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  • Thread Starter cerafil


    help pls

    NExtGen strongly advices me to goto this forum for help and not mail them because they will not anwser.

    I think I feel like being sent from here to there and back…

    I NEED HELP ??

    Also Check out my threads started about it, perhaps it will give more info

    Thread Starter cerafil


    NExtGen strongly advices me to goto this forum for help and not mail them because they will not anwser.

    I think I feel like being sent from here to there and back…

    I NEED HELP ??

    Thread Starter cerafil


    NExtGen strongly advices me to goto this forum for help and not mail them because they will not anwser.

    I think I feel like being sent from here to there and back…

    I NEED HELP ??

    Thread Starter cerafil



    1 month no reply for my problem.




    What if I forgot to “export”?
    I only have a backup from my old host. And now I got a new host.
    When install WordPress it shows me this.

    Already Installed

    You appear to have already installed WordPress. To reinstall please clear your old database tables first.

    So I goto my SQL database to import the SQL file and then I get this error

    #1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘DELIMITER’ at line 1

    Pls help

    Did I miss a step?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Help site is down
    Thread Starter cerafil


    yes it was my host. “justhost”

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Help site is down
    Thread Starter cerafil


    no it is not. I changed the index file back yesterday and everything was working fine.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Copyright? Help!
    Thread Starter cerafil


    after digging I found out my co site holder put this in the index file for maintanance and create drama in the room.

    I told him to mail me in the future

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Copyright? Help!
    Thread Starter cerafil


    nah but thanks for the replies.. I will first check with my provider.

    This is the only link that I got working and then does not have a “functions” area.

    I tried:

    all resolving into no site.

    First of all.. Admins.. If you see a way to Shorten my post.
    Pls do so. I got nu clue what I should Copy and not.

    Hello Everybody,

    Well I have to say reading trough this I find myself in a world of unknown language. I want to set up my NextGen Gallery to the point people will be able to search trough the images.

    While reading this post I tried to find the “search.php” but i cant find it @ all. And functions.php is way to complicated/expanded for me to adjust.

    I will post both function area’s I found. Please tell me what I need to alter. (Also tell me if I by accident post any information I wouldn;t like to share)

    Thanks on forehand.


    if(preg_match(‘#’ . basename(__FILE__) . ‘#’, $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’])) { die(‘You are not allowed to call this page directly.’); }

    * Return a script for the Imagerotator flash slideshow. Can be used in any tmeplate with <?php echo nggShowSlideshow($galleryID, $width, $height) ?>
    * Require the script swfobject.js in the header or footer
    * @access public
    * @param integer $galleryID ID of the gallery
    * @param integer $irWidth Width of the flash container
    * @param integer $irHeight Height of the flash container
    * @return the content
    function nggShowSlideshow($galleryID, $width, $height) {

    require_once (dirname (__FILE__).’/lib/swfobject.php’);

    $ngg_options = nggGallery::get_option(‘ngg_options’);

    // remove media file from RSS feed
    if ( is_feed() ) {
    $out = ‘[‘ . nggGallery::i18n($ngg_options[‘galTextSlide’]) . ‘]’;
    return $out;

    // If the Imagerotator didn’t exist, skip the output
    if ( NGGALLERY_IREXIST == false )

    if (empty($width) ) $width = (int) $ngg_options[‘irWidth’];
    if (empty($height)) $height = (int) $ngg_options[‘irHeight’];

    // init the flash output
    $swfobject = new swfobject( $ngg_options[‘irURL’] , ‘so’ . $galleryID, $width, $height, ‘7.0.0’, ‘false’);

    $swfobject->message = ‘<p>’. __(‘The Flash Player and a browser with Javascript support are needed..’, ‘nggallery’).'</p>’;
    $swfobject->add_params(‘wmode’, ‘opaque’);
    $swfobject->add_params(‘allowfullscreen’, ‘true’);
    $swfobject->add_params(‘bgcolor’, $ngg_options[‘irScreencolor’], ‘000000’, ‘string’, ‘#’);
    $swfobject->add_attributes(‘styleclass’, ‘slideshow’);
    $swfobject->add_attributes(‘name’, ‘so’ . $galleryID);

    // adding the flash parameter
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘file’, urlencode (get_option (‘siteurl’) . ‘/’ . ‘index.php?slideshow=true&gid=’ . $galleryID ) );
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘shuffle’, $ngg_options[‘irShuffle’], ‘true’, ‘bool’);
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘linkfromdisplay’, $ngg_options[‘irLinkfromdisplay’], ‘false’, ‘bool’);
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘shownavigation’, $ngg_options[‘irShownavigation’], ‘true’, ‘bool’);
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘showicons’, $ngg_options[‘irShowicons’], ‘true’, ‘bool’);
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘kenburns’, $ngg_options[‘irKenburns’], ‘false’, ‘bool’);
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘overstretch’, $ngg_options[‘irOverstretch’], ‘false’, ‘string’);
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘rotatetime’, $ngg_options[‘irRotatetime’], 5, ‘int’);
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘transition’, $ngg_options[‘irTransition’], ‘random’, ‘string’);
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘backcolor’, $ngg_options[‘irBackcolor’], ‘FFFFFF’, ‘string’, ‘0x’);
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘frontcolor’, $ngg_options[‘irFrontcolor’], ‘000000’, ‘string’, ‘0x’);
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘lightcolor’, $ngg_options[‘irLightcolor’], ‘000000’, ‘string’, ‘0x’);
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘screencolor’, $ngg_options[‘irScreencolor’], ‘000000’, ‘string’, ‘0x’);
    if ($ngg_options[‘irWatermark’])
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘logo’, $ngg_options[‘wmPath’], ”, ‘string’);
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘audio’, $ngg_options[‘irAudio’], ”, ‘string’);
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘width’, $width, ‘260’);
    $swfobject->add_flashvars( ‘height’, $height, ‘320’);
    // create the output
    $out = ‘<div class=”slideshow”>’ . $swfobject->output() . ‘</div>’;
    // add now the script code
    $out .= “\n”.'<script type=”text/javascript” defer=”defer”>’;
    if ($ngg_options[‘irXHTMLvalid’]) $out .= “\n”.'<!–‘;
    if ($ngg_options[‘irXHTMLvalid’]) $out .= “\n”.’//<![CDATA[‘;
    $out .= $swfobject->javascript();
    if ($ngg_options[‘irXHTMLvalid’]) $out .= “\n”.’//]]>’;
    if ($ngg_options[‘irXHTMLvalid’]) $out .= “\n”.’–>’;
    $out .= “\n”.'</script>’;

