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  • Glad it works @profusion.

    I notice I should have diff’ed the original against the new rather than the other way around. ??


    I have got the plugin somewhat working with the diff I posted in another topic:

    Give it a try. It may work for you too.

    Paulo, if you want more than the diff, let me know.

    diff bp-group-tags.php bp-group-tags_php.original
    <   $bp->options['gtags'] = (object)Array(
    <     'id' => 'gtags',
    <     'slug' => 'tag'
    <   );
    > 	$bp->gtags->id = 'gtags';
    > 	$bp->gtags->slug = 'tag';
    <   bp_core_new_subnav_item(array( 'name' => '&nbsp;', 'slug' => $bp->options['gtags']->slug,
    <                           'parent_slug' => BP_GROUPS_SLUG, 'parent_url' => $bp->root_domain .'/'. BP_GROUPS_SLUG .
    <                           '/', 'screen_function' => 'gtags_display_hook', 'position' => -1 ) );
    > 	bp_core_new_subnav_item( array( 'name' => '&nbsp;', 'slug' => $bp->gtags->slug, 'parent_slug' => BP_GROUPS_SLUG, 'parent_url' => $bp->root_domain .'/'. BP_GROUPS_SLUG . '/', 'screen_function' => 'gtags_display_hook', 'position' => -1 ) );
    < function gtags_return_blank() {
    <     return '';
    < }
    <   add_filter('bp_current_action', 'gtags_return_blank');
    <   remove_filter('bp_current_action', 'gtags_return_blank');
    < 		"SELECT meta_value FROM " . $bp->groups->table_name_groupmeta . " WHERE meta_key = %s", 'gtags_group_tags' ) );
    > 		"SELECT meta_value FROM " . $bp->groups->table_name_groupmeta . " WHERE meta_key = 'gtags_group_tags' " ) );

    I changed the following (in addition to PauloASilva’s suggestion) and the group’s page shows up properly:

    add any where in “bp-groups-tags.php”:

    function gtags_return_blank() {
        return '';

    modify “gtags_display_hooks()” to look like this:

    function gtags_display_hook() {
      add_filter('bp_current_action', 'gtags_return_blank');
      bp_core_load_template( apply_filters( 'bp_core_template_plugin', 'groups/index' ) );
      remove_filter('bp_current_action', 'gtags_return_blank');

    Post BuddyPress 1.7 (theme compatibility), if the current action is not empty (in this case, it’s set to ‘tag’), then BuddyPress will not treat it as a group directory page.

    I wish this plugin is in github somewhere so that we can at least put the fixes in there.

    Btw, I tested the above with BuddyPress 1.9 Beta 2. It should work with 1.8 as well.

    I have published a minimal Single Page App WordPress theme (spa-wp-theme) on GitHub.

    Minimal in the sense that it doesn’t have any supporting WordPress elements, only the front page. But it illustrates a few techniques I gathered on the internet about how to integrate some popular JS technologies (e.g. RequireJS, Handlebars, Compass, Sass, and Grunt) for use in a WordPress theme.

    Hope it will help anyone trying this route.

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