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  • Thread Starter chachalady


    Thank you Vasyl for your answer,
    that is all I need to know – was just a bit confused eith Super Admin feature …
    Keep up the good work,
    best regards,

    Thread Starter chachalady


    Or maybe it would be doable by export/import tables in sql database in phpMyAdmin, in what tables are all the settings stored?

    Thread Starter chachalady


    Thank you anyway – I know that my idea is not pretty design-wise and usability-wise.
    I still have time so I hope I will find some solution, maybe not perfect but at least acceptable.

    At least now I know how to better explain and describe my problem – English is not my native language so sometimes it is hard for me to explain what I am looking for …

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter chachalady


    Thank you #respectyoda for your advice. At this time I will do exactly that.
    I was looking into the future:
    – university will be here using and filling up the data year by year
    – imagine us 2020. : what to do with all that posts (news and such ..) from 2010. ?

    Let’s say main domain is ,
    let’s create subdomain as a separate wordpress install and database ( we can have that yearly subdomains all using that one database with separate table prefix ..)

    If I export all those posts from 2010. and import it into database,the post will have different permalink then before, something like this:

    (before it was: )

    I just wonder if something like that is acceptable at all?

    Thread Starter chachalady


    Update: a minute I post a reply I found this topic:

    They mentioned something similar:
    I would like to essentially archive out the different years of the database into separate databases so that we could still refer back to some of the data if we needed to, but decrease the size of the database for the active year.

    But the answer was not so enthusiastic ??
    They also mentioned a GigPress plugin – should I search for plugins that could help me better then learn what to do with database manually?

    Thread Starter chachalady


    Thank you #jsoncarter, I understand what you mean – I will take some actions only when I will be sure what to do.
    I will go and read articles you suggested.

    The site still doesn’t have performance issues, database is also under control, and I will follow the best practice and advices about cleaning up the database from old unnecessary stuff.

    It is a university site, I guess I did a good job for them since they became addicted to it .. lol … I did not expect they will post so often, they can easily be called a portal, and lately I added several extra features like plugins/custom post types for their Study Programs for example etc…
    I see how quickly the database are growing so I want to investigate what is the best way to go on.

    Soon we will do a redesign, maybe to make it active at the beginning of a 2015., maybe a stuff from 2011. and 2012. could go to one database where I can continue to put “things” from years that past, periodically, and newer data can be in currently active database ( does it make any sense at all???)
    … but I don’t want to lose SEO ranking and have “page not found” issues.
    And I haven’t got much luck on Google finding a similar topic, what do you think what would be the best way for me to prepare site to keep a good performance in the future?

    Thread Starter chachalady


    Dear @blackcapdesign and @benbunch,
    thank you for your input – it is so good to know that I helped someone too.
    I am more-less beginer myself and if you give me the code I can understand what it does and where to use it, but I still have much to learn to be able to write some complex functions. Here on forums I found solutions to many problems and I was so happy to find good people willing to help me – this is my small contribution ??

    Happy wordpressing ??

    Thread Starter chachalady


    Few minutes after I posted a question I found the solution !!!!!! ??

    (last solution inserted title to <img> tag, not anchor, but this one is doing the exact thing I need … )

    Here is the code – I put it in functions.php and is working great, now my fancybox shows title of the images inserted in media:

    function add_title_attachment_link($link, $id = null) {
    	$id = intval( $id );
    	$_post = get_post( $id );
    	$post_title = esc_attr( $_post->post_title );
    	return str_replace('<a href', '<a title="'. $post_title .'" href', $link);
    add_filter('wp_get_attachment_link', 'add_title_attachment_link', 10, 2);

    Hope this will help someone, I found the solution here.

    Happy wordpressing ??

    Thread Starter chachalady


    Above code is working and I have a event-date column.

    The only thing is it doesnt sort it on default – when I open the admin area with custom post list first it sorts it by publish date.
    Then if I click on sortable column events are sorted.

    Another thing is that event date is not in a good looking format, it looks like: 20131026 , 20131017, 20130925 etc.

    I will post this as separate topic if I will not find a solution.

    Thread Starter chachalady



    I updated wordpress to new 3.6.1. version and I found a empty line in my functions.php between ?> and next <?php .

    So, blank screen could be because I did not see that empty line between

    Now blank page is no longer an issue.

    Thread Starter chachalady


    blank screen could be because I did not see the empty line between
    ?> and next <?php in functions.php code.
    Now blank page is no longer an issue.

    I have a new column with event-date now and it seems to be sortable but it doesn’t sort correctly.
    And date output is not looking good – so I will post this as a new topic and mark this one as resolved.

    Thread Starter chachalady


    This is how I solve it after all – if anyone is having the same problem:

    first: in plugin settings I had to uncheck the “Cache forecast results”

    second: I had to replace this code in filter:
    $content = preg_replace('/http\:\/\/icons\-ecast\.wxug\.com\/i\/c\/[a-z]\/(.*?)\.gif/ism', $myIconFolder.'$1'.$myFileType, $content);

    $content = preg_replace('/http\:\/\/icons\-ak\.wxug\.com\/i\/c\/[a-z]\/(.*?)\.gif/ism', $myIconFolder.'$1'.$myFileType, $content);

    This solved the problem for me.

    Thread Starter chachalady



    Look what I found, the last solution solve the problem.

    So I typed directly:

    and I can login normaly.

    Hope this will help you.

    Just to let you know I have the same issue.
    Will making new keys resolve the problem?

    I don’t konw much about those keys … going to codex to read about them…

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