    $out = apply_filters(‘ngg_show_slideshow_content’, $out);

    return $out;

    * nggShowGallery() – return a gallery
    * @access public
    * @param int $galleryID
    * @param string $template (optional) name for a template file, look for gallery-$template
    * @param int $images (optional) number of images per page
    * @return the content
    function nggShowGallery( $galleryID, $template = ”, $images = false ) {

    global $nggRewrite;

    $ngg_options = nggGallery::get_option(‘ngg_options’);
    $galleryID = (int) $galleryID;

    //Set sort order value, if not used (upgrade issue)
    $ngg_options[‘galSort’] = ($ngg_options[‘galSort’]) ? $ngg_options[‘galSort’] : ‘pid’;
    $ngg_options[‘galSortDir’] = ($ngg_options[‘galSortDir’] == ‘DESC’) ? ‘DESC’ : ‘ASC’;

    // get gallery values
    $picturelist = nggdb::get_gallery($galleryID, $ngg_options[‘galSort’], $ngg_options[‘galSortDir’]);

    if ( !$picturelist )
    return __(‘[Gallery not found]’,’nggallery’);

    // $_GET from wp_query
    $show = get_query_var(‘show’);
    $pid = get_query_var(‘pid’);
    $pageid = get_query_var(‘pageid’);

    // set $show if slideshow first
    if ( empty( $show ) AND ($ngg_options[‘galShowOrder’] == ‘slide’)) {
    if ( is_home() )
    $pageid = get_the_ID();

    $show = ‘slide’;

    // go on only on this page
    if ( !is_home() || $pageid == get_the_ID() ) {

    // 1st look for ImageBrowser link
    if ( !empty($pid) && $ngg_options[‘galImgBrowser’] && ($template != ‘carousel’) ) {
    $out = nggShowImageBrowser( $galleryID, $template );
    return $out;

    // 2nd look for slideshow
    if ( $show == ‘slide’ ) {
    $args[‘show’] = “gallery”;
    $out = ‘<div class=”ngg-galleryoverview”>’;
    $out .= ‘<div class=”slideshowlink”>get_permalink($args) . ‘”>’.nggGallery::i18n($ngg_options[‘galTextGallery’]).’</div>’;
    $out .= nggShowSlideshow($galleryID, $ngg_options[‘irWidth’], $ngg_options[‘irHeight’]);
    $out .= ‘</div>’.”\n”;
    $out .= ‘<div class=”ngg-clear”></div>’.”\n”;
    return $out;

    // get all picture with this galleryid
    if ( is_array($picturelist) )
    $out = nggCreateGallery($picturelist, $galleryID, $template, $images);

    $out = apply_filters(‘ngg_show_gallery_content’, $out, intval($galleryID));
    return $out;

    * Build a gallery output
    * @access internal
    * @param array $picturelist
    * @param bool $galleryID, if you supply a gallery ID, you can add a slideshow link
    * @param string $template (optional) name for a template file, look for gallery-$template
    * @param int $images (optional) number of images per page
    * @return the content
    function nggCreateGallery($picturelist, $galleryID = false, $template = ”, $images = false) {
    global $nggRewrite;

    $ngg_options = nggGallery::get_option(‘ngg_options’);

    //the shortcode parameter will override global settings, TODO: rewrite this to a class
    $ngg_options[‘galImages’] = ( $images === false ) ? $ngg_options[‘galImages’] : (int) $images;

    $current_pid = false;

    // $_GET from wp_query
    $nggpage = get_query_var(‘nggpage’);
    $pageid = get_query_var(‘pageid’);
    $pid = get_query_var(‘pid’);

    // we need to know the current page id
    $current_page = (get_the_ID() == false) ? 0 : get_the_ID();

    if ( !is_array($picturelist) )
    $picturelist = array($picturelist);

    // Populate galleries values from the first image
    $first_image = current($picturelist);
    $gallery = new stdclass;
    $gallery->ID = (int) $galleryID;
    $gallery->show_slideshow = false;
    $gallery->name = stripslashes ( $first_image->name );
    $gallery->title = stripslashes( $first_image->title );
    $gallery->description = html_entity_decode(stripslashes( $first_image->galdesc));
    $gallery->pageid = $first_image->pageid;
    $gallery->anchor = ‘ngg-gallery-‘ . $galleryID . ‘-‘ . $current_page;

