Forum Replies Created
Mentioned it would be good if notes on the installed plugins page could be collapsed to save scrolling and the latest upgrade included this functionality. Excellent “customer” support and very much appreciated @andreaporotti.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] Bug report – Tripping modsec@bungeshea Yes, working fine with modsec now thanks. Luckily I don’t export snippets that often lol
Sorry, couldn’t resist ?? must be a real pain in the proverbial at times, fix one thing only to have another bug creep in. I am sure I speak for a lot of people when I say your time and work is very much appreciated.
Hi @andreaporotti, thanks for such a quick reply, given the lack of posts here wasn’t sure if I would hear from you or not.
If you get the time that would be excellent. Been meaning to ask for a while but things got put on the backburner. Nice little plugin as I mentioned in my review, especially handy for keeping track of things to do, in an unobtrusive way, when setting up a site … other than the above. I have been switching it on and off – mostly off, to get around the real estate issue.Just looked into it again as I forgot not to update a plugin (Code Snippet plugin, waiting for an update as the latest version is triggering modsec) which I had to rollback – have a note on it but not much use if I don’t show the column lol
Enjoy your day ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Docket Cache - Object Cache Accelerator] Outdated php warnng triggered@nawawijamili Well that was an easy “fix” after some much needed sleep lol
Thanks for the tip, doesn’t explain why the false positive but there are some mysteries of the universe I can happily live without knowing the answer to ??
Much appreciated.
Are you talking about this section?
If yes, this is not a bug or issue, it is just that AJAX handler is not implemented for?‘Comments’?count.
Indeed, which is why I entitled this thread “Comment bug (IMHO)”
Call me pedantic, but I’m a great believer in code producing logical and expected results so as to ensure there is no confusion with users. A user see’s 6 comments > adds a comment > comment shows up > but count still says 6?
User expectation is, and logic/reality dictates, the count should now be 7.
I will forward this to our development team for consideration.
Thank you, currently, users could be left wondering “What else doesn’t work on this site and can I trust it with my data if something so simple doesn’t work” ?? <– joking
Hi @sagarseth9, these things happen. As mentioned, currently I have no use for such a plugin but if the need arises again in the future, I haven’t written your plugin off totally so you never know. I hope you guys get your internal issues resolved and you continue to grow. Good luck ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] Bug report – Tripping modsecCool, thanks for the update. Bit of a pain in the proverbial but not a major issue. Would prefer not to, but if push came to shove I could just whitelist the rule that’s being triggered. In the meantime, happy enough with 3.3.
Looking forward to the next release ??
You find a code snippet, such as:
add_filter('the_generator', '__return_empty_string');
(paste the code into a new php snippet) easy to track down if you Google it.
Or … if you have decided to use this plugin, just:
- Click on + Add snippet
- Should open with a list of the 12 most popular
- The very last one is a snippet to do exactly what you want (if not just search for it “Remove wordpress version number”
- Click “Use it”
- On the next page activate it (toggle switch top right next to the update button)
Done ??
Hi @kainelabsteam, hope you’re having a good day ??
I mean on the status posts (I don’t show them on the header, but really should update wherever the count is shown IMO).
You’re having a look through a members activity, you see the number of comments, you add a comment, ajax magic happens and your comment is added – therefore, the comment count should also increase.
It’s not exactly a deal breaker or a major issue, but it is logical and expected behaviour.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Diabolo.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] Bug report – Tripping modsecExtract from the error log:
[Tue Jun 13 21:32:51.683770 2023] [:error] [pid 497951:tid 3756737468160] [client –REDACTED–:34898] [client –REDACTED–] ModSecurity: Warning. Match of “rx ^[\\w/.+-]+(?:\\s?;\\s?(?:action|boundary|charset|type|start(?:-info)?)\\s?=\\s?[‘\”\\w.()+,/:=?<>@-]+)*$” against “REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Type” required. [file “/etc/modsecurity/mod_sec3_CRS/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf”] [line “933”] [id “920470”] [msg “Illegal Content-Type header”] [data “application/x-www-form-urlencoded charset=utf-8”] [severity “CRITICAL”] [ver “OWASP_CRS/3.3.4”] [tag “application-multi”] [tag “language-multi”] [tag “platform-multi”] [tag “attack-protocol”] [tag “paranoia-level/1”] [tag “OWASP_CRS”] [tag “capec/1000/255/153”] [tag “PCI/12.1”] [hostname “–REDACTED–“] [uri “/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php”] [unique_id “ZIlC8zTwsAhy1GfELSrfHQAAAAE”], referer: https://–REDACTED–/wp-admin/admin.php?page=snippets
How did you go with this, found a solution?
