14 years, 11 months ago
Kind of slow at first, but gets faster when it is fully loaded.
15 years ago
I am also getting this error.
I want to see what the spam is before it decides to delete it.
I have Askimet and reCAPTHCA
On WordPress 2.9.2
15 years, 1 month ago
The most common is usually the latest, however some old blogs who aren’t active don’t usually update the software as much as it should be.
Sounds like a big website. The person above has explained most of it. However, if the question was if WordPress could handle it, the answer is Yes.
I think you could easily do this via your host. Well, I can atleast.
That kind of makes me wonder what they are using the other 90% of Server Load for.
I just visited it and now it says that there is not index page.
15 years, 8 months ago
The details are correct and my internet connection is very fast. I also tried upgrading on my dad’s computer but it did not work. It did on his computer for his site however.
Well first off this is for 2.5.
Anyway the area that you change the key is the _users table.