    $maxElement = $ngg_options[‘galImages’];
    $thumbwidth = $ngg_options[‘thumbwidth’];
    $thumbheight = $ngg_options[‘thumbheight’];

    // fixed width if needed
    $gallery->columns = intval($ngg_options[‘galColumns’]);
    $gallery->imagewidth = ($gallery->columns > 0) ? ‘style=”width:’ . floor(100/$gallery->columns) . ‘%;”‘ : ”;

    // obsolete in V1.4.0, but kept for compat reason
    // pre set thumbnail size, from the option, later we look for meta data.
    $thumbsize = ($ngg_options[‘thumbfix’]) ? $thumbsize = ‘width=”‘ . $thumbwidth . ‘” height=”‘.$thumbheight . ‘”‘ : ”;

    // show slideshow link
    if ($galleryID) {
    if (($ngg_options[‘galShowSlide’]) AND (NGGALLERY_IREXIST)) {
    $gallery->show_slideshow = true;
    $gallery->slideshow_link = $nggRewrite->get_permalink(array ( ‘show’ => ‘slide’) );
    $gallery->slideshow_link_text = nggGallery::i18n($ngg_options[‘galTextSlide’]);

    if ($ngg_options[‘usePicLens’]) {
    $gallery->show_piclens = true;
    $gallery->piclens_link = “javascript:PicLensLite.start({feedUrl:'” . htmlspecialchars( nggMediaRss::get_gallery_mrss_url($gallery->ID) ) . “‘});”;

    // check for page navigation
    if ($maxElement > 0) {

    if ( !is_home() || $pageid == $current_page )
    $page = ( !empty( $nggpage ) ) ? (int) $nggpage : 1;
    $page = 1;

    $start = $offset = ( $page – 1 ) * $maxElement;

    $total = count($picturelist);

    //we can work with display:hidden for some javascript effects
    if (!$ngg_options[‘galHiddenImg’]){
    // remove the element if we didn’t start at the beginning
    if ($start > 0 )
    array_splice($picturelist, 0, $start);

    // return the list of images we need
    array_splice($picturelist, $maxElement);

    $nggNav = new nggNavigation;
    $navigation = $nggNav->create_navigation($page, $total, $maxElement);
    } else {
    $navigation = ‘<div class=”ngg-clear”> </div>’;

    //we cannot use the key as index, cause it’s filled with the pid
    $index = 0;
    foreach ($picturelist as $key => $picture) {

    //needed for hidden images (THX to Sweigold for the main idea at : )
    $picturelist[$key]->hidden = false;
    $picturelist[$key]->style = $gallery->imagewidth;

    if ($maxElement > 0 && $ngg_options[‘galHiddenImg’]) {
    if ( ($index < $start) || ($index > ($start + $maxElement -1)) ){
    $picturelist[$key]->hidden = true;
    $picturelist[$key]->style = ($gallery->columns > 0) ? ‘style=”width:’ . floor(100/$gallery->columns) . ‘%;display: none;”‘ : ‘style=”display: none;”‘;

    // get the effect code
    if ($galleryID)
    $thumbcode = ($ngg_options[‘galImgBrowser’]) ? ” : $picture->get_thumbcode(‘set_’ . $galleryID);
    $thumbcode = ($ngg_options[‘galImgBrowser’]) ? ” : $picture->get_thumbcode(get_the_title());

    // create link for imagebrowser and other effects
    $args [‘nggpage’] = empty($nggpage) ? false : $nggpage;
    $args [‘pid’] = $picture->pid;
    $picturelist[$key]->pidlink = $nggRewrite->get_permalink( $args );

    // generate the thumbnail size if the meta data available
    if (is_array ($size = $picturelist[$key]->meta_data[‘thumbnail’]) )
    $thumbsize = ‘width=”‘ . $size[‘width’] . ‘” height=”‘ . $size[‘height’] . ‘”‘;

    // choose link between imagebrowser or effect
    $link = ($ngg_options[‘galImgBrowser’]) ? $picturelist[$key]->pidlink : $picture->imageURL;
    // bad solution : for now we need the url always for the carousel, should be reworked in the future
    $picturelist[$key]->url = $picture->imageURL;
    // add a filter for the link
    $picturelist[$key]->imageURL = apply_filters(‘ngg_create_gallery_link’, $link, $picture);
    $picturelist[$key]->thumbnailURL = $picture->thumbURL;
    $picturelist[$key]->size = $thumbsize;
    $picturelist[$key]->thumbcode = $thumbcode;
    $picturelist[$key]->caption = ( empty($picture->description) ) ? ‘ ‘ : html_entity_decode ( stripslashes(nggGallery::i18n($picture->description)) );
    $picturelist[$key]->description = ( empty($picture->description) ) ? ‘ ‘ : htmlspecialchars ( stripslashes(nggGallery::i18n($picture->description)) );
    $picturelist[$key]->alttext = ( empty($picture->alttext) ) ? ‘ ‘ : htmlspecialchars ( stripslashes(nggGallery::i18n($picture->alttext)) );

    // filter to add custom content for the output
    $picturelist[$key] = apply_filters(‘ngg_image_object’, $picturelist[$key], $picture->pid);

    //check if $pid is in the array
    if ($picture->pid == $pid)
    $current_pid = $picturelist[$key];

