Hi David,
I made the changes on the form but I don’t see that change taking effect on the website front end. I flush the cache and clean the browser history.
Please let me know
<p><label>Email:</label> [rsvpfield textfield=”email” required=”1″]</p>
<p><label>First Name:</label> [rsvpfield textfield=”first” required=”1″]</p>
<p><label>Last Name:</label> [rsvpfield textfield=”last” required=”1″]</p>
<p class=”phone”><label>Phone</label> [rsvpfield textfield=”phone” guestfield=”0″ private=”1″ ]</p>
<p class=”phone_type”><label>Phone type</label> [rsvpfield select=”phone_type” options=”Work Phone,Mobile Phone,Home Phone” checked=”Work Phone” guestfield=”0″ private=”1″ ]</p>
[rsvpguests max_party=”3″]
<p>Note:<br />
<textarea name=”note” cols=”60″ rows=”2″ id=”note”>[rsvpnote]</textarea></p>