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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Has anyone developed a plug-for printable view?Couldn’t you do that with just a stylesheet? Maybe use the styleswitcher plugin and have it switch to the different stylesheet when you want to print to a printable view?
Just a thought…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Comments allowed for registered users only?This hack might be what you’re looking for. It works great for me. Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to create a static home page and remove post dProbably the easiest way to do this is to make a bunch of copies of the index.php page and start messing around. See what happens when you remove things from certain parts. For example, see what happens when you remove <?php the_time() ?>, or <?php trackback_rdf(); ?>.
If you back yourself into a corner just make note of what you did and start fresh with another copy of the index.php file.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Exhibit 1.1d Photo Gallery PluginNevermind – I answered my own question. I saw that the stuff that used to get appended to wp-layout.css is now in exhibit.css and that the float:right css entry was missing for .ex_thumb_preview.
Awesome plugin.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Exhibit 1.1d Photo Gallery PluginI might’ve missed something, but I just did a fresh install of WordPress 1.2 and Exhibit 1.1d for a friend and now the preview image that appears looks different than it used to. The post preview image is now really tiny and it’s border box doesn’t wrap neatly around it like it used to, instead the single pixel gray border is as tall as the preview image with a width as wide as the main content column. Did this change with one of the newer Exhibit releases?
Hopefully that made sense to someone…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Exhibit 1.0c Photo Gallery PluginFor restricting upload directories I’ve tried creating a directory for each registered user’s nick name and changing the imagedir variable in the exhibit10.cfg file to imagedir = the_author_nickname(), but that doesn’t seem to want to work. Any suggestions for a similar quick little hack?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: New image gallery plugin – needs testersSkipping the file management stuff wouldn’t be so bad, that stuff would probably be more usefull as a seperate plugin/patch.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: New image gallery plugin – needs testersAgain, great plugin ringmaster! The upload capabilities and the image subdirectory creation changes you mentioned in your previous post would be really nice to have. Even better, it’d be cool to have another setting in a user’s profile for their base upload directory. For example, have a setting so that when user billybob logs in, everything he uploads will go into the folder ~/uploads/billybob/. Then give billybob the ability to create his own subdirectories under that “home” directory.
Thanks again for the time and effort put into this. I’m liking it a lot more than any of the other plugins out there and am really looking forward to the changes you mention for the next release.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: New image gallery plugin – needs testersHoly crap, I’m a moron. Thanks xircom.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: New image gallery plugin – needs testersSweet plugin man! This is exactly what I was hoping for in a WordPress gallery plugin. Excellent job!
One nice little addition would be to have the ability to add small captions to the images while adding them to a post. Right now the captions all get set to ??2004, it’d be neat to be able to change that when posting.
And the ability to create subdirectories would rock too, but that’s already been mentioned.
Thanks again for a great plugin!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: search resultsThanks Mark.
2far – The code I mentioned, when inserted into the default index.php page, will print the item searched for when using WP’s builtin search function. It looks like anytime a search has exactly one result WP just directs you to that entry (the url will be appended with index.php?p=5, 5 being the entry id containing the text searched for). When there are more than one search result, or if there aren’t any results you get redirected to a list of results (and the url will be appended as follows: index.php?s=test&x=0&y=0, where the item searched for is test)
Thanks for the responses. If anyone knows of a way to get around this feature let me know!Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: require authentication?The htaccess thing would work, but I don’t want users to have to login twice to post new entries.
I guess I don’t understand the second part of your reply. I’m wondering how to change the page that you get directed to immediately after logging into Worldpress. For my installation I get directed to the post.php page right after hitting login. I’d like to be able to have people login but get directed to the index.php page instead.