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  • what i’ve found when I upload a pic and ask for a thumbnail, the link given is always to full picture. ex: newpic.jpg however if I FTP to where I keep my images.. there is also a file called thumb-newpic.jpg.

    we just don’t get a true “link” to the thumb but it does create it. I just know its there and stick “thumb-” in front of the said uploaded pic when I want to use it.

    <a href=""><img src="https://thumb.jpg"></a>

    basically your image being the link to somewhere else

    go to on the Optioins, general page

    “Times in the weblog should differ by:” enter -5 for hours

    Happy Birthday Maven! Thanks for your invaluable help. I had paid a visit to your wish list some time ago hope you enjoyed it ;d

    Thanks again

    hey my post didn’t show up! wassup with that?? ;d or maybe it’s me

    I can understand the frustration level to a certain extent. My thought if you put the money in into getting your own domain then building the site doesn’t mean instant fun. Although you can have that if you use an existing template.

    There is a learning curve involved whether you use WordPress, MT or even Typepad. When you want to venture out and customize well then you need to be ready to learn, test, and be frustrated. I didn’t know jack about PHP when I got here. I was in MT mode which was daunting itself at the time. It was scarey at first but little by little it started to make more sense. There are TONS of tutorials out there.

    I was recently frustrated myself but was determined to find the fix, through help, I was able to take it a little further the way I wanted it.

    When you’re ready and especially have more time to put into your site you’ll find it rewarding and then be able to finally sit back and just babble away on your blog, post pictures or whatever your site does for you. At least until you get the inkling you need to change something else! ;d

    Oh and learn to make a backup copy before changing anything of substance!

    woohooo I just importing dh’s blog from MT he is alive and kicking. The only thing I need to do is upgrade again to Not exactly sure how it reverted back to 1.5 as the test blog was up-to-date, but no matter.

    I guess I’ll just upgrade mine and his at the same time.

    He is now a wordpress photoblogger over at

    Good lord man! I don’t know how to thank you!! I just told the dh to get out there and vote for you. Looking at your code I realize I never used the is_page..

    I put the permalinks back like he wanted with /year/titlename. All is working FANTABULOUSLY. Also have your little bonus of previous image working most importantly pointing to the correct post!

    I’ve been going round and round with the piece to the point of obsession ??

    The new design looks wonderful not to mention the photos! Will vote for you if I ever get this other photoblog off the ground for DH!!

    Care to share how you were able to use your permalinks with the popup comments? Whenever I tried to put the comments up in my nav bar.. I got an sql error. It seemed they had to part of the loop.

    Also the previous/next.. when used, either showed the permalink correctly and NOT show the comments at all once I left the index page and hit previous. I’m only using an index.php, header.php and footer.php.

    Currnently took the permalink off. It’s almost I have to use one or the other not both. This has been the most frustrating because it worked perfectly in 1.2.

    I had used your navigation fix but again, while the navigation worked I couldn’t see the comments other than the main page. What am I missing???

    try this.

    His #3.. is what you’re looking for

    Yes I tested it out and it works fantubulous thanks BlueBlurry. Going to use this live … one of these days :d

    I like it. I’m using Firefox and in your main area your text seems to be a little too close to the right. Maybe pad right a little so it doesn’t look so tight to the edge. Else the colors and your navigation is great.

    Okay I just looked at your site and I doubt what I posted is what you’re looking for .. sorry. Although I do like the layout very nice! one small suggestion, you can use a link on the secondary pages back to home base. I realized I was in the middle of your site and wanted to go to the beginning.

    <?php previous_post('&laquo; &laquo; %', 'Previous', 'no'); ?>
    <?php if ( is_single() ) { ?>| <?php next_post('% &raquo; &raquo', '', 'yes'); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    Not sure if this is what you’re looking for.. it works for me by going to the previous post with the perm link. but I’m still only testing on 1.5 , Will attempt to upgrade my test site to 1.51. and see if this still works. It checks to see if this is a single post and grabs the next.. also NEXT doesn’t show up on the index page.

    Thread Starter charbyte


    Well alrighty then! Been out of town and I see I’m on my own on this one (rolling up sleeves) now where to backtrack.

    What worked in one version should work in another else in my use of WP is a deal breaker. Wish me luck.

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