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  • Thread Starter chakotenwebmaster


    Hi Marcel

    well they havn’t answered but following update has just been posted on – so let’s hope it helps ??

    Responsive Lightbox & Gallery
    You have version 2.4.5 installed. Update to 2.4.6. Show details about version 2.4.6.
    Compatibility with WordPress 6.3.2: 100% (according to the author)
    Compatibility with WordPress 6.4.1: 100% (according to the author)
    Fix: Editing folder names Tweak: Updated jsTree to 3.3.16



    Thread Starter chakotenwebmaster


    Hi Marcel

    It looks like dFactor don’t answer our questions here so I’ve put the question in on the supportforum on the dFactory company page. I’ll post their answer here if/when the answer me

    Thread Starter chakotenwebmaster


    Thanks ??

    We are still many that prefers updating wordpress manually, but as we say here in Denmark, it’s better to ask first than bet on everything working?

    So when WordPress makes their major version changes I always take a backup first, and for the next two weeks I just keep an eye on whether the various plugins we use are updated regarding information about compatibility with the wordpress update before I update my wordpress installation.

    And when on the following text is written on the plugins page there:
    ” Warning: This plugin has not been tested with the current version of WordPress”

    Then I always contact the plugin creator to hear the status



    Thread Starter chakotenwebmaster


    No, I haven’t updated wordpress yet, but as we say here in Denmark, it’s better to ask first than bet on everything working ??

    So when WordPress makes their major version changes I always take a backup first, and for the next two weeks I just keep an eye on whether the various plugins we use are updated regarding information about compatibility with the wordpress update before I update my wordpress installation.

    And when on the following text is written on the plugin page there:
    ” Warning: This plugin has not been tested with the current version of WordPress”

    Then I always contact the plugin creator to hear the status



    Thread Starter chakotenwebmaster


    Super – thanks for your reply.

    I’ll let you know if i encouter any problems



    FYI – your not the only auther one who – in the heat of the moment – forget to update the TAG on after test against wordpress when they release new versions- it a commen error many makes

    Thread Starter chakotenwebmaster



    Thank you very much for your help ??

    I didn’t know that could put the line in this way – so i was looking throug all the files to find out where to enter the string



    Thread Starter chakotenwebmaster


    Your very welcome

    I’m just dotting all the I’s and crossing all the T’s before i update to the latest wordpress 5.5.x

    Because he internet is buzzing with people who’s website’s crashed after updating the wordpress core ( I almost 100% certain that the didn’t check the status of their different plugins before updating wordpress) and that fine as long at the wordpress update isn’t for a full version update like from 5.4.x to 5.5.0

    Thread Starter chakotenwebmaster


    Hi Lester

    Thanks for quick reply ??

    I’m just checking up on all the plugins i’m using on my website before updating the wordpress core.

    With all the problems with site’s crashing after updating to wordpress 5.5 I prefer to check up on all the plugins that hasn’t either been updated or bumped up to compability with the wordpress 5.5.x family

    Better safe than have to putting hours to rebuild/restore my website


    Thanks for info on compability with wordpress 5.5.x

    beaware that on’s page for the plugin it’s still
    only listed as compatible up to wordpress 5.4.2

    Thread Starter chakotenwebmaster



    I’m a little lost

    Where in the free version shall i insert the program line

    #secondary .bellows{

    to remove the margins between my stacked menu’s ?????????

    Thread Starter chakotenwebmaster


    Ok I’ll try that.

    But just to be sure and not risking to foul the menu’s up.

    In which file shall i pt the program line in


    Thread Starter chakotenwebmaster


    In the top menu of our website I have a point called KONTAKT ( under this i’ve got all Our different contactforms created with CF7

    The one that i’m currently having problems with is the first form – that you get by pressing the red button named CHAKOTEN – then you’re transfered directly to the
    form (


    Hmm I’v just done a re-test of the form (20.50 danish hour) and this time the text in the messagebody of mail (2) was recieved as it’s supposed to
    Where earlier today when i tested the for the message body Didn’t show up on the
    autoreply that i recived

    the mystery get more mysterious ??

    Thread Starter chakotenwebmaster


    Ok I’ll try – some of the text are in Danish because it the language here in Denmark but hopefully it doesn’t matter.

      First the Setup of the mailform

    Mail (this one works)
    To: [email protected]
    From: [email protected]
    Subject: Din mail til Chakoten er modtaget – Vi vender tilbage med svar hurtigst muligt
    additional Headers: Reply-To: [your-email]
    Message Body: Fra: [your-name] <[your-email]>
    Emne: [your-subject]


    This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Chakoten (

      Next the setup of the autorespeons

    Mail (2) (this one doesn’t send the messagebody)!!!
    To: [your-email]
    From: Chakoten <[email protected]>
    Subject: [bekr?ftigelse p? modtaget mail]
    additional Headers: Reply-To: Chakoten <[email protected]>
    Message Body: Tak for din henvendelse til Chakoten – Dansk Milit?rhistorisk Selskab.
    Vi er ikke p? mail lige nu, men vil vende tilbage med et svar s? snart s? muligt.
    Find os p? Facebook: Chakoten – Dansk Milit?rhistorisk Selskab #dkmhs

    Thank you for contacting the Chakot – Danish Military Historical Society.
    We are not on-line right now, but will get back to you as soon as possible.
    Find us on Facebook: Chakoten – Dansk Milit?rhistorisk Selskab #dkmhs

    This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Chakoten (


    i hope this make sence to you

    Thread Starter chakotenwebmaster


    i followed CF7’s instructions on how to set up mail when i installed cf7 and it has worked perfectly so far.

    It’s just recently i’ve experinced the problem that my “thank you” text in the message body isn’t being sent.

    So the mail 2 is sent and recived but without the content from the message body

    I can send you som screen dumps if you need it but i’m missing a attach file function in this support forum


    Hi Michael

    I’m thinking about change our website’s theme from tenty-twelve to twenty-twenty
    but would like to still have my sidebar like on our website with a menu-widget and a

    you can se what i’m refering to at:

    But the way twenty-twenty is build it’s not just a out-of-the-box solution so i’m
    wondering Can the code you’ve shown be altered to either contain to widgets and implemeted in a child theme or will i have to do that in another way ??

    add_action( ‘widgets_init’, ‘my_register_sidebars’ );
    function my_register_sidebars() {
    /* Register the ‘utility’ sidebar. */
    ‘id’ => ‘utility’,
    ‘name’ => __( ‘utility’ ),
    ‘description’ => __( ‘above header’ ),
    ‘before_widget’ => ‘<div id=”%1$s” class=”widget %2$s”>’,
    ‘after_widget’ => ‘</div>’,
    ‘before_title’ => ‘<h3 class=”widget-title”>’,
    ‘after_title’ => ‘</h3>’,




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