Hi clarose098,
thanks for the help,i did have coding exactly how you have written it and it still didnt work, i used the “starkers theme” which is a naked theme that allows you to stylise your wordpress theme exactly how you want it, the problem im having is that since the header and index are broken into 2 documents i find it hard to come up with a solution as to how i should be writing up the code as the index.php and header.php are two seperate documents, i am aware that there has to be content within the div tag your specifying and this is the situation i cant seem to suss out, as my left content is in the index.php and the right content is in the header.php which makes it difficult to come up with a css code to set a center background that goes behind the left and right content, because as you would do in a standard html document you would write a div tag called “content” or as some people would write “wrapper” which has the left and right content inside of it and then write a css code to have an image which expands with the content.Sorry i have written you a whole essay, i find it hard to explain this problem clearly but thanks for helping once again.