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  • Hello. I can confirm with tazzle that your website pull up fine, I tested it in each browser. So it looks like your personal computer was attacked and not your site, which is good since it means that your visitors can still access your website without getting infected. I’d definitely recommend scanning your computer to make sure you get rid of any virus that is preventing you from viewing your website.


    I still look looking for a solution, but if it helps any the cause of the error is with the link itself. If I just put it in my browser, it works with or without the slash, but not any link in a forum or search engine. Definitely odd. It is possible that something in your .htaccess is causing it, if you can post your .htaccess coding it may help track down the cause.

    Hi compustrat
    When I do a whois lookup of, I see it pointing to these nameservers:


    When I ping your domain, I get this IP address: (which routes to

    Does the above look correct?

    If so, then your DNS seems to be correct, and you can start troubleshooting the setup on your local machine.

    If you upload a generic index.html (not php), does that return a 404 as well?

    I’m not too familiar with Windows servers, but I suggest upload an index.html file in several different parent directories to find which directory is the correct directory. From what I see, it appears that the files may just be uploaded to the incorrect directory.

    From what you have described, I would suspect that you’re receiving some kind of php error, such as a memory_limit error. For example, adding that one extra link may be causing the script to reach its max memory limit.

    If you’re getting a blank page on a php script, most likely the php script is having a problem and generating an error. Your current setup is not showing any error messages. This is good so that your users don’t see any errors, but is bad when you want to troubleshoot the issue. Seeing the error message is your next step in debugging this issue. To see the error, you can either review the error_log file in the php script’s directory, or, enable display_errors in your php.ini file.

    For more help with the above two options, you can see the following page:
    Why is my website showing a blank page?

    Hi. Looks like it is an error within your theme, try to revert back to the default theme and see if that resolves the issue. Then you can re-download the arjuna-x theme and figure what what caused the error.

    One way to do this is to upload a new theme via FTP onto your account. Then rename the theme that is not working, and rename the new theme you just uploaded to the same name as the old theme. That way WordPress will load the new theme instead. Once you are able to log in again you can then change the theme to something else.

    Just to cover the basics since I am not sure what you have already done/tried:

    First, after installing WordPress from within fantastico, you’ll want to then import your blog data using the import / export tool. If you can not log in yet to your own domain’s WordPress, just make sure you have the information exported from Some hosts give you a temporary/server URL so you can access your account before the nameserver change has taken effect. If so, you can go ahead and import your old site to your new site using the Import tool.

    The problem you may run into is being able to log into your new admin section if your domain name is not yet pointing. Remember that even after changing the nameservers, it can take up to 24 hours to propagate. If you can provide the domain name I’d be happy to look into it further to see if the DNS settings are reading the new nameservers.

    Just to clarify, how did you “delete” the widget? If you deleted it just from your Primary Widget Area, the same widget can still be found in the “Available Widgets.” If you are still on the widget page, navigate to a new page and come back to it. Then you can click and drag the widget that you deleted from the Available Widgets back to your Primary Widget Area. That will place the widget back on your website.

    When you get an error message related to memory size, first I’d recommend raising the memory limit on your domain. This can be done by modifying the php.ini file. Most hosts allow you to modify the memory limit in the php.ini, however if you can’t find the file or are not sure you may want to contact your host.

    Another solution that sometimes works is disabling your plugins, upgrading, and then re-enabling your plugins. Check this page for more information from the codex:

    I clicked on your domain and it works fine for me, are you still experiencing issues? I am using FireFox 5.0 and am able to see your WordPress homepage. If you are still having issues, let us know what browser you are using so we can figure it out!

    I tested my WordPress site in FireFox 5.0 and in the “Screen Options” and “Howdy Admin” tab I am able to see the options without any issues. Did you recently make any changes to Firefox (updated plugins, flash, etc.) that might have caused it to not work properly?

    Looks like a temporary issue, if your hosting is currently on a shared plan, if the MySQL was temporarily down on your server then that could have caused the error. If you are on a VPS or Dedicated Server, I’d recommend calling your host just to make sure that your site did not cause the server error. If it did, they may have advice on ways to prevent the error in the future.

    I’m not too familiar with ipage, but I suggest that you search google for, “how to install wordpress with ipage”. You’ll get several results specific to your host, and I see a few videos in the results that should help even further.

    500 errors are generally caused by misconfigurations in your .htaccess file or bad permissions on your files / folders. I’m more familiar with Linux, however your host is running Windows (based upon the IIS mention in the error). Contacting your host, ipage, about the error message will probably be your best bet if the support videos in the google search doesn’t help.

    Good luck sagoy, hope this helps!

    I have a blog in which W3 Total Cache is installed. I can see it both in my plugins list and as a label in the left menu named “Performance”.

    1. Do you see the label Performance in the left dashboard menu (as in this screenshot? )
    2. Have you ever got W3 Total Cache installed in the past?

    Someone had a similar issue as yourself in this thread:

    The following recommendation worked for them, does it work for you?:

    Try deleting the plugin folder (using Filezilla), then add the plugin back from within WordPress. Go to Plugins->Add New, and search for “wordpress feed statistics.” Click on the “Install” link, then click on the red “Install Now” button.

    After it’s installed, you can activate it and it should be ready to go.

    Hello Barney,

    You should not have to pay an outside company, however you may need to contact your web host depending on the cause of the issue. 500 errors are generally caused by a permissions error on your website. For example, if one of your php files has become “write-able” to all users then the 500 error will display. If your web host has cPanel, you can check the error log to find the exact file that is causing the 500 error to display.

    If you can get the error log (either in your cPanel or from your hosting provider), that will really help nail down the exact cause so this can be corrected!


    Great. I don’t know exactly where the line is on Afterburner, but in the Editor in your Dashboard open the files called “archive.php” and “single.php”. Do a search for <span class=”createdby”>, “author”</span> (that will do the createdby element), and any others that you want to remove and delete them. Unfortunately I couldn’t test it out since I don’t use that theme, but that is the method in other custom themes that I have found. If that doesn’t work please let us know so we can try to find where those lines are in the template.


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