Forum Replies Created
@modalweb good to hear lol
Because they are all likely using the same 3rd party script (does this plugin look familiar too?) rolled into their plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] Default Sort OrderIt’s a great day when …
1) You get confirmation you’re not losing it, and
2) you get the resolution to the issue at the same time!Thanks gents ??
After more testing, it seems that Chrome is causing this issue — as if it is invisibly resetting the password when I click the “Update User” button.
Sounds like the never ending Chrome issue of auto filling certain fields (in virtually all software I’ve been involved with over the years). If you are still looking into it, do a test and it will likely be autofilling your password into it (assuming you allow Chrome to remember it of course).
Hi Thomas
Just updated, much appreciated ??
Hi Thomas
Certainly no rush and not a deal breaker, just a “nice to have”. Thanks for considering it.
Enjoy the festive season and best wishes for the new year ??
Thanks, but I know how to remove it. Removing the functionality totally is not an option. There is distinct functionality/workflows required in various situations as already explained that requires some code “mysterious magic” which is all Greek to me hence the suggestion.
No worries, it’s not a deal breaker, but giving users the best experience is obviously a priority. I’ll add it to my “look into when you get a chance” list.
Hi @kainelabsteam, thanks for getting back to me.
As far as I can tell it’s not a conflict (have tried numerous themes including 2021). You may also have missed my main point – showing buttons, navigation etc. to users that don’t have the capabilities to use it is bad UX, leads to confusion and potentially increases support requests IMO.
As mentioned, this happens whether not the “delete” function is enabled or not. If disabled I don’t think it should be shown for anyone other than admins. It would be nice if when disabled, Admins could still use it which sadly it appears they can’t.
I’m only just getting into BuddyPress and Youzify and therefore, am testing with the free version. The free version does not have bookmarks therefore, I see no reason any user (other than Admin) should see the ellipsis if “delete” is disabled.
If delete is enabled a user should only see it when they have the capability to delete i.e. when mousing over their own entries, not when mousing over another members entry.
For the Pro version, it should depend on whether bookmarks are enabled or not and the status of the delete function if it should show or not.
It would also be good to have the trash can (and whatever the bookmark is) floating right; bit of a disconnect at the moment between the button and the action. See video here.
All just IMHO of course ??
To put it more succinctly, ideal would be:
Free version
- Admins (or specified role/s) see it all times – whether delete is enabled or not.
- If delete is disabled – members do not see it.
- If delete is enabled – members only see it on their own entries i.e. those they can actually delete.
Pro version
- Admins (or specified role/s) see it all times – whether delete and/or bookmark is enabled or not.
- If delete and bookmark are disabled – members do not see it.
- If delete is disabled and bookmark enabled – members see it on all entries (I assume the trashcan is hidden in that case?)
- If delete is enabled and bookmark disabled – members only see it on their own entries i.e. those they can actually delete.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Diabolo.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Report] Feature request – installed/activated dateNo worries, thanks for the consideration (and especially the speed of your responses, impressive!).
Enjoy the rest of your day ??
PS I actually use Simple History was just looking for a more “one-stop-shop” type of solution.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Diabolo. Reason: To mark as resolved
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Report] Feature request – installed/activated dateHi Roy
Yes, I realise the install/activation date doesn’t “come out of the box” with WordPress and perhaps I’m looking at it the wrong way still being fairly new to things, but being fairly new I tend to throw in a lot of plugins to test out and see which looks to suit best (hence replacing “Plugins Last Updated Column” with this one ?? ).
IMHO a comprehensive audit trail is always a valuable tool to have, ideally I’d have a record of what plugins (your plugin meets that requirement to a T with the export being above and beyond the other one), when a plugin was installed (not as easy as I imagined, the referenced plugin looks like the closest available but not ideal, as you’ve already noticed it updates on activation/deactivation – ideally it would maintain the first activation as the “install” date as well as the latest activated/deactivated date) and why it was installed (using “Plugins Notes Plus” for that).
Usage of the data being those “When did I install that and what on earth for?” moments when coming back to a project months later. This feature request particularly helpful for troubleshooting those calls that regardless of how much testing before implementing new functionality are bound to come when an outlier situation occurs “Well it was working two weeks ago when I last did it!”.
Again, I’m maybe just overthinking things as I tend to do.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Diabolo. Reason: Typo
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HTML5 chat] DevelopmentAbandoned sadly.
“… I’ve been using your software for quite a few years even though there’s many things I would like it to do it’s pretty stable and reliable thank you for the support.”
As much as I would love to have the skills to write code sadly it’s an area I’m lacking in. So can’t take any kudos, I’m just another user testing things out.
Just so happened I’d updated a site (not an Ultimate Member site) that morning and had to clean up a similar issue to what you faced; figured it wasn’t a coincidence so had a look and recognised the login that had been injected into your site.
From my initial play with UM a few months back I thought it had excellent potential for a project that sadly fell through but been keeping an eye on it since to keep up with any developments in case of future projects so thanks for the heads-up re SEO (never got that deep into it on initial investigation, perhaps the devs will take note of your concerns now they’ve been raised, they appear to be pretty quick in the support area).
ProfilePress is an, IMO, unethical “upgrade” of WP User Avatar, nothing to do with Ultimate Member.
Basically they bought WP User Avatar (some would say for the functionality, others would say for the 400,000 user base and good reviews), closed their original membership plugin (with around 4000 user base) and released that code as an “upgrade” to WP User Avatar with no warning – breaking peoples sites and … annoying … people in the process.
Regardless, good to see you’ve sorted it and are now back on track.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Diabolo.
“Why have I got this new login screen ?”
Do you use the plugin formerly known as “WP User Avatar” by any chance? If so, you may want to reassess.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Diabolo.
As a quick workaround until you decide on a replacement plugin:
Install the last “working version” of the plugin
Edit “wp-user-avatar.php” and bump the version from 2.2.16 to 4.0.0 (or anything above 3) to stop the update nag
If using Wordfence or similar to highlight file changes, add the file to ignore list
- This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Diabolo.