    //for paged galleries, take the first image in the array if it’s not in the list
    $current_pid = ( empty($current_pid) ) ? current( $picturelist ) : $current_pid;

    // look for gallery-$template.php or pure gallery.php
    $filename = ( empty($template) ) ? ‘gallery’ : ‘gallery-‘ . $template;

    //filter functions for custom addons
    $gallery = apply_filters( ‘ngg_gallery_object’, $gallery, $galleryID );
    $picturelist = apply_filters( ‘ngg_picturelist_object’, $picturelist, $galleryID );

    //additional navigation links
    $next = ( empty($nggNav->next) ) ? false : $nggNav->next;
    $prev = ( empty($nggNav->prev) ) ? false : $nggNav->prev;

    // create the output
    $out = nggGallery::capture ( $filename, array (‘gallery’ => $gallery, ‘images’ => $picturelist, ‘pagination’ => $navigation, ‘current’ => $current_pid, ‘next’ => $next, ‘prev’ => $prev) );

    // apply a filter after the output
    $out = apply_filters(‘ngg_gallery_output’, $out, $picturelist);

    return $out;

    * nggShowAlbum() – return a album based on the id
    * @access public
    * @param int | string $albumID
    * @param string (optional) $template
    * @return the content
    function nggShowAlbum($albumID, $template = ‘extend’) {

    // $_GET from wp_query
    $gallery = get_query_var(‘gallery’);
    $album = get_query_var(‘album’);

    // in the case somebody uses the ‘0’, it should be ‘all’ to show all galleries
    $albumID = ($albumID == 0) ? ‘all’ : $albumID;

    // first look for gallery variable
    if (!empty( $gallery )) {

    // subalbum support only one instance, you can’t use more of them in one post
    if ( isset($GLOBALS[‘subalbum’]) || isset($GLOBALS[‘nggShowGallery’]) )

    // if gallery is is submit , then show the gallery instead
    $out = nggShowGallery( intval($gallery) );
    $GLOBALS[‘nggShowGallery’] = true;

    return $out;

    if ( (empty( $gallery )) && (isset($GLOBALS[‘subalbum’])) )

    //redirect to subalbum only one time
    if (!empty( $album )) {
    $GLOBALS[‘subalbum’] = true;
    $albumID = $album;

    // lookup in the database
    $album = nggdb::find_album( $albumID );

    // still no success ? , die !
    if( !$album )
    return __(‘[Album not found]’,’nggallery’);

    $mode = ltrim($mode, ‘,’);

    if ( is_array($album->gallery_ids) )
    $out = nggCreateAlbum( $album->gallery_ids, $template, $album );

    $out = apply_filters( ‘ngg_show_album_content’, $out, $album->id );

    return $out;

    * create a gallery overview output
    * @access internal
    * @param array $galleriesID
    * @param string (optional) $template name for a template file, look for album-$template
    * @param object (optional) $album result from the db
    * @return the content
    function nggCreateAlbum( $galleriesID, $template = ‘extend’, $album = 0) {

    global $wpdb, $nggRewrite, $nggdb;

    // $_GET from wp_query
    $nggpage = get_query_var(‘nggpage’);

    $ngg_options = nggGallery::get_option(‘ngg_options’);

    //this option can currently only set via the custom fields
    $maxElement = (int) $ngg_options[‘galPagedGalleries’];

    $sortorder = $galleriesID;
    $galleries = array();

    // get the galleries information
    foreach ($galleriesID as $i => $value)
    $galleriesID[$i] = addslashes($value);

    $unsort_galleries = $wpdb->get_results(‘SELECT * FROM ‘.$wpdb->nggallery.’ WHERE gid IN (\”.implode(‘\’,\”, $galleriesID).’\’)’, OBJECT_K);

    //TODO: Check this, problem exist when previewpic = 0
    //$galleries = $wpdb->get_results(‘SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM ‘.$wpdb->nggallery.’ AS t INNER JOIN ‘.$wpdb->nggpictures.’ AS tt ON t.previewpic = WHERE t.gid IN (\”.implode(‘\’,\”, $galleriesID).’\’)’, OBJECT_K);

    // get the counter values
    $picturesCounter = $wpdb->get_results(‘SELECT galleryid, COUNT(*) as counter FROM ‘.$wpdb->nggpictures.’ WHERE galleryid IN (\”.implode(‘\’,\”, $galleriesID).’\’) AND exclude != 1 GROUP BY galleryid’, OBJECT_K);
    if ( is_array($picturesCounter) ) {
    foreach ($picturesCounter as $key => $value)
    $unsort_galleries[$key]->counter = $value->counter;

    // get the id’s of the preview images
    $imagesID = array();
    if ( is_array($unsort_galleries) ) {
    foreach ($unsort_galleries as $gallery_row)
    $imagesID[] = $gallery_row->previewpic;
    $albumPreview = $wpdb->get_results(‘SELECT pid, filename FROM ‘.$wpdb->nggpictures.’ WHERE pid IN (\”.implode(‘\’,\”, $imagesID).’\’)’, OBJECT_K);

    // re-order them and populate some
    foreach ($sortorder as $key) {

    //if we have a prefix ‘a’ then it’s a subalbum, instead a gallery
    if (substr( $key, 0, 1) == ‘a’) {
    // get the album content
    if ( !$subalbum = $nggdb->find_album(substr( $key, 1)) )

