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  • Thread Starter Celso Bessa


    Thanks for the response SM. I tested in two different environment, all of them using NGINX. Siteground and a Digital Ocean droplet.

    Thread Starter Celso Bessa


    First: sorry for not answering before. I had a lot of work in the last weeks.

    In my case, the last update (3.5.0) resolved the issued.

    Thread Starter Celso Bessa


    Hi @clorith ,thanks for the response

    > Would you be able to share the address of your site, it may be something strange with
    > the path it’s receiving as you mention it works on the other sites?

    this website

    > Are those the only messages you receive, or do you have anything relating to files
    > not being found or getting other errors that may appear unrelated?

    Yes, there is an request to which obviously fails because of the s added to .br. At first glance seems related to WPEngine strong passwords MU plugin. I will take a deeper look later and give you more info.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Schema] Gateway Error

    Just adding a report. It gives error 502.

    – Multisite install with subdomains
    – WPEngine hosted
    – Even after I turn WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG on, no error log is produced (because it gives 502 before logging, I guess)
    – If I change my theme for the default on and deactivate all plugins and except Schema, it gives the error. As soon as I deactivate it, it works.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Celso Bessa. Reason: more information

    Hey @pdsmatt, I see you asked this on Stacexchange as well. Seems to me that you need to exclude jQuery from autoptimization as well because you are excluding some scripts that require it (jquery.vmap.usa.js, jquery.vmap.js, jquery.vmap.min.js, jquery.vmap.packed.js, jqvmap.css ) and if jQuery is autoptimized, it will be enqueued AFTER the scripts that need it to run.

    @marcosaccioly By the way, the plugin PO files are not update to version 1.1.4.

    here you can find the update PO file for pt_BR:

    @55don @wpmugrur maybe the answer i gave in this thread helps?

    @edwardsmarkf If I understood correctly you want to keep the plugin set to “Redirect administration pages to site’s original domain” AND make possible to users use customizer.

    I solved this by modifying 2 lines in the plugin file and checking if there’s an customizer object. If there is, the redirection doesn’t happen.

    function dm_redirect_admin() {// line 607 on WordPress MU Domain Mapping
    	// don't redirect admin ajax calls
    	if ( strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'wp-admin/admin-ajax.php' ) !== false )
    	global $wp_customize; // gets $wp_customize global
    	if ( get_site_option( 'dm_redirect_admin' ) && !isset($wp_customize) ) { // redirects to original url only if $wp_customize is not set
    		// redirect mapped domain admin page to original url
    		$url = get_original_url( 'siteurl' );
    		if ( false === strpos( $url, $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_HOST' ] ) ) {
    			wp_redirect( untrailingslashit( $url ) . $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ] );
    	} else {
    		global $current_blog;
    		// redirect original url to primary domain wp-admin/ - remote login is disabled!
    		$url = domain_mapping_siteurl( false );
    		$request_uri = str_replace( $current_blog->path, '/', $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ] );
    		if ( false === strpos( $url, $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_HOST' ] ) ) {
    			wp_redirect( str_replace( '//wp-admin', '/wp-admin', trailingslashit( $url ) . $request_uri ) );

    Remember to backup the original plugin files (or use a versioning system to keep track of change).

    You can see both the original and the modified functions on and the code belows

    Thread Starter Celso Bessa


    you’re welcome

    @ricardods em tese, sim. Mas o código de exemplo que mostrei se refere apenas ao modo e regi?o. Para ter o valor, precisaria modificar e pegar outras informa??es e n?o estou seguro de que as que coloquei no código abaixo sejam as corretas ou da forma mais eficiente. No momento estou correndo com outras coisas e n?o posso testar a fundo.

