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  • Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Request URI
    Thread Starter caylean


    THanks, thats it! ??

    <?php if (is_home()) { echo bloginfo('url'); } else { echo the_permalink(); } ?>

    and it is all fine. This missing { comes due to the fact i know nothing about php ??

    Just for some cosmetics in the echo bloginfo(‘url’) — Is it possible to add an / in the end to the Link? Now it is just https://test.domain.tld

    But all in all it is resolved, thanks.

    It is free as you could use, but if you like to use every single part of it, you have to pay. It is the same like Shareware or whatsoever. First it is free, even nearly everything is to use, but if you like to bulk convert/download/use it, you get the restrictions.
    So all in all, it will be still free, just restricted.

    You saw yourself that Pagelines is a great Theme (i checked it out a while ago and i must admit it IS a damn nice one) and if someone puts that much work into something, he/she/it wants to get a little reward for it ?? and THAN you can use it with all it’s functions

    Thread Starter caylean


    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. The maximum number of lines of code that you can post in these forums is ten lines. Please use the pastebin]

    That was the .htaccess i mentioned.

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    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: WP MU /network
    Thread Starter caylean



    It is function!

    But the only Plugins in “mu-plugins-old” are wp-permalauts and a dashboard_switcher.php

    In “plugins-old” i have only the ones you saw already: akismet, all-in-one-seo-pack, google-xml-sitemaps-with-multisite-support, hello.php (The hello.php only cuz i didn’t have deleted it ?? )

    So i checked now also one by another, what causes this Problem and when i put the dashboard_switcher.php into the mu-plugins i get this problem.

    Thank you very much, i totally forgot the mu-plugins, cuz turning of the plugins in the Dashboard i did several times without effect, because the mu-plugins aren’t effected by that.

    Thank you very much.

    I don’t know where the dashboard_switcher.php comes from, because I Can’t remember that i had installed it.

    Kind Regards

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: WP MU /network
    Thread Starter caylean


    I did that already, everything off and as i said, there are only 3 all in all, but anyways, i will turn them now off. Nothing of it is essential for the Blog system.

    Plugins off.

    How does a theme could corrupt the Dashboard?

    As i explained i have downloaded the lastest Version of WordPress, made a Backup of the complete Webspace and used the WordPress Files as they were in the download and i have uploaded them. The only file i never uploaded was the wp-config-sample.php, there i feel a little more comfortable ??

    The Screenshot i have used here is with this changed version. Here i also checked some running Blogs and they are all fine (As you see, there is really no Plugin in use what is really needed). Everything seems to be function, but the list i still get.

    Thanks for your patience Ipstenu, even on Christmas you still help.


    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: WP MU /network
    Thread Starter caylean


    That is what i mean with, it appears really EVERYWHERE.

    Above again around 500 more of them.

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: WP MU /network
    Thread Starter caylean


    That is EVERYWHERE. I can go any Menu you like and i can make always a Screenshot, and it will always looks like that.

    First the list of all MU Blogs, and than the rest like Plugins, Users, Settings and so on. That what makes it so strange, i totally don’t know where it does come from.

    The next I will try is making a full backup again, so that everything is saved again and uploading a blank wordpress to the webspace. Only keeping the htaccess and config. Maybe that will help. But due to Christmas i think it will need a little bit.

    Anyways, Merry Christmas to all of you ??

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: WP MU /network
    Thread Starter caylean


    No, this one i know and is a little small if you have 500+ Blogs ??

    I Meean that it looks like:

    And i have it that way, since the 3.3 Update.

    Kind Regards.

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: WP MU /network
    Thread Starter caylean


    — !541! Single Blog Links and they are all pointing to:

    Mhm, that was not correct. It changes when i change to an other page.
    So if i am in Plugins, all Links are pointing to /network/plugins.php – if i am in Settings, all ate pointing to /network/settings.php

    Somehow it seems that there is normally a menu where i get a mousover for all my domains, could that be possible?

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: WP MU /network
    Thread Starter caylean


    Akismet, All in One SEO Pack and Google XML Sitemaps with Multisite support.
    There the list of my Plugins ends.
    It is all up to date, but i will deactivate them .. no effect.

    I just recognized. This list of Domains is above the the “help” button on the right side, so could be it a problem with a not clean header?

    The Network Update i did already twice and I am near to downgrade again and waiting for an other update in the hope that this is function the right way.

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: WP MU /network
    Thread Starter caylean


    Does somebody knows how to fix that? It is really annoying that i have to scroll for everything down till hell, cuz i get this list in every single menu, even if i like to add a link.

    Thread Starter caylean


    I have totally forgot to say. It is NOT Folderlike, i Use for every Blog an own Subdomain.

    Thread Starter caylean


    Also a htaccess:

    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "admin/"
    AuthUserFile "/home/XXXXX/.htpasswds/public_html/"
    require valid-user

    In that way. I think what i have posted there was one of the last Versions what i tried.

    Thread Starter caylean


    No, nothing like that.

    I tried now the whole time searching for a solution.

    Always if i use a PW Protect i get an 404 Error Page from WP.

    If i put a htaccess with
    RewriteEngine Off
    into it, i can use it absolutely normal.

    Maybe i just have to find a version where is a pw protect and RewriteEngine Off in one htaccess.

    Thread Starter caylean


    I just can count down what were the requests:
    One like to add his own counter, the next like to add Webcams (Iframe OR Script he had both and both not possible) into the sidebar. The next one asked for some kind of Textwidget what, when he show me, was a script that creates rotating Text with links to affiliates (Had also Iframe and Scriping Version). The 4th i can’t remember exactly, but it was a kind of toplist script/link. For counting In/Out hits on Toplists, only possible in Script function, where i topld directly that i don’t acceppt script code at the moment and possible future.

    Till now, all are only asking for, in my opinion, very simple Things in that way.


    And what i’ve heard also yesterday was, that incorrect sourcecode also get deleted if entered. I know that code should be clean and that there regularities, but not everyone understand them, knows them or even know what correct html code has to look like.
    And if somebody muder his Blog by using wrong Code, it’s up to them, because the templates are untouchable, they can’t harm others.
    Is it possible to deactivate this kind of ‘babysitting’?


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