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  • Thanks Esmi. That’s all well and good but obviously someone is not doing something else so we can avoid these kinds of issues. If you search for this issue I’m not alone. I tried all the known fixes and still drew a blank. Un until what I mentioned above.

    I was simply reporting back what I found and what in the end resolved half my problem. Maybe it was a fluke? Maybe it will help someone else?

    Why the comments RSS still bombs, I’m not certain. But while I have you…do you know which files are involved in the RSSs?

    I’m also wondering if it’s not hosting related? I believe my hosting (DreamHost) runs some sort of PHP caching. Maybe in poking around I got that to refresh somehow? Given all the various hosting options and environments maybe there’s a ghost somewhere in some of those machines?

    I hear ya brother, but there’s problem and I’m just trying to fix it. Ya dig? ??

    First, I would like to thank WordPress for wasting the better part of my day trying to fix this. Lucky for me I look good with a bloody forehead (from smashing my head on the desk). LOL.

    Here’s what it came down to, and I’m not even close to being sure why it worked…

    Somehow I ended up looking in wp-includes/feed.php. I was looking for extra lines at the end after the ?>. Well, as it turned out, there was no ?> to close it all up. I agree. That sounds suspect but I swear it’s true. So naturally, I added the closing ?> and uploaded it.

    The site feed now works!!! But the comments feed is still bombing. Not a major of a concern but the fact that one works and one doesn’t it kinda odd, no?


    FYI – The default theme bombed as well.

    Is it possible there’s something buried in a WP cache, or something stored in the DB that shouldn’t be? I ask because I’m running the same version of WP, on the same host and I’m not having a problem.

    The one that’s bad is the current version of WP. That goes back a couple years, to 2.7 (I think). The other with no problems is a much newer install. In fact, it might have started with 3.x. The theme is different, as are the plug-ins. However, as noted that doesn’t seem to be the issue.

    It’s a long shot guess but my hunch is this has something to do with a flaw somewhere in the upgrade path.

    Thanks Esmi. I’ve seen two threads on this topic. Plus the comments on the site of this rss-fix plug-in. Frankly, the problem sounds more complex than that.

    In fact, per your suggestion, I just deactivated all my plug-ins and I still get the error. I’m not sure when this started. It was just pointed out to me today. I am sure that when I launched the site a couple years ago the RSSs worked.

    I can’t say for sure but since I’m only running a handful of plug-ins I don’t think I added anything since the launch. The exception might be WP-DBManager. But even with that turned off, the RSS still bombs.

    I’m open to suggestions. I’m also kinda disgusted that I got smacked in the head by a WP upgrade. I’ve been off billable hours since mid-afternoon. This is not pleasant surprise.

    I’m having the same problem. I tried this:


    but despite the success for others it did not work for me ??

    I then found this thread and this (mentioned above)


    but it looks like the plug-in is MIA. The page comes up blank.

    Does anyone know where I can find the plug-in, or how I can fix this problem. I’m on 3.1.x (I think). I’m on the latest release as of today.

    Thread Starter ChiefAlchemist


    In the end I was able to resolve this via myPHPadmin. You’ll need to do your updates in the wp_/…/_term_taxonomy table.

    Also be sure to refresh your Permalinks. By refresh I mean, change to a different format and save and then change back and save again.

    Finally, for reasons I can not explain, not all the Permalink value would worked. One of two of them would return 404s when using the taxonomy tag cloud. Not sure why. I’d like to know. But I’ve also lost some time muckin’ around with this plug-in.

    Yes, it’s useful. Just be aware of it’s (undocumented) limitations.

    Maybe Joost should stop blowing his own horn and fix his plug-in? LOL

    Thread Starter ChiefAlchemist


    Anybody? Anything? If the updating is broken, please just let me so I can get to work on redoing all the taxonomies from scratch. I won’t be happy about it if it’s the only way forward then I’d like to get going on it.

    Also, if updating the slugs is not possible I’d like to suggest that be mentioned as they are being entered. Once I entered the first one and notice that the text box allows editing I had no reason to “sweat it”. Unfortunately, that might not be the case. If so, don’t allow the slugs to be editing then. Please?

    Thanks again. Hope there’s some sort of answer soon.

    Thread Starter ChiefAlchemist


    Nuttin’? No one is familiar with this??

    Thread Starter ChiefAlchemist


    Thanks Michael H

    Unless something has changed since 2.8.x I wasn’t too impressed with that implementation of customer fields. The whole drop down UI bit struck me as somewhat hokey.

    I’d like to add a field so that it looks like it’s actually part of the post’s UI – and not some “add on”. Does that make sense? I’ve seen a couple themes do it but rather than dig under the hood I wanted to ask first.


    Thread Starter ChiefAlchemist


    Hey King… Ya got anything up your sleeve on how to add custom fields to posts. I would presume it’s similar but before I go searchin’ I figured I’d ask.

    Thread Starter ChiefAlchemist


    Thanks King! I’ll check these out. I’m on 2.9.x so it shouldn’t be a problem. It’s so damn hard to keep up sometimes, eh ??

    Mr Mist said “Actually it’s a security improvement in the core product, so if an expensive plugin is no longer working, you should be complaining to the plugin writers, rather than here. “

    Is this what you consider open source customer service? Instead of blaming the plugin makers – and each of us go running back and screaming – how about a REAL work around?

    And for those who might be able to handle some coding… Where do we go to resolve these things?

    I suppose you were in a rush, but this answer isn’t really helping anyone.

    Pardon me but can’t you just use the text widget and do your image & link HTML with that?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Clickable rotating header

    Rotating images and Ad are kinda apples and oranges. I’d suggest looking at Google Ad Manager. Either do the slot inserts yourself or there are a couple plugin that do a fair job with GAM & WP.

    Hope this helps.

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