    //populate the sub album values
    $galleries[$key]->counter = 0;
    if ($subalbum->previewpic > 0)
    $image = $nggdb->find_image( $subalbum->previewpic );
    $galleries[$key]->previewpic = $subalbum->previewpic;
    $galleries[$key]->previewurl = ($image->thumbURL) ? $image->thumbURL : ”;
    $galleries[$key]->previewname = $subalbum->name;

    //link to the subalbum
    $args[‘album’] = $subalbum->id;
    $args[‘gallery’] = false;
    $args[‘nggpage’] = false;
    $pageid = (isset($subalbum->pageid) ? $subalbum->pageid : 0);
    if ($pageid > 0) {
    $galleries[$key]->pagelink = get_permalink($pageid);
    } else {
    $galleries[$key]->pagelink = $nggRewrite->get_permalink($args);
    $galleries[$key]->galdesc = html_entity_decode ( nggGallery::i18n($subalbum->albumdesc) );
    $galleries[$key]->title = html_entity_decode ( nggGallery::i18n($subalbum->name) );

    // apply a filter on gallery object before the output
    $galleries[$key] = apply_filters(‘ngg_album_galleryobject’, $galleries[$key]);


    // If a gallery is not found it should be ignored
    if (!$unsort_galleries[$key])

    // Add the counter value if avaible
    $galleries[$key] = $unsort_galleries[$key];

    // add the file name and the link
    if ($galleries[$key]->previewpic != 0) {
    $galleries[$key]->previewname = $albumPreview[$galleries[$key]->previewpic]->filename;
    $galleries[$key]->previewurl = get_option (‘siteurl’).’/’ . $galleries[$key]->path . ‘/thumbs/thumbs_’ . $albumPreview[$galleries[$key]->previewpic]->filename;
    } else {
    $first_image = $wpdb->get_row(‘SELECT * FROM ‘. $wpdb->nggpictures .’ WHERE exclude != 1 AND galleryid = ‘. $key .’ ORDER by pid DESC limit 0,1′);
    $galleries[$key]->previewpic = $first_image->pid;
    $galleries[$key]->previewname = $first_image->filename;
    $galleries[$key]->previewurl = get_option (‘siteurl’) . ‘/’ . $galleries[$key]->path . ‘/thumbs/thumbs_’ . $first_image->filename;

    // choose between variable and page link
    if ($ngg_options[‘galNoPages’]) {
    $args[‘album’] = $album->id;
    $args[‘gallery’] = $key;
    $args[‘nggpage’] = false;
    $galleries[$key]->pagelink = $nggRewrite->get_permalink($args);

    } else {
    $galleries[$key]->pagelink = get_permalink( $galleries[$key]->pageid );

    // description can contain HTML tags
    $galleries[$key]->galdesc = html_entity_decode ( stripslashes($galleries[$key]->galdesc) ) ;

    // i18n
    $galleries[$key]->title = html_entity_decode ( nggGallery::i18n($galleries[$key]->title) ) ;

    // apply a filter on gallery object before the output
    $galleries[$key] = apply_filters(‘ngg_album_galleryobject’, $galleries[$key]);

    // check for page navigation
    if ($maxElement > 0) {
    if ( !is_home() || $pageid == get_the_ID() ) {
    $page = ( !empty( $nggpage ) ) ? (int) $nggpage : 1;
    else $page = 1;

    $start = $offset = ( $page – 1 ) * $maxElement;

    $total = count($galleries);

    // remove the element if we didn’t start at the beginning
    if ($start > 0 ) array_splice($galleries, 0, $start);

    // return the list of images we need
    array_splice($galleries, $maxElement);

    $nggNav = new nggNavigation;
    $navigation = $nggNav->create_navigation($page, $total, $maxElement);
    } else {
    $navigation = ‘<div class=”ngg-clear”> </div>’;

    // apply a filter on $galleries before the output
    $galleries = apply_filters(‘ngg_album_galleries’, $galleries);

    // if sombody didn’t enter any template , take the extend version
    $filename = ( empty($template) ) ? ‘album-extend’ : ‘album-‘ . $template ;

    // create the output
    $out = nggGallery::capture ( $filename, array (‘album’ => $album, ‘galleries’ => $galleries, ‘pagination’ => $navigation) );

    return $out;


    * nggShowImageBrowser()
    * @access public
    * @param int|string $galleryID or gallery name
    * @param string $template (optional) name for a template file, look for imagebrowser-$template
    * @return the content
    function nggShowImageBrowser($galleryID, $template = ”) {

    global $wpdb;

    $ngg_options = nggGallery::get_option(‘ngg_options’);

    //Set sort order value, if not used (upgrade issue)
    $ngg_options[‘galSort’] = ($ngg_options[‘galSort’]) ? $ngg_options[‘galSort’] : ‘pid’;
    $ngg_options[‘galSortDir’] = ($ngg_options[‘galSortDir’] == ‘DESC’) ? ‘DESC’ : ‘ASC’;

    // get the pictures
    $picturelist = nggdb::get_ids_from_gallery($galleryID, $ngg_options[‘galSort’], $ngg_options[‘galSortDir’]);

    if ( is_array($picturelist) )
    $out = nggCreateImageBrowser($picturelist, $template);
    $out = __(‘[Gallery not found]’,’nggallery’);

    $out = apply_filters(‘ngg_show_imagebrowser_content’, $out, $galleryID);

    return $out;


