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  • Thread Starter centturian


    I’d just like to have $30 in my pocket, but times are hard so I have to pick Themes that don’t cost anything. So I started afresh and used the twenty-seventeen theme for WordPress which doesn’t cost anything at all. But how do you change the graphics on the site other than the one with the skull and bottles?

    Thread Starter centturian


    I’m sorry about that. But I didn’t pay for it. When I looked for other websites when I first put up WordPress it was one of the sites returned in the search. I wasn’t asked to pay for it or asked to go Pro like other professional themes you get on WordPress.

    Thread Starter centturian


    I actually started off using the ‘Free’ version of this plugin but purchased the Premium version just last week.

    Any way It turns out that it wasn’t the plugin that was at fault but the wordpress frame work had an issue with its PHP. When I contacted Namecheap (my service provider sorted it in about 10 minutes.

    So everything is working as it should and I’ll know what to do if I need help in the future. Ask my provider before trying to contact other people.

    Thread Starter centturian


    Yes, I get your drift. Even If I used ‘Twenty Seventeen’ or one of the other default templates I’d still be in the same boat (sorry, couldn’t stop myself).

    So it’s down to the plugins to set up my seafaring exploits.

    Thanks for taking the time to put me on the right track.

    Best regards


    Thread Starter centturian


    Perhaps I need to be a little more forthcoming. I wanted a website that allows me to write a daily blog and add videos and write stories about life afloat.

    An on-line ships log if you like.

    Sorry to be vague but I haven’t had a site up before and I’m stumbling from one problem to the next. I suppose I’d better start with a sailing theme.


    Thread Starter centturian


    Thanks Guys I’ll try some of these surgestions you’ve made and see if any fit the bill.

    Thanks again for your time.

    Thread Starter centturian


    Thanks for the offer but one of your colleagues at Etoile already emailed me with a new key which I’ve entered into the plugin and everythings Ok now.

    Thanks again.


    Thread Starter centturian


    I think you have the patients of a saint to put up with my wining all the time and thankyou for laying it out so clearly for me to follow along.

    I decide to reset the database back to its origanal state and start afresh. Only problem is it also reset the plugin so I had to re-install the key you sent me. Ofcourse the plugin wouldn’t accept the key and I had to go back to the email you sent me with the last key I recieved and ask them (you) for another key.

    If you send one I will closely follow your above instructions to the letter as well as printing out the full documentation pluss the videos (19) I found on Youtube.

    That should at least get me something that resembles your ‘Demo Site’

    Once again Thankyou for all your help.

    Thread Starter centturian


    I followed your lead and I’m still suffering from vertical lettering.

    Do you know anyone who can set this site up for me at a reasnable price. Because at this rate the Internet will be out of fashion by the time I’m finished.


    Thread Starter centturian


    In the last post it should have been [product-catalogue id=”3″] and not id=3

    Sorry about that.

    Thread Starter centturian


    I found the Catalogue ID, but when I entered it as discribed in the ‘Product Catalogue’ Youtube channel [product-catalogue id=3] the result was the wording on the front page is now in a verticle line.

    Not doing particually well

    Thread Starter centturian


    Thanks for the reply,

    But where do I find my catalogue ID in the Ultimate Product Catalog plugin

    as I haven’t got a clue where it is.

    Sorry to be so negative.

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter centturian


    Don’t bother returning Steve

    I sorted the problem by tinkering with the code for half an hour until it all came together.



    Thread Starter centturian


    This is strange

    The CSS code i put into the live site which pushed the header banner over to the right doesn’t work on the Localhost for some reason. I get an error warning:

    Expected RBRACE at line 11, col 1,

    You’d think if it worked in one WordPress it would work in other’s.

    Any theories as to why this is happening. Thanks.


    Thread Starter centturian


    My apologies Steve

    I’ve just set up a localhost and forgot about the live one.

    I blame it on being 73 as I couldn’t think of anything else.

    I’m sure you’ve got better things to do.

    Thanks anyway.


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