    Sugiro aguardar uns dias para ver se o autor do plugin consegue arranjar tempo para responder e validar a idéia. (lembre-se, os autores de plugins geralmente tem outras responsabilidade e nem sempre podem visitar o site de suporte)

    Suponho que você já tenha configurado 2 zonas –Zona de Entrega Regi?o SUL e Sudeste e Restante do País –, correto? Se você clicar em PAC em cada uma das regi?es, verá que a url tem um parametro chamado instance_id, e este parametro é diferente para cada uma das regi?es. vamo supor instance_id=2 para Regi?o Sul/Sudeste e instance_id=3 para restante do país.

    function seuprefixo_pac_gratis($arr, $instance_id){
    global $woocommerce;
    $cart_subtotal = WC()->cart->cart_contents_total;
    if ( 2 === $instance_id && $cart_subtotal >= 150.00 ) {
    $arr[‘cost’] = 000;
    } elseif ( 3 === $instance_id && $cart_subtotal >= 250.00) {
    $arr[‘cost’] = 000;
    return $arr;
    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_correios_correios-pac_rate’, ‘seuprefixo_pac_gratis’);

    Basicamente, o código diz SE instance_id igual 2 e o total dos ítens no carrinho for acima de 150, o custo é 000. Se n?o for, verifica se a instance_id é 3 e o total dos ítens no carrinho for acima de 250 e aplica custo 000 também. Usei 3 algarismos para 0,00 pois o plugin normaliza os pre?os, removendo vírgulas e pontos.

    Importante: n?o testei o código, se você for usar, fa?a primeiro em um site de teste/desenvolvimento.

    Danilo, tive esta necessidade hoje eu resolvi isto usando um filtro. Você pode adicionar um ao functions.php do seu tema, tema filho ou plugin específico do site (site specific plugin).

    function seuprefixo_pac_gratis($arr, $instance_id){
        $arr['cost'] = 000;
        // você pode filtrar por instance_id. Por exemplo, para deixar grátis apenas em certas áreas
        // você encontra este parametro na página de configura??o do método (e.g. wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=shipping&instance_id=5)
        // if ( === $instance_id ) {
        // $arr['cost'] = 000;
        // }
        return $arr;
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_correios_correios-pac_rate', 'seuprefixo_pac_gratis');

    Para filtrar outros métodos de envio do Woocommerce Correios, troque ‘correios-pac’ no nome do filtro pelo id do método. (e.g. ‘correios-carta-registrada’, ‘correios-sedex-hoje’, ‘correios-sedex’, ‘correios-sedex-10-envelope’ ).


    function seuprefixo_sedex_hoje_gratis($arr, $instance_id){
        $arr['cost'] = 000;
        return $arr;
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_correios_correios-sedex-hoje_rate', 'seuprefixo_sedex_hoje_gratis');

    (gist em )

    I’ve sent an email to plugin authors to check if they are OK and if they have plans to update the plugin. Hope nothing serious happened to them.

    Meanwhile, i forked the plugin on Github and set a milestone to 1.6.0 version with a few enhancement and feature requests, including support to CloudFlare’s V4 API.

    I can’t tackle this right now, not alone. So, anyone willing and able to help is welcome.

    Thread Starter Celso Bessa


    My pleasure

    Just sharing a performance concern + how i worked around. Maybe it helps you guys.

    I thought that, maybe, having a var space too big could have a negative impact on performance. And, as my website is on WPEngine, i can’t change php.ini. So, I worked around like this on , which is a multisite install:

    • created a custom capability ( e.g. foo_dashboardaccess ) using User Role Editor plugin;
    • added this new capability only for specific foles (e.g. admin or editors);
    • installed Remove Dashboard Access plugin and allowed access only to those specific role. Could have done this by code as well;
    • in order to enforce this policy, I removed all capabilities, except read, for author, contributor and subscriber roles.;
    • as these roles don’t have access to WP dashboard anymore, one needs to use Adminimize only for the allowed roles. Thus, needs less var space and <i>minimize</i> (pun intended) the problem of loosing settings
    Thread Starter Celso Bessa


    Yep, but be careful with the dot on subdomain replacement. It would be something like:

    $sources[ $source['value'] ][ 'url' ] = str_replace('https://example', 'https://static1.', $sources[ $source['value'] ][ 'url' ]);

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