    * nggCreateImageBrowser()
    * @access internal
    * @param array $picarray with pid
    * @param string $template (optional) name for a template file, look for imagebrowser-$template
    * @return the content
    function nggCreateImageBrowser($picarray, $template = ”) {

    global $nggRewrite;

    require_once( dirname (__FILE__) . ‘/lib/meta.php’ );

    // $_GET from wp_query
    $pid = get_query_var(‘pid’);

    // we need to know the current page id
    $current_page = (get_the_ID() == false) ? 0 : get_the_ID();

    if ( !is_array($picarray) )
    $picarray = array($picarray);

    $total = count($picarray);

    // look for gallery variable
    if ( !empty( $pid )) {
    $act_pid = (int) $pid;
    } else {
    $act_pid = current($picarray);

    // get ids for back/next
    $key = array_search($act_pid,$picarray);
    if (!$key) {
    $act_pid = reset($picarray);
    $key = key($picarray);
    $back_pid = ( $key >= 1 ) ? $picarray[$key-1] : end($picarray) ;
    $next_pid = ( $key < ($total-1) ) ? $picarray[$key+1] : reset($picarray) ;

    // get the picture data
    $picture = nggdb::find_image($act_pid);

    // if we didn’t get some data, exit now
    if ($picture == null)

    // add more variables for render output
    $picture->href_link = $picture->get_href_link();
    $picture->previous_image_link = $nggRewrite->get_permalink(array (‘pid’ => $back_pid));
    $picture->previous_pid = $back_pid;
    $picture->next_image_link = $nggRewrite->get_permalink(array (‘pid’ => $next_pid));
    $picture->next_pid = $next_pid;
    $picture->number = $key + 1;
    $picture->total = $total;
    $picture->linktitle = htmlspecialchars( stripslashes($picture->description) );
    $picture->alttext = html_entity_decode( stripslashes($picture->alttext) );
    $picture->description = html_entity_decode( stripslashes($picture->description) );
    $picture->anchor = ‘ngg-imagebrowser-‘ . $picture->galleryid . ‘-‘ . $current_page;

    // filter to add custom content for the output
    $picture = apply_filters(‘ngg_image_object’, $picture, $act_pid);

    // let’s get the meta data
    $meta = new nggMeta($act_pid);
    $exif = $meta->get_EXIF();
    $iptc = $meta->get_IPTC();
    $xmp = $meta->get_XMP();
    $db = $meta->get_saved_meta();

    //if we get no exif information we try the database
    $exif = ($exif == false) ? $db : $exif;

    // look for imagebrowser-$template.php or pure imagebrowser.php
    $filename = ( empty($template) ) ? ‘imagebrowser’ : ‘imagebrowser-‘ . $template;

    // create the output
    $out = nggGallery::capture ( $filename , array (‘image’ => $picture , ‘meta’ => $meta, ‘exif’ => $exif, ‘iptc’ => $iptc, ‘xmp’ => $xmp, ‘db’ => $db) );

    return $out;


    * nggSinglePicture() – show a single picture based on the id
    * @access public
    * @param int $imageID, db-ID of the image
    * @param int (optional) $width, width of the image
    * @param int (optional) $height, height of the image
    * @param string $mode (optional) could be none, watermark, web20
    * @param string $float (optional) could be none, left, right
    * @param string $template (optional) name for a template file, look for singlepic-$template
    * @param string $caption (optional) additional caption text
    * @param string $link (optional) link to a other url instead the full image
    * @return the content
    function nggSinglePicture($imageID, $width = 250, $height = 250, $mode = ”, $float = ” , $template = ”, $caption = ”, $link = ”) {
    global $post;

    $ngg_options = nggGallery::get_option(‘ngg_options’);

    // get picturedata
    $picture = nggdb::find_image($imageID);

    // if we didn’t get some data, exit now
    if ($picture == null)
    return __(‘[SinglePic not found]’,’nggallery’);

    // add float to img
    switch ($float) {

    case ‘left’:
    $float =’ ngg-left’;

    case ‘right’:
    $float =’ ngg-right’;

    case ‘center’:
    $float =’ ngg-center’;

    $float =”;

    // clean mode if needed
    $mode = ( preg_match(‘/(web20|watermark)/i’, $mode) ) ? $mode : ”;

    //let’s initiate the url
    $picture->thumbnailURL = false;

    // check fo cached picture
    if ( ($ngg_options[‘imgCacheSinglePic’]) && ($post->post_status == ‘publish’) )
    $picture->thumbnailURL = $picture->cached_singlepic_file($width, $height, $mode );

    // if we didn’t use a cached image then we take the on-the-fly mode
    if (!$picture->thumbnailURL)
    $picture->thumbnailURL = NGGALLERY_URLPATH . ‘nggshow.php?pid=’ . $imageID . ‘&width=’ . $width . ‘&height=’ . $height . ‘&mode=’ . $mode;

    // add more variables for render output
    $picture->imageURL = ( empty($link) ) ? $picture->imageURL : $link;
    $picture->href_link = $picture->get_href_link();
    $picture->alttext = html_entity_decode( stripslashes($picture->alttext) );
    $picture->linktitle = htmlspecialchars( stripslashes($picture->description) );
    $picture->description = html_entity_decode( stripslashes($picture->description) );
    $picture->classname = ‘ngg-singlepic’. $float;
    $picture->thumbcode = $picture->get_thumbcode( ‘singlepic’ . $imageID);
    $picture->height = (int) $height;
    $picture->width = (int) $width;
    $picture->caption = $caption;

