Forum Replies Created
Ahh, if only the installation instruction had said “Download Easy Digital Downloads first, this plugin is a add-on to the mother plugin”.
I would be nice if this plugin can delete the the checkout page, purchase confirmation page, and the failed transaction page with it as well. Also if it doesn’t harass me to create those pages constantly after I deleted them myself.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Woo commerce not working with IE10It must be the asynchronous javascript that win8 handles differently, there are posts on google saying the win8/ie10 combination refuses to send AJAX posts. Think this is what is running when a order goes through. It is a known issue MS has to solve.
Microsoft products…
Here is the source:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Paypal – pay without account setupPaypal credit card orders will only go through if the user has a registered account with Paypal, or else you have to buy the 49$ package paypal express to allow quick credit card checkout without login. This is cause they want to gather members for paypal. If you want to use something similar but free, there is something called Stripe, which you copy over their code, and it allows your users to pay with credit card in a lightbox window. Very neat.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Woo commerce not working with IE10Hello musab_bari and vinny199, I have just tested the latest woocommerce on IE10. I have installed win7 with IE10, the order takes two times as long as it would on firefox or chrome. A total time of 8 seconds to redirect to order page.
Chrome is 4 seconds. It works in win7, it must be a win8 problem if this still persists.
I have found the permanent fix for this. It seems to be the developer’s error for leaving Portugal out of the main countries array. Simplly add this piece of code
'PT' => array( 'state' => array( 'required' => false ), ),
to the
function of the class-wc-countries.php in woocommerce classes folder.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Portugal !I have found the permanent fix for this. It seems to be the developer’s error for leaving Portugal out of the main countries array. Simplly add this piece of code
'PT' => array( 'state' => array( 'required' => false ), ),
to the
function of the class-wc-countries.php in woocommerce classes folder.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Portugal !Yes I have the same problem, they need to fix this soon! All the surrounding countries are fine, just Portugal is causing this issue.