Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wpMandrill] Git repo, pull requests and 'merge_language'1) So i take it merge_language isn’t in this latest release ??
2) I’m curious. Is there a reason why this plugin doesn’t use the official Mandrill library for PHP? I’m looking at that and this plugin and it feels like the plugin could / should just be a wrapper (and some other WP-centric stuff) for the PHP class(es).
3) Any chance of getting either of these onto GitHub? I’d prefer to do a pull request as opposed to keep rehacking the plugin with my merge_language fixes (which btw are minor at best.)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BP GTM System] Plugin returning errorsSame here. Looks broken.
Have these been fixed?
I scanned the release notes since and didn’t see any mention of it.
I certainly would help. At least I for one believe so ??
I think there’s one other that shows as a warning. When I see it again I’ll fix it and then post the patch here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] How Disable Seo Menu from my admin bar?Hey Ozks
Try this:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] How Disable Seo Menu from my admin bar?The action that adds the menu bar is:
add_action( ‘admin_bar_menu’, ‘wpseo_admin_bar_menu’, 95 );
It’s in the file:
I tried remove_action but had no success in removing it.
If it’s holding you up, perhaps for now just comment out the action.
Note: As far as I can tell the menu only appears to those for whom current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ ) == true. It should not render for anyone else.
OK, I’ve had a bit of an epiphany.
The plugin is showing Case Type (which is showing up in SF under Additional Information > Type). What I’m trying to change is the value of Case Record Type (which is under Case Details).
However, Case Record Type does not show up in the list of SF Case Object fields that GF fields can be mapped to.
Anyone have any suggestions? Please?
Thx Bage.
Yes, integration would be cool. That said, that’s the beauty of the plugin/widget architecture.
If I had a wish it would be to figure out a way to get reCAPTCHA – or similar – to work in a smaller space. That would make this the widget capability even nicer.
If you have any other ideas let me know. Perhaps entering multiple slugs such that the widget would pick one of many? Kinda a pseudo A/B testing. That is, maybe one form pulls better than others? That might be interesting, yes?
Hello again Mr. H –
Here’s a link to the slightly tweaked version:
MSTook me a bit to wrap my head around the various arrays but here’s what I think should do it. I listed some of the original code so it’s easy to see where the insert point is.
In db.php ~ line 860:
//add blanks for non-existent fields
foreach($formInfo['items'] as $item){
if(!isset($postData[$item['unique_name']]) && $item['db_type'] != "NONE")
$postData[$item['unique_name']] = "";
}$formInfo2 = $this->getForm($formID, 0);
//server side check to see if required fields have been populated
// loop through the submitted form data
foreach ( $postData as $k=>$v ) {
// make sure we're only looking at form fields, not meta data added by the plugin
if ( $k != 'user' && $k != 'user_ip' && $k != 'unique_id' && $k != 'timestamp' ) {
// find the form field in the formInfo and see if the field is required and populated
foreach( $formInfo2['items'] as $item ) {
// if the key is the field then check the required value for this field
if ( $k == $item['unique_name'] ) {
// if required and empty then false out
if ( $item[ 'required' ] == 1 && empty($v) ) {
return 'spambot';
In api.php ~ line 285:
if ( $postData == 'spambot' )
return false;if ( $postData === false )
return false;Hopefully it’ll work as expected. Let me know if you see anything major I could have done better. Thx
Thanks again.
I wouldn’t say the code is a mess, per se. It’s just often difficult to jump in and figure out someone else’s code. I would say the minimal amount of comments is somewhat of a pain ?? That said, the plugin is fairly sophisticated so I compliment you on your work. I’m certainly not the dev you are that’s for sure ??
Just to explain, this hack kinda grew out of the widget I whipped up. That made it easy to put a simple contact form in a sidebar. Unfortunately, the reCAPTCHA bit isn’t resizeable and therefore extended beyond the sidebar. And my client side CAPTCHA-lite trick with the Conditions doesn’t work if the spambot bypasses the client side form.
btw, while I researching this hack I came across a couple articles that you might want to consider as you pursue your v2.0.
I think the easy (?) thing to do would be have the Conditions be checked on both client side and server side. The UI is there. It’s really just a matter of applying the rules servers side. Easier said than done, eh? ??
Thanks again.
If there’s not a 1.x update coming then I’m going to try the two hacks above. I’ll let you know how that goes.
Hey HC
Thanks. But hold off on second, please. I noticed I didn’t sanitize the input from the admin side widget. So there’s just a small bit of clean up. I’ll get back to you with a link to that in a day or so.
Also, I did since find that there is a WP filter setting for running shortcodes in a generic text widget. The difference between that and this widget is this widget doesn’t force you to open up your widgets to any/all shortcodes. I’m not sure if I would have coded-up the widget if I knew that sooner but what’s done is done ??
Also, if you decide to change the error handling, let me know and I’ll update the widget. Checking for the value of a to-be displayed string, as opposed to an error code flag is kinda iffy but it works.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Bug with featured image and scheduled posts?Anybody have anything on this. I tested it again.
When I schedule a post the email fires on publish but the image that should be attached does not attach.
When I publish immediately, the email sends and the attachment is attached.
This just started with 3.2.
My question is simple…what changed in 3.2 that effects grabbing the post Featured Image?
Please help. This significantly compromises the effectiveness of the plugin. More importantly it destroys the marketing strategy enabled by it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Plug-in cause 1st publish to bomb but 2nd attempt worksAn additional clue.
I scheduled a post to publish a couple minutes into the future. I waited. It published. No errors or blank screen, etc. However, the plugin did not fire. Although I do have an add_action (future_to_publish, )
The rest of the code / logic works. If I can get a clean Publish the plug-in does exactly what it’s supposed to do. But I’m struggling with getting that clean Publish the first time I Publish.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entityYes, I was thinking something along those lines as well. Given my poking around it seemed like there were 2 solutions and sometime neither worked for some.
That said Luke, what does The Force say about the fact that my main RSS works and my Comments RSS still bombs?
What’s the .php for the comments RSS? I’d like to look into that. I thought I knew that it was but withing babbling more, it looks as if I might be mistaken.