Forum Replies Created
Thank you for your response. Can I ask you to blur out some of the info I’d included in my original post? It seems some of it is not for public consumption – which I had not realized.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Age Gate] After verifying age on mobile, directed to middle of pageYup, that worked! Thanks so much for your quick and helpful response.
Yes, that does it. Thanks much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-DBManager] Will this work to set the UTF from Swedish to UTF8?OK. Thanks for the quick response. Really appreciate it!
OK will do!
Thanks much.
The name of the 2 posts that didn’t get sent out:
- End of Summer Blues
- Winter on Fire
Since there have been no new posts, do you recommend us re-posting of the 2 listed above?
Thanks!Thank you, I wil try this.
Hi Marcin,
Thanks for the quicky reply. It’s called on the front-page.php like so….
<div class="featured-items" <?php if($featured_bg_img) { ?>style="background-image: url(<?php echo $featured_bg_img; ?>)"<?php } ?>>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WooCommerce product-category page templateI have the same issue and none of the options offered here actually address how to assign a page attribute / page template that is theme specific when using woocommerce.
For example, if I change the permalinks for the product and use /shop/ rather than /product/, I am still unable to specify which of my theme page templates to use. It automatically uses the default page template from my theme.
For example, I don’t want any sidebars when showing any products. I have a page template that is specifically full-width, which works perfectly when I create a regular old page. I even went so far as to create a page called Product, selected the full-width template to use, but was unable to get my product-category to use the full-width template.
I have checked over the links for woocommerce template structures but they don’t seem to address this very specific point addresses by the original poster. That link refers to the templates within woocommerce. Where does it address which theme template that woocommerce uses?
I moved the custom styles to the plugin settings page and now it all works. I had been to the SU settings page earlier but there was a message mid way down aboutz;
You need to add this CSS code to the custom CSS editor at plugin settings page
–>This confused me since I was ALREADY on the plugin settings page! So I ignored it. And look what that got me.. ??
Anyway, many thanks for your continued help on this. I got it working so that the original homepage is now how it should be!
I actually had this on my custom.css sheet, just above the code you’d seen:
.book-barry2 a {
font-size: 64px;
color: #ffffff;
}I added in your fa-edit hover code anyway just to see what it would do …
.book-barry2 .fa-edit:hover {
color: #E6DB74;
}And now the result is the book barry box in question now has a white background! But the text itself is black and it underlines when I hover over it.
So your code was similar to my code for the text in that one box. Does this indicate something’s wrong with the server perhaps?
OK it’s
Many thanks for your help thus far.
That worked for the icon color, but not for the a link text.
I tried different variations but it seems the css is not working. I copied and pasted your styling directly to my custom.css file so no typos.
And this on the page:
Added in a title_color on a guess but clearly that didn’t work either.
Curious thing. I don’t know how to make the text white. Why is this so tough? Brain fart?
Hi, Thecodeisclear.
Thanks for a speedy response. Your workaround does as requested but of course there’s another piece to the puzzle!
I am trying to re-create an image that has a link to another page – using instead SU and font awesome.
This mock page on the site contains the box I want to replicate: the right column you’ll see 3 red boxes. The first one, “Book Barry” is the image with the link. Note that it has the icon and lettering in white.
I could not get the SU note lettering and icon in white. I tried a bunch of things including adding a class “book-barry” to the custom.css file, but couldn’t get the text to turn white.
Ideally if this isn’t too much trouble, I would like to have a hover effect on the link. But really all I need is for the text and icon to be white and linked.
Here’s the code for the other 2 red boxes beneath the image:
<a href="/bookings">[su_note note_color="#c1122f" text_color="#ffffff" class="book-barry"][su_service icon="icon: edit" size="63" title="Book Barry" class="book-barry"][/su_service][/su_note]</a>
[su_note note_color="#c1122f" text_color="#ffffff" class="book-barry"][su_service icon="icon: edit" size="63" title=none]<a href="/bookings/">Book Barry using SU[/su_service]</a>[/su_note]
Any chance this is an easy workaround that I (again) am just not seeing?
Thanks again.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Styling a simple in $category_descriptionHi – Just want to say I can see Masonry working back on my site. I’ve reinstalled my plugins and see that none of them messes up Masonry. So I think I’m going to go back now and address my original problem — styling the category text!
Thanks again for your assistance.