Forum Replies Created
Thanks! Anyway I can get a bit of help checking on this. Can I email you directly?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Theme: TwentyFourteen] blog feed thumbnail image issue<div class=”blogfeed_cont”>
<div class=”container”>
<div class=”blogfeed_left”><h2>Blog feed</h2>
<ul class=”feed_list”>
<?php query_posts(‘category_name=blog&posts_per_page=9&order=ASC’);
while(have_posts()): the_post();
” class=”blog_img”> <img src=”<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID, ‘full’) );?>” alt=”img” />
<h3>“><?php echo get_the_title(); ?></h3>
<p><?php echo substr(get_the_excerpt(), 0,130); ?>….</p>
“>Read more</div>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<i class=”clear_0″> </i>
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Enlarge blog title – single post pageHey BusyMomiBee –
Thanks for the info. I did enlarge the h2 so that the blog post title is a bit bigger but I really want to set the blog post title to be h1 instead of h2. Any ideas on how to do this?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Enlarge blog title – single post pageno I haven’t. Is that in the css stylesheet?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Connections Business Directory] creating columnsThanks for the response. I am using the forked responsive theme and will not be changing… anyway to use some sort of page layout shortcodes? This is for a list of food truck vendors.
Maybe I could create a category – vendors A-M and put that on the left side and then create category – vendors N-Z and put them on the right half. Are there connection shortcodes like that where I can place a certain category somewhere and not have filtering at the top..?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Post Type UI] links not workingactually… thanks for everything. I just figured it out.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Post Type UI] links not workingForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Post Type UI] links not workingHi.. that’s not working either. Are you available offline by email?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Post Type UI] links not workingThank you soon much for your time. I made the change and now the link goes to https://bayareacbtcenter.com/book/acceptance-commitment-therapy-for-interpersonal-problems-2/#
I notice that on the book set up there is a custom field – for example the first book listed
has name as Buy Now and value as https://www.amazon.com/The-Interpersonal-Problems-Workbook-Relationship/dp/1608828360so the links are correct and go to the actual amazon purchase page. not sure why the code you gave isn’t working.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Post Type UI] links not workingJust found this in the editor – child theme
has a section addressing the books. not sure what to do with the Buy now! since there are 2 books and only one # to change
Any ideas?
titled: whatwetreat-single.php
[ Moderator note: Code fixed, please wrap code in backticks or use the code button. ]
<h2>Books</h2> <ul class="nostyle"> <?php query_posts('post_type=book&posts_per_page=-1');while(have_posts()): the_post();?> <li> <span class="book_img"><img src="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID, 'full') );?>" alt="img" /></span> <span><?php echo get_the_title(); ?></span> <a href="#">Buy now!</a> <i class="clear_0">?</i> </li> <?php endwhile;wp_reset_query(); ?> titled: whatwetreat-single.php whole format below... <?php /** * The Template for displaying all single posts * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Twenty_Fourteen * @since Twenty Fourteen 1.0 */ get_header(); ?> <div class="main_content"> <div class="left_content"> <div id="primary" class="content-area"> <div id="content" class="site-content" role="main"> <?php // Start the Loop. while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); $current_post_id = $post->ID; /* * Include the post format-specific template for the content. If you want to * use this in a child theme, then include a file called called content-___.php * (where ___ is the post format) and that will be used instead. */ get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() ); // Previous/next post navigation. //twentyfourteen_post_nav(); // If comments are open or we have at least one comment, load up the comment template. /*if ( comments_open() || get_comments_number() ) { comments_template(); }*/ endwhile; ?> </div><!-- #content --> </div><!-- #primary --> </div> <div class="right_content"> <div class="right_contbox rightcontwarp"> <h3>What We Offer</h3> <div class="offere_slider"> <ul class="slides"> <?php query_posts('post_type=what we offer&posts_per_page=-1'); while(have_posts()): the_post(); ?> <li><a>ID, 'what_we_offer_page_link', true); ?>"> <img src="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID, 'full') );?>" alt="img" /> </a> <span style="display:block;"><a>ID, 'what_we_offer_page_link', true); ?>"><?php echo get_the_title(); ?></a></span> </li> <?php endwhile; wp_reset_query();?> </div> </div> <div class="right_contbox rightmenu_wrap "> <h3>What We Treat</h3> <ul class="right_menulist"> <?php query_posts('post_type=what we treat&order_by=title&order=ASC&posts_per_page=-1'); while(have_posts()): the_post(); ?> <li <?php echo ($post->ID == $current_post_id) ? 'class="active"' : '';?>><a>"><?php echo get_the_title(); ?></a> <?php endwhile;wp_reset_query(); ?> </div> <div class="right_contbox blogfeed_rtcrau"> <h2>Blog Feeds</h2> <a>?</a> <div class="jCarouselLite"> <ul class="nostyle"> <?php query_posts('category_name=blog&posts_per_page=-1'); while(have_posts()): the_post(); ?> <li> <div class="post_img"><img src="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID, 'full') );?>" alt="img" /> </div> <div class="post_desc"><?php echo get_the_title(); ?></div> <i class="clear_0">?</i> </li> <?php endwhile; ?> </div> <a>?</a> </div> <div class="right_contbox"> <h2>Books</h2> <ul class="nostyle"> <?php query_posts('post_type=book&posts_per_page=-1');while(have_posts()): the_post();?> <li> <span class="book_img"><img src="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID, 'full') );?>" alt="img" /></span> <span><?php echo get_the_title(); ?></span> <a href="#">Buy now!</a> <i class="clear_0">?</i> </li> <?php endwhile;wp_reset_query(); ?> </div> <div class="office_cont right_contbox"> <?php dynamic_sidebar('office_Add'); ?> </div> </div> <i class="clear_0">?</i> </div> </div> <?php get_footer();
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Post Type UI] links not workingThanks for writing back.. yes I checked the sidebar widget area but the web designer (dropped off and not available) didn’t set it up that way which is why I am so stuck. It doesn’t make sense how the sidebar is showing what it’s showing…
Using Twenty Fourteen (child theme) and plugins:
advanced custom fields
advanced custom fields – repeater field
Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order
Post Types Order
Custom Post Type UI
UberMenu 2 – WordPress Mega Menu PluginANY ideas would be soon much appreciated. I need to get my site working but am so stuck with this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Post Type UI] links not workingHi Michael – thanks so much for your quick response. Yes everything you say is correct. The problem is that I can’t figure out where/how to change the inner pages permalink for the books.
Could you help/ any ideas?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tabby Responsive Tabs] tab outline issuesThanks for the quick response. I am following along pretty well with what you are saying. Just need to know exactly where I should add this code – where are the copy of the rules?