Hello. i spent two days trying to solve a problem. And i’ve got that fckng slider at last.
Posts that you would like to see in slider should have next attributes:
1.Status: Published
2. Visibility: Public (dont make it sticky)
3. Featured image ( as minimum 750px wide)
4. Location: Featured
you should have as minimum three posts filled in this way to get the slider
Then you have to create a page with any name (this page is required only for slider starting, so dont spend time to write something inside). That new page should have next attributes
1Status: Published
Visibility: Public
Parent: no parent
Template: front page
Order 0
Then go to Dashboard/Settings/Reading and choose next options^
Front page displays: a static page
choose the name of page you create
Leave field Posts page as it is (-Select-)
and all another fields leave as it is by default
Refresh your home page and see what will happen
that’s it. It works for me