Forum Replies Created
Further to this issue:
By searching directly in the database with phpMyAdmin, the table ‘wp5h_postmeta’ returned hits for a search for the word “Accessible”
Then working back in Events Manager and changing the choices and doing a refresh in phpMyAdmin I can see the data is picking up my change when I edit the Location and update it. It’s the Location edit page and the Location post on the front end that are not in sync with this #LATT. Again it’s the only attribute of the 3 that is setup as having preset options in a dropdown this location’s value in the database is “Limited” for #_LATT{Accessible}{unknown|Yes|No|Limited}
Thanks Angelo. I wasn’t really expecting that EM would have a built in facility to do that. I got better search results today by including “custom post type” in my search instead of just “post”. I found several plugins that I will try out.
My first response is no, Events Manager is not what you want. Especially if you don’t “get it” which is a feeling I appreciate having myself. Why struggle?
You have described clearly what you are after and it seems you have a ‘one to many’ situation of one event, many people. And for those people you have a multitude of things to be looked after to keep them organized.
If there was conference software I think that’s more like what you should investigate. The important thing for you is to keep your attendees informed and managed individually in a smooth fashion.
To me, Events Manager is more driven by the calendar (dates and times), then the events (what and where), then the attendees.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [CoverNews] Theme breaks with child themeI have always been interested in this. I think Jozephor is asking the same question I posted 5 months ago. i.e. I have several custom post types and there is no way for CoverNews to recognize anything but WordPress standard posts, so my custom post types cannot be displayed in the theme.
What I will be attempting is either make a hybrid of CoverNews and some Elementor Pro / Anywhere Elementor Pro blocks for my custom post types, or an entirely new home page with Elementor blocks, appearing a lot like CoverNews.
I don’t know how to use PHP so that is my only option. It would be a tasty upgrade for CoverNews to offer custom post type compatibility. That’s a version I would pay for.
That’s the one! I recognize it now. Somehow I lost a lot of my EM Settings a while back with an update or a reset and it’s been a pain second guessing why things aren’t the way they used to be, as I come upon them. Thanks.
– Resolved –Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] Event PageI think I confused the features on the Locations page with the Events page. All of those things I called “missing” are on the Events Page.
So….. never mind ??
- This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by CharlieAR.
Have you tried changing the formatting for the Events page?
Settings > Page Formatting > Events > Events Page
scroll to the section Single Events Page
remove the first line describing the map:<div style="float:right; margin:0px 0px 15px 15px;">#_LOCATIONMAP</div>
I think that should do it.
I do that outside of EM. Events are a type of WP post, so I have a free plugin installed to duplicate any post type – performed through the dashboard, in this case from the list of Events. The plugin adds a prefix and/or a suffix to the original post’s title.
Then I open the duplicate in edit mode, change what needs to be changed (in my case usually the date and the location), Update, return to the dashboard list of Events, and change the Title of this new post, including removing the temporary prefix/suffix.
Duplicate Post – plugin author Enrico Battocchi
Can it not be edited by looking at the end of the Event description on screen and seeing the small text “Edit” that appears for any content on the site if you are the author?
That’s how I do it if I am on browsing my own site and spot something I want to change without going through the dashboard. It is still the dashboard generic Post editor but it is fewer steps to get there.
I’m glad that worked for you. I am useless at PHP coding so I’m satisfied when I get results playing with the Settings menus.
The request about placing the own address – you mean the owner’s address?
Probably I’m not of any help with that in any special way. If I wanted to put my own location on the map I would just create a new location for my place but otherwise it’s beyond me.Do you mean the complete map of all locations, because that’s what you get with [locations_map]
This is what I have working – under Settings / Formatting / Maps > Global Map Format
“Location Balloon Format” box:
Just include #_LOCATIONLINK in there to make it a link, not static.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] Maps UnavailableChonk, depending on the volume of activity for your maps, you may never pay a dime. You will get a monthly invoice of $0.00 as a formality.
On Google where you manage your account, you can find the terms and the amount of activity involving your Google features that would tip it over to an amount you would have to remit.
The front end form Angelo. Correct.
At the end of the form is the step to get a file “Event Image” which is the equivalent of the Featured Image on the back end method.Event Image
No image uploaded for this event yetUpload/change picture
[Choose File][Submit Event]
I have started a post on the same issue, plus responded in another user discusssion.
My system somehow has restored new map functioning in the Submit Event form, but not in the backend dashboard Add Location.I just ran the Console tonight taking your lead and my error responses are identical, except for the very last part of the 2nd and 3rd line: Where yours show:
Mine show:
*** I take it that means my version of WordPress is behind the times >>> 5.0.7
Monitoring Console while putting an address in to the front end Submit Event does not generate an error. It responds and locates the valid location of that address.