Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Woo Search] Search Redirects to Shop PageWhen I disable the AWS plugin, the search page/results appear fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Products not showing under parent categoryThanks but that doesn’t answer my question at all. The products do not show under the product categories when you click on them, only the sub categories.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Woo Search] Search Redirects to Shop PageHi, the problem is it redirects to the shop/products page when you do a search. It should go to the search page and it doesn’t. If you try and do search (and hit enter) you will see it takes you to the product page, not the search results page. If I deactivate the advanced search plugin, the search results appear as they should.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Woo Search] Search Redirects to Shop PageThe page search results should go to this page and instead they are going to this page
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Woo Search] Search Redirects to Shop PageCorrect, when I deactivate the plugin the search results appear. When the plugin is activated, it redirects to the shop page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Specific Items Local Pickup OnlyThank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Docs] Create New Doc Button not ShowingHi David, sorry I didn’t realize you had replied to my question. I figured out the problem. I was using Buddybuilder which is a great plugin to customize the Buddypress pages, however it was omitting the “create new doc” button on the docs profile tab. Buddybuilder was kind enough to provide a solution (see below). I changed the component.php file in Buddypress Docs and it worked. Is this something you could include in the next plugin update of Buddypress docs?
$parent_url = trailingslashit( bp_displayed_user_domain() . bp_docs_get_docs_slug() ); $main_url = trailingslashit( bp_get_root_domain() .'/'. bp_docs_get_docs_slug() ); $mydocs_label = bp_is_my_profile() ? __( 'My Docs ', 'buddypress-docs' ) : sprintf( __( '%s’s Docs', 'buddypress-docs' ), bp_get_user_firstname( bp_get_displayed_user_fullname() ) ); $sub_nav[] = array( 'name' => bp_is_my_profile() ? __( 'Started By Me', 'buddypress-docs' ) : sprintf( __( 'Started By %s', 'buddypress-docs' ), bp_get_user_firstname() ), 'slug' => BP_DOCS_STARTED_SLUG, 'parent_url' => $parent_url, 'parent_slug' => bp_docs_get_docs_slug(), 'screen_function' => array( &$this, 'template_loader' ), 'position' => 10 ); $sub_nav[] = array( 'name' => bp_is_my_profile() ? __( 'Edited By Me', 'buddypress-docs' ) : sprintf( __( 'Edited By %s', 'buddypress-docs' ), bp_get_user_firstname() ), 'slug' => BP_DOCS_EDITED_SLUG, 'parent_url' => $parent_url, 'parent_slug' => bp_docs_get_docs_slug(), 'screen_function' => array( &$this, 'template_loader' ), 'position' => 20, ); $sub_nav[] = array( 'name' => bp_is_my_profile() ? __( 'Create New Doc', 'buddypress-docs' ) : sprintf( __( 'Create New Doc', 'buddypress-docs' ), bp_get_user_firstname() ), 'slug' => BP_DOCS_CREATE_SLUG, 'parent_url' => $main_url, 'parent_slug' => bp_docs_get_docs_slug(), 'screen_function' => array( &$this, 'template_loader' ), 'position' => 30, );
Here are image links so you can see the before and after