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Thanks for the update, I will be waiting for the positive news ! Even I am also working on this issue and making some way to be out of it.
Thanks for replying. Let me explain you the scenario.
In my website there are two kind of products one is variable products so you can add their variation products directly to cart. second is also variable products but those can be add via ring builder steps so first customer choose ring then diamond then add final product into cart.
Now what happens when customer add ring builder product into cart, remember customer is already logged-in here. then customer is adding normal product too into their cart (it can be only ring or only diamond). Now I am opening this website in another browser and adding another pair of ring builder product in cart , on adding time it will ask to login so I am loggin-in with same customer with which I have added few products before.
So in this case pair which we added before from another device/browser it will got separated. I hope you understand.
If you find any way to get rid of this issue. Please let me know.
Hi @emptyopssphere ,
Sure. See it is as below :-,eo_diamond_cushion_shape_cat/?EO_WBC=1&BEGIN=eo_setting_shape_cat&STEP=2&FIRST=&SECOND=11124&CART=eyJlb193YmNfdGFyZ2V0IjoiZW9fc2V0dGluZ19zaGFwZV9jYXQiLCJlb193YmNfcHJvZHVjdF9pZCI6IjExMTI0IiwiYXR0cmlidXRlX3BhX2VvX21ldGFsX2F0dHIiOiIxOGstd2hpdGUtZ29sZCIsInF1YW50aXR5IjoiMSIsImFkZC10by1jYXJ0IjoiMTExMjQiLCJwcm9kdWN0X2lkIjoiMTExMjQiLCJ2YXJpYXRpb25faWQiOiIxMTEzMyJ9&ATT_LINK=&CAT_LINK=eo_diamond_round_shape_cat%2Ceo_diamond_cushion_shape_cat&cat_filter_eo_diamond_shape_cat=%2Ceo_diamond_round_shape_cat%2Ceo_diamond_cushion_shape_cat
And I have resolved this issue from my side.
That is kind of syntax error , you just missed
in below code$_category_query_list[] = array( 'relation'=>'AND', array( 'taxonomy' => 'product_cat', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $_category_field, 'compare'=>'EXISTS IN' ) );
And there is another issue as well you have used
instead ofwbc()->sanitize->get('_category_query')
So that also created a problem for me.But still my issue is not resolved ! No problem I will check it out at my own.
Thanks for the update. But I am seeing lot changes in this version so is it possible that you can tell me list of changes which I have to take for this particular change ? And even I tried to replace this whole module folder with previous folder but it is giving me JS error in many places and mostly in filters file.
Hope you can help me out on this.
Can you please provide it now ?
Hi @emptyopssphere ,
Thanks a lot. I will be waiting.
Ok cool, but Can you let me know in how much time you can publish it ? because I need to resolve it ASAP. And if it will take time you can provide me way so by using it I can achieve it.
It was not from your side and issue is coming from woocommerce itself. So I changed
.I hope it is right way to do it. What you say ?
Thanks for the reply. I checked it earlier and my all products marked as false in
Sold individually
attr already. But it doesn’t helped me. So I asked you guys. And you also said the same so I debugged the code and changed method which was fetching this attr’s value. First it was always returning true and now it is returning me proper value. So finally I solved the issue.Thanks for the suggestion. I have another query let me raise another ticket for it.
Thank you again.
Sure let me close this topic. I will open new one for bootstrap matter.
This jQuery and $ conflict coming at many places, please update your changes ASAP.
And there is one suggestion from me don’t use semantic UI in your plugin. Better to use bootstrap because most of the standard plugins are using bootstrap UI only. So If I have to use your plugin with another plugin there are lot of conflicts coming as UI point of view.
Let me know your view on this and if you have any quick solution then please let me know. So I can apply it on my project.