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  • Thread Starter celsojunior


    Screenshot and console log:

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()
    main.js?ver=1.9.5:76 crop-thumbnails connection error ERROR Proxy(Object)[[Handler]]: Qh_isReadonly: false_isShallow: false[[Prototype]]: Jhconstructor: class QhdeleteProperty: ? deleteProperty(t,n)has: ? has(t,n)ownKeys: ? ownKeys(t)set: ? set(t,n,i,s)[[Prototype]]: Object[[Target]]: Objectadditional_errors: []length: 0[[Prototype]]: Array(0)at: ? at()concat: ? concat()constructor: ? Array()copyWithin: ? copyWithin()entries: ? entries()every: ? every()fill: ? fill()filter: ? filter()find: ? find()findIndex: ? findIndex()findLast: ? findLast()findLastIndex: ? findLastIndex()flat: ? flat()flatMap: ? flatMap()forEach: ? forEach()includes: ? includes()indexOf: ? indexOf()join: ? join()keys: ? keys()lastIndexOf: ? lastIndexOf()length: 0map: ? map()pop: ? pop()push: ? push()reduce: ? reduce()reduceRight: ? reduceRight()reverse: ? reverse()shift: ? shift()slice: ? slice()some: ? some()sort: ? sort()splice: ? splice()toLocaleString: ? toLocaleString()toReversed: ? toReversed()toSorted: ? toSorted()toSpliced: ? toSpliced()toString: ? toString()unshift: ? unshift()values: ? values()with: ? with()Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ? values()Symbol(Symbol.unscopables): {at: true, copyWithin: true, entries: true, fill: true, find: true,?…}[[Prototype]]: Objectcode: "internal_server_error"data: {status: 500, error: {…}}message: "<p>Há um erro crítico no seu site.</p><p><a href=\"\">Saiba mais sobre a como resolver problemas do WordPress.</a></p>"[[Prototype]]: Objectconstructor: ? Object()hasOwnProperty: ? hasOwnProperty()isPrototypeOf: ? isPrototypeOf()propertyIsEnumerable: ? propertyIsEnumerable()toLocaleString: ? toLocaleString()toString: ? toString()valueOf: ? valueOf()__defineGetter__: ? __defineGetter__()__defineSetter__: ? __defineSetter__()__lookupGetter__: ? __lookupGetter__()__lookupSetter__: ? __lookupSetter__()__proto__: (...)get __proto__: ? __proto__()set __proto__: ? __proto__()[[IsRevoked]]: false
    (anonymous) @ main.js?ver=1.9.5:76
    Thread Starter celsojunior


    Randomly fails depending on the CPT… Most active CPTs don’t show the error, but in others this error remains, no matter what the image is. I’m not using cache!

    SUCCESS Temporary directory exists
    SUCCESS Copy testfile to temporary directory
    SUCCESS Testfile was successfully added to media-library. (ID:313995)
    SUCCESS Cropping the file
    SUCCESS Cropped image dimensions are correct.
    SUCCESS Test-attachement successfull deleted (ID:313995)
    SUCCESS Remove testfile from temporary directory
    INFO Tests complete
    INFO ----- System -----
    INFO Crop-Thumbnails 1.9.5
    INFO PHP 8.3.14
    INFO PHP memory limit 256M
    INFO Server nginx/1.27.3
    INFO WP_Image_Editor_Imagick (choosed WordPress imageeditor class for jpg)
    INFO ----- Active Plugins -----
    INFO - advanced-custom-fields/acf.php
    INFO - classic-editor/classic-editor.php
    INFO - crop-thumbnails/crop-thumbnails.php
    INFO - imsanity/imsanity.php
    INFO - jetpack/jetpack.php
    INFO - nginx-helper/nginx-helper.php
    INFO - smart-slider-3/smart-slider-3.php
    INFO - twitter-auto-publish/twitter-auto-publish.php
    INFO - wordpress-seo-premium/wp-seo-premium.php
    INFO - wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php
    INFO - wp-gdpr-cookie-notice/wp-gdpr-cookie-notice.php
    INFO - wp-original-media-path/wp_original_media_path.php
    INFO - wp-pagenavi/wp-pagenavi.php
    INFO - wps-hide-login/wps-hide-login.php
    INFO ----- Image Sizes -----
    INFO {"width":300,"height":210,"crop":true,"name":"thumbnail","id":"thumbnail"}
    INFO {"width":300,"height":210,"crop":false,"name":"medium","id":"medium"}
    INFO {"width":768,"height":0,"crop":false,"name":"medium_large","id":"medium_large"}
    INFO {"width":610,"height":500,"crop":false,"name":"large","id":"large"}
    INFO {"width":1536,"height":1536,"crop":false,"name":"1536x1536","id":"1536x1536"}
    INFO {"width":2048,"height":2048,"crop":false,"name":"2048x2048","id":"2048x2048"}
    INFO {"width":420,"height":245,"crop":true,"name":"medium-thumbs","id":"medium-thumbs"}
    INFO {"width":300,"height":197,"crop":true,"name":"mini-thumbs","id":"mini-thumbs"}
    INFO {"width":480,"height":614,"crop":true,"name":"vertical-thumbs","id":"vertical-thumbs"}
    INFO {"width":630,"height":428,"crop":true,"name":"horizontal-thumbs","id":"horizontal-thumbs"}
    INFO {"width":420,"height":420,"crop":true,"name":"square-thumbs","id":"square-thumbs"}
    INFO {"width":500,"height":700,"crop":true,"name":"single-thumbs","id":"single-thumbs"}
    INFO {"width":700,"height":470,"crop":true,"name":"Horizontal","id":"single-horizontal"}
    INFO {"width":700,"height":1000,"crop":true,"name":"Vertical","id":"single-vertical"}
    INFO {"width":600,"height":1000,"crop":true,"name":"Super Vertical","id":"single-vertical-expanded"}
    INFO {"width":350,"height":500,"crop":true,"name":"Vertical Esquerda","id":"single-vertical-esquerda"}
    INFO {"width":350,"height":500,"crop":true,"name":"Vertical Direita","id":"single-vertical-direita"}
    Thread Starter celsojunior


    Hey there!

    So… The error appears randomly when I click on CROP FEATURED IMAGE within a Custom Post Type. In some CPT’s the error doesn’t appear, but in others it does, but all CPT’s have the same setup. I don’t use CDN and no log errors were generated.


    Hey there!

    I just tested all 1.9.x versions and they all still show the server error. Only version 1.8.0 is OK.

    nginx version: freenginx/1.27.3
    mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.6.20-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper
    PHP 8.3

    Olha que estranho… Quando ativo o registro de log o retorno do Pix chega perfeito!!! MAS quando desativo o log o retorno volta a dar erro. Consegue replicar esse teste aí?

    Estou tendo o mesmo problema em 2 sites que est?o hospedados em servidores diferentes. Ambos est?o sem Cloudflare e n?o possuem nenhum outro cache configurado.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by celsojunior.
    Thread Starter celsojunior


    Claudio, a quest?o é que eu n?o tenho interesse em usar o Meu objetivo é continuar trabalhando com o Pagseguro, mesmo ele pagando igual de 1 a 24 vezes.

    Você n?o poderia, por gentileza, implementar essa solu??o no plugin? Eu n?o sou muito f? de fazer hacks, mas caso você n?o vá implementar, serei obrigado a fazer, infelizmente.

    Valeu, borther!!!

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