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  • Plugin Author ccprog


    Sorry, there is none provided by the plugin.

    Your only chance would be if you knew how to manipulate the database server with SQL. Then I would recomend the following workflow (If you don’t understand this, better not do it – it is your risk!):
    1. Install and activate Crosswordsearch for your new subsite.
    2. First enter all Project definitions by hand through the Crosswordsearch settings/projects and editors page. Use exactly the same project names. The editors for the projects may safely differ.
    3. Identify the tables wp_<blog_id>_crw_crosswords both for the old and new subsite. I think <blog_id> is always numerical, you can find the match to your subsite name in table wp_blogs.
    4. Copy all data from the “old” table to the “new” with something like
    INSERT IGNORE INTO <new>_crw_crosswords SELECT * FROM <old>_crw_crosswords

    Plugin Author ccprog


    You can create crosswords on a page or post that contains the crosswordsearch shortcode in build mode:
    [crosswordsearch mode="build" ...]

    Please refer to the main plugin description here for details on how to use the shortcode.

    If you only want to develop riddles yourself, without other user of your site being able to see your design post, simply restrict the access to that page to yourself.

    You will see riddles on the Review tab after they have been saved from your design post.

    Thread Starter ccprog


    Plugin Author ccprog


    It comes to me, re-reading my instructions, that maybe there is one piece missing to the puzzle, or maybe it is mentioned in the wrong place…

    Please look again at the instructions for shortcodes on the main plugin page. A pre-requisite for logging is that a user sends in his results, and that he can only do if you have embeded a crossword like this:

    [crosswordsearch mode="solve" project="MyProject" name="myRiddle" timer=0 submitting=1]

    If you want to give a user only limited time to solve the riddle, set timer=xxx to the number of seconds you want. In this case, the user will be prompted to submit his result even if he has not found all words, while, with timer=0, the prompt for submission will only show up after finding all words.

    The category will appear after the first submission is received.

    I hope that was what got you on the wrong track, and I apologize for the gap in the documentation.

    Plugin Author ccprog


    Just for completeness, the new version 0.7.0 does not solve the Photon issue. Instead, the upcoming Jetpack version 3.9.2 will solve it from their side.

    Plugin Author ccprog


    With new version 0.7.0, a timer/submission facility has been introduced. May I propose Custom Logging Service as a logging solution to you?

    Thread Starter ccprog


    SimpleLogger()->info was quoted verbatim from your blog post. You should correct that.

    Plugin Author ccprog


    I am working on incorporating a fix in my plugin, but since I am stuck in the preparations for a major feature enhancement, this will take some time. I currently aim for the week after next.

    Thread Starter ccprog


    I am still making the case that Photon has no business dealing with a non-HTML attribute. It says <img ng-src=..., not <img src=....

    After reading your code, the core image tag picker is this Regex, yes? The corresponding partial pattern there should be


    in my opinion, with extra whitespace before src.

    While you (hopefully) contemplate this, the jetpack_photon_skip_image filter looks like the cleanest way to handle it from my side.

    Plugin Author ccprog


    It seems you have the Jetpack Photon module activated. I’ll try to find out if it is somehow possible to use this with crosswordsearch, but for now your only solution is to deactivate it.

    Plugin Author ccprog


    “Status 500” means the HTTP status error code, Internal Server Error. The reason for the error is not obviously apparent, but would most probably not have anything to do with the plugin itself.

    You might be able to find out more if you look at the server logs for extended messages attached to that error.

    If you have development tools in your browser and know how to use them, there also might be a message included in the ajax response. (look for requests to admin-ajax.php with a status 500.)

    Plugin Author ccprog


    Submitting without timing it…that is an idea I’l look into.

    As for simple logging, I will look around for something appropriate. Expect for this to take a few weeks.

    Plugin Author ccprog


    Funny you should ask – I’m currently in the process of developing just that. Here’s a short outlook what it will do:

    • either you simply measure the time a user needs for solving the riddle
    • or you restrict the time and count how many words the user finds in that time

    Either this is only a little incentive for your visitors but not saved, or you can then send a message to the server with the result data.

    If the results are sent in, this plugin will not by itself process them in any way. It will be the job of add-on plugins to leverage the capabilities of other plugins that record achievements.

    I might publish such an add-on for BadgeOS, but this is your chance to tell me if you would like to use something else, or if you would like another feature.

    Plugin Author ccprog


    Well, it seems what happened was a bit different. Apparently the form shortcode masked the existence of the crosswordsearch shortcode and needed script files were never loaded. I’ll try to follow up on this with the Formidable guys.

    But that does not concern you; for now you should not try to use crosswordsearch inside a formidable form.

    Closing for now.

    Plugin Author ccprog


    I don’t think you got to the bottom of it. The error you saw concerns CSS, not Javascript and would not have hindered script execution. Again, if you name a link for me, I can take a look myself at what is happening.

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