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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meow Gallery] Some filters would help“But then, the layout are dynamic, and it also all depends on the theme where it is used.”
=> Yup. Good. We agree ??
“I could provide options, but they would be complex and most people would be lost with it.”
=> A filter. All I’m asking for is a filter. A filter that would allow someone who has the skills and understanding to optimize the srcset and sizes.
There’s an opportunity – with a well-placed filter – to improve the plugin. We agree on the nature of the issue. Etc. I’m not sure what else to say. Maybe you can re-read my OP? It’s all there. At least I think so ??
Thanks again.
Yeah, it was the best I could do given my options ??
Thx Craig –
I’ll have to look at that tomorrow / over the weekend. Thx for sharing.
Me? I would add a filter and as long as you pass all the necessary args that’s all anyone should need. Oh! Typically, I pass, aside from the bool flag, a single array of args. Using an array makes it easy to add args in the future without having to worry about any backward compatibility issues. That is the filter has 2 args forever ??
Finally, I threw this together earlier today. We needed a widget, not a shortcode. Let me know what you think.
Cool. When will that happen?
FWIW, I usually just add a filter that sends a bool + any other args. If a non-bool comes back that means the filter was used and the string is what I would have done in my code (for the view / presentation). Does that make sense?
So yeah. When? Maybe I should just fork the current version?
Hey Ed –
Sorry. I’ve since forgotten about this. Best I could remember, there’s something wonky about the way the query is constructed (i.e., appending). But I don’t recall the details at this point.
Oh well.
FYI – I think this has been resolved. I started with a fresh WP install + WP RSS Agg and it seems okay now.
BTW, I noticed this ticket had to do the same. Not that two is a pattern but it certainly sounds like you might have a problem under the hood somewhere.
Bump. What’s the status of this?
“I’d like to suggest you add a taxonomy to your local dev’s post_type = post. Add a couple terms for a couple posts. Then use get_the_term_list() to display those on the frontend. In Twenty Fifteen I modified content.php”
That is all I did. I added a custom tax ( and then I used get_the_term_list() in the Twenty Fifteen theme. That’s it. No “code”. This isn’t about my add-on. I “removed” that for this debugging.
On the frontend, when I try to query / filter by that taxonomy *with WP RSS Agg* active, it doesn’t work. Categories are fine. Tags are fine. But for my tax WP RSS Agg is hijacking the query.
p.s. Not that issue with your code is not related. It was simply a courtesy. I’m too busy to open another ticket, sorry. This issue we’re on is already a lot of repeating what I’ve already shared w/ you. Thanks? ??
If I disable WP RSS Agg the taxonomy / term query (via get_the_term_list()) works. That is, EVERYTHING (read: my new tax + theme mod) is the same. The only thing I’m chaging is your plugin being active or not.
Hey Eric –
I presume you’re still researching / resolving this. Thanks! ??
I just wanted to let you know that in your file feed-importing.php on ~ line561 my IDE is showing the var $source as undefined. you, it’s within the else {} that’s rare to happen but I figured you’d want to know.
tia –
mfsIn case you’re wondering, we’re trying to built our own custom RSS reader. We’re wanting to use your WP RSS Agg to import the feeds**. And that’s it. But your plugin is mucking with the frontend as well, and we’re just looking for a way to turn that off. We don’t need shortcodes, etc.
** Yes, we also want to add some magic to the importing process. That’s all fine. That’s not the issue here. The issus is WP RSS Agg doing something to the frontend queries and making our custom taxonomy not work as it should (and Cats and Tags do).
thanks again. I hope you have all the details you need. If not, please let me know.
Oops? I don’t think that’s working.
I think that action is coming too late. The WP Query is already being mucked up. Best I can tell your plugin is doing something somewhere further upstream to the query object, such that it’s effecting any new / custom taxonomies.
Important! >> This doesn’t really have anything to do with my customer extension, AFAICT.
