Forum Replies Created
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Not Able to Load CSS File Into Admin PanelOk I have to correct myself, the path was NOT correct, I was using a path which is meant for local files only and not for a web friendly path, this one will work:
function chase_admin_panel_stylesheet () { wp_enqueue_style ('admin_panel_css', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/admin_panel_css.css'); }
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Not Able to Load CSS File Into Admin PanelThis does NOT work either:
function chase_admin_panel_stylesheet () { wp_register_style ('admin_panel_css', TEMPLATEPATH . '/admin_panel_css.css'); wp_enqueue_style ('admin_panel_css'); } add_action ('admin_print_styles', 'chase_admin_panel_stylesheet'); require_once (TEMPLATEPATH . '/blurb_panel.php');
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Newbie: Question on WordPress coding best practicesFor the data field you can use:
add_option, get_option, update_option. WordPress has its own options table where you can save and retrieve data. This is how admin panels for the themes specifically are made.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: jQuery Colorbox IssueI solved this way.
jQuery('img').click(function() { jQuery('.post_content a').colorbox(); });
This works.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: jQuery Colorbox IssueIs there any way to tell jQuery ONLY to execute lightbox after an image tag has been clicked?
For example:
jQuery('img').click(function() { jQuery('.blog_post_content a').colorbox(); });
This will unfortunately open normal text links in lightbox as well.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: jQuery Colorbox IssueI changed it to this, and I’m still having the same problem:
jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('.blog_post_content a img').colorbox(); });
The lightbox just keeps loading forever.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: My articles are stolen by allaboutserver.netWhat you’re saying is true, but in court the content of the website plays a deciding factor. In this case the content is strongly related to WordPress. If it was a website about words getting pressed into fortune cookies, you’d be correct and would have no right suing them.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: My articles are stolen by allaboutserver.netLesson: Do extensive research before you build a business.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: jQuery is Showing No EffectOk I got it to work, I had a misconfiguration.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to Fetch Selected Post Titles by ID?Thank you A LOT, that worked!
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to Fetch Selected Post Titles by ID?There’s only one problem with the foreach version, when the database row is EMPTY, meaning there is no entry to begin with, then it will list the first post (post_id=1) for some reason.
$blurb_title = explode (" ", get_option ('blurb3_titles')); if ($blurb_title != ' ') { include ($post_title_path); } else { }
The foreach loop is inside the included file.
I tried to solve this with an if statement and I’ve tried all numerous possible options, !empty, isset, etc. they all don’t work as I expect it.
I don’t really understand why the variable is simply not considered as empty (I guess because of the explode).
When I echo out the variable I simply get “Array”.EDIT:
What I know is that it’s NOT equal empty ( == ‘ ‘), but at the same time I don’t know with what it’s filled either. : /
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to Fetch Selected Post Titles by ID?Ok I just tried it, and it worked GREAT! Thank you a lot alchymyth, I realize there was no need to implode it, simply exploding by the space is enough.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to Fetch Selected Post Titles by ID?To avoid confusion, yes they are separated by spaces.
So are you saying, I should simply skip the part of imploding them and separating them by commas again? Just exploding is enough?
Well I will try and see, but what you’re saying makes sense, because it is the explode that gives me the array with the variable. Not sure if I still have an array with the implode or if it’s just a string, never have tried it.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to Fetch Selected Post Titles by ID?I couldn’t get either one to work.
vinay, with your version it will simply fetch all the titles from the database, but not the ones I selected with the id’s.
alchymyth, with your version it will give me an error saying that I supplied a wrong argument for the foreach statement.
In both cases I didn’t exactly have an array like in your examples I rather had variables like these ones:
$blurb1_title = explode (" ", get_option ('blurb1_titles')); $blurb_title_ids = implode (", ", $blurb1_title);
This may be the reason why it didn’t work for me. But I have to somehow fetch the id’s from the database and separate them with commas.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to Implement HOME Link to the Beginning of the Navigation Bar?ok I simply put this in front of wp_list_pages () and it works:
<li><img src='<?php echo $dir; ?>/images/arrow.png' /></li> <li><a href=”<?php echo get_settings(‘home’); ?>”>Home</a></li>