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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress keeps adding a subfolder and breakingYeah, it’s a weird set-up, I agree. It’s an old domain that has gone through several incarnations over the years. A URL with baggage, I guess you could say.
I made the /blog/ directory, stuffed it with an index.php file that has a PHP redirect script that redirects to the root. That seems to work, but the site no long shows up at https://www.mysite.com/blog/. With this method I might as well just leave that redirect and change the general settings to display the blog at the root. It negates my master plan.
Do you think that’ll matter to google and SEO, etc.? I’ve heard Google penalizes for redirects, but sometimes it’s hard to know what Google advice is good and what’s jive.
I’m sure there’s a way to do this. I’ve been researching for week. There’s ways to do it with explode() or the Javascript equivalent, but I’m not knowledgeable enough to do it myself.
Where would you recommend I could go to hire someone to do this for me?
Thanks linewbie. Thanks thanks for a great plugin.
I get it – I misunderstood that parameter. Thanks.
Is there any way to set this in the code? I don’t mind getting in there and gettin’ my hands dirty.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: PHP displaying image after first paragraphI would love it if we could open this question back up. I’m having the exact same problem and I don’t know where to begin. I can’t find anything on google – probably because I don’t even know what to look up.
I want to automatically insert a table in all my posts directly after the first paragraph. They do this at the NYtimes.com blogs. For an example, see:
See how they put a small aside in the post after the first paragraph? That is so cool. I want to do that!
I would appreciate any idea on how to do this.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Disable striping on permalinksany ideas?