployment I’ll be pre-compiling the .less files, but for development, this is a way to go, since I can’t make any of the less plug-ins play nicely with WP 4.5.3.

    Cheers, and thanks for your feedback, Jake.

    Thread Starter Chipleh


    Hey man,

    Thanks for your reply, and understood on WordPress not compiling LESS on its own; I was attempting to use many different plug-ins to compile LESS(the top 8 returns when searching for LESS under Plug-ins>new), with no success… no variables are compiled, but static css is displayed after loading LESS. Have you had any success with compiling LESS in 4.5.3 with any plug-in? If so, would ya help a brother out and share your method?

    Cheers to you Jake.

    I am not having any issues at all, as my Page Builder configurations respond well on an iPhone, iPad, as well as desktop. I am also using a bootstrap theme, but I wouldn’t think that Page Builder is tightly coupled with bootstrap, or that bootstrap would have any impact on Page Builder’s responsiveness… however, please correct me if I’m wrong… I’d like to know the solution to your issues, as I do not want to encounter this in the future.

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