Eughh, I’m having problems with multiple installs on MAMP Pro and I thought I made the fixes that Robnonstop did, but I’m not having success. Here’s what I’ve done:
1. Create a new database (collated) in PHPMyAdmin.
2. Create and re-name a new WordPress site folder (“myfirsttheme”) in MAMP htdocs folder.
3. In MAMP Main Window, create a new localhost (localhost2). Point Disk location to the htdocs folder (/Applications/MAMP/htdocs).
4. In WordPress folder in htdocs, re-name wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php. Put in database name, PHP username, password, and host (localhost2). Add unique salts and prefix and save.
5. Try to access localhost2:8888/myfirsttheme on my browser.
But it doesn’t work!! It says “error 500: error establishing a database connection”. If I go back into wp-config and change the host to simply “localhost” I can get onto the site (have to type in localhost:8888/myfirsttheme). But then somehow I get the error when I try to add media: “Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads/2012/10. Is its parent directory writable by the server?”. When I haven’t blocked any permissions. How can I get my site to work??