Forum Replies Created
Hello Danny, thank you for the speedy answer. Can you recommend any other free plugins to replace them? Best regards, Christian
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Max Mega Menu] Page shows mega max menue in spite of deactivationHello,
resolved, the plugin “borlab cache” caused the problem
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Make] Tough problem with bannerHi Melissa, although it was not, what I was looking for, you gave me a good idea, for combining both of it. Small text in a banner, long text in a 4 column section underneath. Thank you. Best regards. Chris
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] Pop up on mobile devicesHi, thanks for so much help. Even though i am sort of stuck:
Line 1473 starts with:
$result = $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . AEC_CATEGORY_TABLE,
1474: array(‘category’ => $input->category,
1475: ‘bgcolor’ => $input->bgcolor,
1476: ‘fgcolor’ => $input->fgcolorI tried some changes, they did not work. I installed “advances code editor” to find the particular line. Can you explain it a little more detailled, so a fool as I will understand? Sorry for the inconveniences! Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] Pop up on mobile devicesAnother question, is there a opportunity to sort the categories alphabetically if there are many more added?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] Pop up on mobile devicesThank you, i tried that, but this effects the whole page on the mobile device, i just wanted the pop up details-window of the events adjusted, if you know what i mean.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] Pop up on mobile devicesMoreover i found out, after turning the device 90° and turning it back, it is again in default mode, i.e. not aligned to the left
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] Pop up on mobile devicesMaybe it is possible to adjust it flexibly to any width of a screen!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] Pop up on mobile devicesHello, many thanks for your information. I inserted this at: CUSTOM CSS and found out that on small mobile devices (especially phone) it is now aligned to the left, but still too wide to notice that you have to scroll further right to check the buttons “location” and “go to the homepage”. thank you for further assistance. Best regards Chris
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Responsive header image slider] Just header slider on homepageHi, dear Plugin Author, thanks for your help, the 2nd option worked, i have my great slider only on the first page, when ever i go to the first page it appears again, on the others no! As i wanted. (Sue: I placed the code in the header.css)
Thank you very much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Responsive header image slider] Just header slider on homepageHi Sue, if you can check my website you will see immediately whats my problem. I only want to have the slider displayed on the first site (startseite). thanks for your help Chris
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Responsive header image slider] Just header slider on homepageHi, i run my site in german, i treid to place “<?php is_home(); ?>” at several places, to have the slider shown only on my “startseite”, how can i do this, thanks for a reply!