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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [crosswordsearch] Confused. I need "stupid" simple steps.You are not that far off. For your case, the appropriate procedure would be this.
- Administrative page, Options tab: Make sure that the role of your account has full editing rights.
- Administrative page, Projects and editors tab: Create a project and add yourself to the list of full project editors.
Crossword design:
- Create a private page with the shortcode and mode=”build”.
- Go to that page, fill in the crossword and mark the words to be found. Choose the coloring for the marks. Adjust the size of the crossword to your needs by dragging the handles.
- You can give a description in the text box at your discretion. That does not mean listing the words to be found, but a descriptive text, for example “You have to find the names of all planets in the solar system”.
- If you want your readers to see a list of the words to be found, choose level 1 or 2.
- Choose “Save…” from the dropdown menu.
- In the form that pops up (see Screenshot no.3), fill in the name of the puzzle and, if you want to, your name as the copyright holder.
- You can now hit the “Save” button. (If this was a public page and you were not logged in, you would be prompted to fill in your Username/Password first.)
- Create a public page with the shortcode and mode=”solve”.
More crosswords:
- You can reuse the private page to make more puzzles in the same project.
- If you want to organise your crosswords in multiple projects, you need a separate crossword area for each one. If you don’t want to start a new page, there is no reason why you can’t have multiple shortcodes in one page.
- If you want your readers to see one crossword at a time, add name=”…” to the shortcode on the public page.
- If you want them to see all crosswords grouped in a project in on place, leave off the name. They will then be able to choose them all from the dropdown menu.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [crosswordsearch] Rechtesystem funktioniert nicht usw.v0.4.1 has now the instructional texts displayed. I suppose this to be solved.
supposing this to be solved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [crosswordsearch] adding "n" causes WP notifications menu to openI still suppose this was an issue with Jetpack or a site hosted at
Things should be resolved with v0.4.1. If you still have problems, please get back to me.
Thanks for alerting me to th problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [crosswordsearch] adding "n" causes WP notifications menu to openI cannot verify that yet. Do you mean the standard Admin bar, or do you use a notification bubble in a menu supplied by a theme or plugin?
Please name the theme you are using.
Edit: are you talking about a site hosted at and these sort of notifications??
I can’t see too much of what is happening here.
free unit instructor view: seems to work
free unit student view: from the pic I would conclude the plugin is not initialized. This might be a case that is similar to what happens with the ClearReach code: a script that should be loaded before the crosswordsearch plugin has a syntax error and crashes everything loaded afterwards. But without seeing the live page this is pure speculation.
free assignment student view: this looks truely strange. I can see the background scripts needed for crosswordsearch are loaded, but the the part that needs to be embeded directly into the page is not.
Frankly, it looks like only the first sentence of the post is included, the way you would see it on an overview page where only a teaser is shown, followed by a “read on” link. (with the link, in this case, missing)
If there is a “More…/Weiterlesen…” break in the post, you could try to remove it. What happens then?
Hi Judith,
somehow all the links you posted got shortened (the three dots…) and do not work. Could you please post them again in full length?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [crosswordsearch] not working after upgrade to 4.0After looking further into it, I am pretty sure the newsletter service is provided by CleverReach, is that right?
Since this is a commercial service, please contact them about their WordPress integration. Their code is definitely flawed.
This technical description might help them:
The inline script inside the newsletter subscription widget has linebreaks inside script literals. They lead to an uncaught unterminated string literal error and crash Javascript.crosswordsearch definitely is not involved in this problem. It is simply never initialized.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [crosswordsearch] not working after upgrade to 4.0It’s a bit complicated to find out what goes wrong only by looking at the public parts of a page. But what I can see is that another part of your page triggers a Javascript error that seems to crash everything that needs Javascript to work – including crosswordsearch.
In your Newsletter widget, there is a script line that leads in my debugging tool to an error message
SyntaxError: unterminated string literal
I can see the error, but I cannot discern why it is there. Did you recently change something about that widget? Add it to that place, update…?
If you are willing to experiment a bit, it would help if you temporarily removed the widget from the sidebar just to try out if the error in my plugin still occurs.
Is the widget from a plugin or a theme? Which one? Maybe it would be worth it to look at its support forum to see if someone else reported an error there.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [crosswordsearch] Rechtesystem funktioniert nicht usw.I still cannot reproduce the saving error. If you stay logged in as Otto, you should not be asked for your user credentials. Is the Save button still disabled then?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [crosswordsearch] Rechtesystem funktioniert nicht usw.Sorry to hear that. The main aim of the plugin is an educational one, geting children to think about words and spelling by engaging them in creative work.
Would the following have been clearer?
Above the text field: “Describe which words should be found:” / “Beschreibe, welche W?rter gefunden werden sollen:”
Plus an extra line directly above the grid: “Fill in the the letters and mark the words:” / “Trage die Buchstaben ein und markiere die W?rter:”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [crosswordsearch] Rechtesystem funktioniert nicht usw.Ah, now I see the problem. The sentence “Gib an, welche W?rter gefunden werden sollen” is a translation of “Give a hint which words should be found”. As in: “Find the names of the planets that are hidden in the riddle.”
The plugin does not construct a crossword for you, you are supposed to do that for yourself by entering letters field-by-field into the grid and marking them with the mouse.
I’ll work on better texts for user guidance.
For saving, did you enter something for R?tselname, Username and Password?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [crosswordsearch] Rechtesystem funktioniert nicht usw.For english readers: the poster seems mainly to ask for better instructions in his language and could not understand the rights management.
Lieber Avantart,
ich nehme mir heraus, wie alle anderen Entwickler hier, Anleitungen zun?chst einmal auf Englisch zu ver?ffentlichen. Es tut mir leid, wenn Sie damit nichts anfangen k?nnen. Ich werde diesen Thread als Aufforderung, ausführlichere Anleitungen auf Deutsch zu verfassen offen halten.
Zur Sache verweise ich auf
- den Hilfe-Link rechts oben auf der Verwaltungsseite Einstellungen – Crosswordsearch verwalten (übrigens auf deutsch) und
- die FAQ hier auf der Seite, insbesondere Punkt eins.
Kurz zusammengefasst:
- Ohne Kenntnis eines Benutzeraccounts bestehen keine Rechte zum Speichern
- Zum uneingeschr?nkten Abspeichern und ?ndern müssen Nutzer
a) einer Rolle angeh?ren, der auf der Seite Einstellungen – Crosswordsearch verwalten im Tab Optionen das volle Bearbeitungsrecht einger?umt wurde und
b) die für das Projekt, das auf der Seite eingebunden wurde, als Bearbeiter zugelassen wurden (Tab Projekte und Bearbeiter). - Zum Speichern eines Entwurfs in einer Moderationswarteschlange (Tab überprüfe R?tsel) müssen Nutzer einer Rolle angeh?ren, der ein eingeschr?nktes Bearbeitungsrecht einger?umt wurde. Der Shortcode auf der Seite muss dann das Attribut restricted=”1″ enthalten.
Gibt es bei Einhaltung dieser Vorgehensweise Probleme?
Für andere Konzepte der Rechteverwaltung bitte ich um konstruktive Vorschl?ge.