If not, try the following version. NB I don’t even pretend to know what I’m doing so it’s definitely not the most elegant solution, just trial and error – hopefully someone that does know what they are doing will see this and tidy it up! That said, it works for me, with a couple of caveats (not related to this snippet).
function add_show_hide() { ?> <style> .single-group .activity-comments ul{display: none;} </style> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function($) { setInterval(function() { $('.youzify-activity-statistics').each(function() { if( !$(this).find('.show-comments').length ){ var html = '<a href="#" class="bp-primary-action show-comments" style="float: right; margin-left: 3px; margin-top: 23.75px; color: #f30707; font-size: 13px; font-weight: 900;">- show/hide</a>'; $(this).find('.youzify-post-comments-count').before(html); } }); }, 500); $('body').on('click', '.show-comments', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var obj = $(this).closest('.activity-content').next('.activity-comments').find('ul'); obj.slideToggle(); return false; }); }); </script> <?php } add_action( 'wp_footer', 'add_show_hide' );
Your concerns:
The problem with the following code that was posted is the button always shows if there is no comment made.
Not with the above (see screencast demo below). Also note I moved where it shows up (seemed somewhat disconnected to me in the default position, slightly worried it may go unnoticed now so changed the colour).
Needs to only show when a comment is made.
Does with this snippet.
The other issue is this breaks replies to the comments Ajax loads like it normally does. You have to refresh the page to see any nested comments or replies to replies.
Replies show up as soon as Ajax does its thing (again, see screencast).
- The actual comment count doesn’t increase until a page refresh. Personally, I see that as a bug and have just posted as such.
- Personally I’d prefer the comments to be collapsed as default. Still looking into that so if anyone has any ideas please share ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] Could not update snippet. Request failed with status code 418Running modsec on your server by any chance?
I started typing up a bug report hours ago (before you posted) and got interrupted, came back to the open post and finished it and low and behold, you had already basically reported it lol
Personally I’ve rolled back to 3.3 until they get a chance to look at it, push comes to shove can always white list whatever modsec rule it’s triggering.
@qriouslad Many thanks for such a fast reaction, and resolution, to the issue, much appreciated. Exemplary support!
Hoping to dig deeper at the weekend and will “lock myself out”, knowingly this time, to test it.
Have a great day ??
@qriouslad No worries, thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
Was a definite face-palm moment when I realised I was basically locked out, really should have set up a test admin to play with rather than use super admin account. You live and learn (in my case frequently!), and on the plus side now I know the meta-values of the various standard roles and how easy it is to change a users role via the database ??
Not sure how many others would have a similar set-up as I do on the site in question nor how many would be as daft as I was but figured worth documenting how to get out of jail in case someone blindly follows in my footsteps.
As mentioned, pretty sure all the other plugins I’ve tried for this functionality kicked you back to normal role on logout which is handy. No idea how complex that’d be but I have no doubt you’ll figure out a fail-safe.
Didn’t have time to test your plugin out since then, but like I said, looks like a keeper so far. I just have to cross-reference a few things to see if I will be able to change over and ditch a handful of plugins (for example, I only recently installed Imsanity, and your plugin covers the functionality I installed that plugin for) and various code snippets or not.
You’ve definitely touched on if not fully covered a few things I use and overlap a number of plugins, so looking forward to getting time to investigate further.