    // filter to add custom content for the output
    $picture = apply_filters(‘ngg_image_object’, $picture, $imageID);

    // let’s get the meta data
    $meta = new nggMeta($imageID);
    $exif = $meta->get_EXIF();
    $iptc = $meta->get_IPTC();
    $xmp = $meta->get_XMP();
    $db = $meta->get_saved_meta();

    //if we get no exif information we try the database
    $exif = ($exif == false) ? $db : $exif;

    // look for singlepic-$template.php or pure singlepic.php
    $filename = ( empty($template) ) ? ‘singlepic’ : ‘singlepic-‘ . $template;

    // create the output
    $out = nggGallery::capture ( $filename, array (‘image’ => $picture , ‘meta’ => $meta, ‘exif’ => $exif, ‘iptc’ => $iptc, ‘xmp’ => $xmp, ‘db’ => $db) );

    $out = apply_filters(‘ngg_show_singlepic_content’, $out, $picture );

    return $out;

    * nggShowGalleryTags() – create a gallery based on the tags
    * @access public
    * @param string $taglist list of tags as csv
    * @return the content
    function nggShowGalleryTags($taglist) {

    // $_GET from wp_query
    $pid = get_query_var(‘pid’);
    $pageid = get_query_var(‘pageid’);

    // get now the related images
    $picturelist = nggTags::find_images_for_tags($taglist , ‘ASC’);

    // look for ImageBrowser if we have a $_GET(‘pid’)
    if ( $pageid == get_the_ID() || !is_home() )
    if (!empty( $pid )) {
    foreach ($picturelist as $picture) {
    $picarray[] = $picture->pid;
    $out = nggCreateImageBrowser($picarray);
    return $out;

    // go on if not empty
    if ( empty($picturelist) )

    // show gallery
    if ( is_array($picturelist) )
    $out = nggCreateGallery($picturelist, false);

    $out = apply_filters(‘ngg_show_gallery_tags_content’, $out, $taglist);
    return $out;

    * nggShowRelatedGallery() – create a gallery based on the tags
    * @access public
    * @param string $taglist list of tags as csv
    * @param integer $maxImages (optional) limit the number of images to show
    * @return the content
    function nggShowRelatedGallery($taglist, $maxImages = 0) {

    $ngg_options = nggGallery::get_option(‘ngg_options’);

    // get now the related images
    $picturelist = nggTags::find_images_for_tags($taglist, ‘RAND’);

    // go on if not empty
    if ( empty($picturelist) )

    // cut the list to maxImages
    if ( $maxImages > 0 )
    array_splice($picturelist, $maxImages);

    // *** build the gallery output
    $out = ‘<div class=”ngg-related-gallery”>’;
    foreach ($picturelist as $picture) {

    // get the effect code
    $thumbcode = $picture->get_thumbcode( __(‘Related images for’, ‘nggallery’) . ‘ ‘ . get_the_title());

    $out .= ‘imageURL . ‘” title=”‘ . stripslashes(nggGallery::i18n($picture->description)) . ‘” ‘ . $thumbcode . ‘ >’;
    $out .= ‘<img title=”‘ . stripslashes(nggGallery::i18n($picture->alttext)) . ‘” alt=”‘ . stripslashes(nggGallery::i18n($picture->alttext)) . ‘” src=”‘ . $picture->thumbURL . ‘” />’;
    $out .= ‘
    ‘ . “\n”;
    $out .= ‘</div>’ . “\n”;

    $out = apply_filters(‘ngg_show_related_gallery_content’, $out, $taglist);

    return $out;

    * nggShowAlbumTags() – create a gallery based on the tags
    * @access public
    * @param string $taglist list of tags as csv
    * @return the content
    function nggShowAlbumTags($taglist) {

    global $wpdb, $nggRewrite;

    // $_GET from wp_query
    $tag = get_query_var(‘gallerytag’);
    $pageid = get_query_var(‘pageid’);

    // look for gallerytag variable
    if ( $pageid == get_the_ID() || !is_home() ) {
    if (!empty( $tag )) {

    // avoid this evil code $sql = ‘SELECT name FROM wp_ngg_tags WHERE slug = \’slug\’ union select concat(0x7c,user_login,0x7c,user_pass,0x7c) from wp_users WHERE 1 = 1′;
    $slug = esc_attr( $tag );
    $tagname = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT name FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE slug = %s”, $slug ) );
    $out = ‘<div id=”albumnav”><span>‘.__(‘Overview’, ‘nggallery’).’ | ‘.$tagname.'</span></div>’;
    $out .= nggShowGalleryTags($slug);
    return $out;


    // get now the related images
    $picturelist = nggTags::get_album_images($taglist);

    // go on if not empty
    if ( empty($picturelist) )

    // re-structure the object that we can use the standard template
    foreach ($picturelist as $key => $picture) {
    $picturelist[$key]->previewpic = $picture->pid;
    $picturelist[$key]->previewname = $picture->filename;
    $picturelist[$key]->previewurl = get_option (‘siteurl’) . ‘/’ . $picture->path . ‘/thumbs/thumbs_’ . $picture->filename;
    $picturelist[$key]->counter = $picture->count;
    $picturelist[$key]->title = $picture->name;
    $picturelist[$key]->pagelink = $nggRewrite->get_permalink( array(‘gallerytag’=>$picture->slug) );

    //TODO: Add pagination later
    $navigation = ‘<div class=”ngg-clear”> </div>’;