I mean, this is just a taxonomy on the post_type: post. When I add that tax to the frontend (theme) and click the term on a given post, I don’t get the archive template.
feed-source is the tax, wp-beginner is the term. That doesn’t work when WP RSS Agg is activated. I get something else. I presume it’s WP RSS Agg’s since it’s not mine ??
What’s odd is Categories and Tags continue to work as expected. Whatever WP RSS Agg is doing, it seems to ignore those cases.
FYI – I’m using Twenty Fifteen.
I’d like to suggest you add a taxonomy to your local dev’s post_type = post. Add a couple terms for a couple posts. Then use get_the_term_list() to display those on the frontend. In Twenty Fifteen I modified content.php
Then you’ll be doing what I’m doing, and getting what I’m not getting.
Again, just to be 100% clear, I have completely deactivated my plugin that’s an extension to your plugin. All I have now is code to add the taxonomy to post_type = post. That should work just like Cats and Tags. It doesn’t
tia –
mfsThanks Eric –
Yup. To be clear, I’m not asking for help. I know what I’m doing ?? Most of the time. LOL
That said, your plugin does something things that for all practical purposes are “unorthodox.” I spent a fair amount of time looking for an obvious way to unscramble those eggs. But to no avail. So I had no choice but to ask.
Thank! You!! For your assistance.
p.s. I’d like to suggest y’all add the feed obj or feed id to the filter: wprss_populate_post_data.
For example, I was able to use your wprss_fields filter to add a field to the feed settings. That happened to be a checkbox for “auto-publish” (as I had changed the default to draft). When I used wprss_populate_post_data I had to “pre-process” the $item and add the feed_id to that obj.
It works, but it’s a bit awkward. I try to avoid mucking with objects I don’t really have control over. I would have preferred to just get the feed obj / feed_id for the $item passed into the filter. Kinda like “this is everything you need to know, dowotchalike.”
Know what I mean? ??
Thanks again. I’m gonna presume the remove_action() is gonna do the trick. I hope ??
Hi Eric –
Thanks for getting back to me. Maybe this will help. It’s my first full paragraph above:
“I’ve hacked together my own (experimental) feed to post. Included in my work is a taxonomy (e.g., feed_source). I want to use the taxonomy on the front end to filter posts by it – just like categories an tags.”
Maybe re-read the whole thing from the top since that’s probably The Key bit you need to know as you read down ??
In short, I added a taxonomy. I can use it admin side. However, when I try to use it on the front end it doesn’t work. Somewhere WP RSS Aggregator is highjacking WP Query and forcing it to look at either the wprss_feed or wprss_feed_item (I forget which) post_type.
I’ve looked at the filter – that I could find – and tried a number of difference things. But I get the same result. What I want is simple…to stop WP RSS Agg from affecting the frontend.
Just so I’m clear I want to add / repeat: If I disable WP RSS Agg then WP works just fine. That is, the taxonomy works on the frontend just as I would expect it to. However, once I reactive WP RSS Agg that taxonomy on the frontend goes wonky.
This doesn’t sound like a big deal to me. But then again, if it were easy and obvious I wouldn’t be here asking for insight ??
Thanks in advance.
p.s. I don’t want to get off topic but…
$wp_query = $feed_items;
Is not a best practice really. Perhaps this is why WP is getting confused?
On last thing. I just noticed this:
$wp_query = $feed_items;
Um. Well. I’m not so sure completely smashing the default $wp_query object is a best practice. I would think such things have the potential effects that could cascade across other plugins, etc. in more or less unpredictable ways.
Something is definitely odd here as even changing the post_type didn’t do it.
Ok. I’ve made some progress. I think ??
I found this:
function wprss_get_feed_items_query( $settings )
and in that function this:
$feed_items_args = apply_filters( ‘wprss_display_feed_items_query’, $feed_items_args, $settings );
Yes. I get it. I can use that filter. But I really don’t want it, or need it. I just want plain ol’ regular WP on the frontend. I don’t wanna have to worry about what WP RSS Agg might or might not be doing. Ya dig?
Where is the bottleneck? Where can I cut off WP RSS Agg from effecting the frontend?
Again, thank you.