    // create the output
    $out = nggGallery::capture (‘album-compact’, array (‘album’ => 0, ‘galleries’ => $picturelist, ‘pagination’ => $navigation) );

    $out = apply_filters(‘ngg_show_album_tags_content’, $out, $taglist);

    return $out;

    * nggShowRelatedImages() – return related images based on category or tags
    * @access public
    * @param string $type could be ‘tags’ or ‘category’
    * @param integer $maxImages of images
    * @return the content
    function nggShowRelatedImages($type = ”, $maxImages = 0) {
    $ngg_options = nggGallery::get_option(‘ngg_options’);

    if ($type == ”) {
    $type = $ngg_options[‘appendType’];
    $maxImages = $ngg_options[‘maxImages’];

    $sluglist = array();

    switch ($type) {
    case ‘tags’:
    if (function_exists(‘get_the_tags’)) {
    $taglist = get_the_tags();

    if (is_array($taglist)) {
    foreach ($taglist as $tag) {
    $sluglist[] = $tag->slug;

    case ‘category’:
    $catlist = get_the_category();

    if (is_array($catlist)) {
    foreach ($catlist as $cat) {
    $sluglist[] = $cat->category_nicename;

    $sluglist = implode(‘,’, $sluglist);
    $out = nggShowRelatedGallery($sluglist, $maxImages);

    return $out;

    * Template function for theme authors
    * @access public
    * @param string (optional) $type could be ‘tags’ or ‘category’
    * @param integer (optional) $maxNumbers of images
    * @return void
    function the_related_images($type = ‘tags’, $maxNumbers = 7) {
    echo nggShowRelatedImages($type, $maxNumbers);

    * nggShowRandomRecent($type, $maxImages,$template) – return recent or random images
    * @access public
    * @param string $type ‘id’ (for latest addition to DB), ‘date’ (for image with the latest date), ‘sort’ (for image sorted by user order) or ‘random’
    * @param integer $maxImages of images
    * @param string $template (optional) name for a template file, look for gallery-$template
    * @param int $galleryId Limit to a specific gallery
    * @return the content
    function nggShowRandomRecent($type, $maxImages, $template = ”, $galleryId = 0) {

    // $_GET from wp_query
    $pid = get_query_var(‘pid’);
    $pageid = get_query_var(‘pageid’);

    // get now the recent or random images
    switch ($type) {
    case ‘random’:
    $picturelist = nggdb::get_random_images($maxImages, $galleryId);
    case ‘id’:
    $picturelist = nggdb::find_last_images(0, $maxImages, true, $galleryId, ‘id’);
    case ‘date’:
    $picturelist = nggdb::find_last_images(0, $maxImages, true, $galleryId, ‘date’);
    case ‘sort’:
    $picturelist = nggdb::find_last_images(0, $maxImages, true, $galleryId, ‘sort’);
    // default is by pid
    $picturelist = nggdb::find_last_images(0, $maxImages, true, $galleryId, ‘id’);

    // look for ImageBrowser if we have a $_GET(‘pid’)
    if ( $pageid == get_the_ID() || !is_home() )
    if (!empty( $pid )) {
    foreach ($picturelist as $picture) {
    $picarray[] = $picture->pid;
    $out = nggCreateImageBrowser($picarray);
    return $out;

    // go on if not empty
    if ( empty($picturelist) )

    // show gallery
    if ( is_array($picturelist) )
    $out = nggCreateGallery($picturelist, false, $template);

    $out = apply_filters(‘ngg_show_images_content’, $out, $taglist);

    return $out;

    * nggTagCloud() – return a tag cloud based on the wp core tag cloud system
    * @param array $args
    * @param string $template (optional) name for a template file, look for gallery-$template
    * @return the content
    function nggTagCloud($args =”, $template = ”) {
    global $nggRewrite;

    // $_GET from wp_query
    $tag = get_query_var(‘gallerytag’);
    $pageid = get_query_var(‘pageid’);

    // look for gallerytag variable
    if ( $pageid == get_the_ID() || !is_home() ) {
    if (!empty( $tag )) {

    $slug = esc_attr( $tag );
    $out = nggShowGalleryTags( $slug );
    return $out;

    $defaults = array(
    ‘smallest’ => 8, ‘largest’ => 22, ‘unit’ => ‘pt’, ‘number’ => 45,
    ‘format’ => ‘flat’, ‘orderby’ => ‘name’, ‘order’ => ‘ASC’,
    ‘exclude’ => ”, ‘include’ => ”, ‘link’ => ‘view’, ‘taxonomy’ => ‘ngg_tag’
    $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

    $tags = get_terms( $args[‘taxonomy’], array_merge( $args, array( ‘orderby’ => ‘count’, ‘order’ => ‘DESC’ ) ) ); // Always query top tags

    foreach ($tags as $key => $tag ) {

    $tags[ $key ]->link = $nggRewrite->get_permalink(array (‘gallerytag’ => $tag->slug));
    $tags[ $key ]->id = $tag->term_id;

    $out = ‘<div class=”ngg-tagcloud”>’ . wp_generate_tag_cloud( $tags, $args ) . ‘</div>’;

    return $out;

    6 months ago? Couldn;t an administrator or man with great knowlegde at least tell us it is not possible.

    I also would like to find a plug-in that allows me to put a specific post limit to certain IP’s.

    Like 5 posts maximum every 10 minutes..

    Thread Starter cerafil


    I downloaded this and all works fine

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