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  • Thread Starter cattrin


    Wow! thanks so much! Works perfectly!

    Also, is there a way to include a comments link? I tried placing
    <?php comments_popup_link(__(‘Comments’), __(‘1 Comment’), __(‘% Comments’)); ?>
    after the content piece, but no luck.



    Yes, I’d love to get this file myself. Or perhaps solve this problem by another method. I just want to make sure my ‘reviews’ catigory isn’t displayed on the main blog section of my site.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Be gentle…


    Not that shabby. ^_^ the grey in the background isn;t harsh, isn;t to dark, isn;t to empty, and your text still pops. About the text… it does appear to be a little cramped… but perhaps it’s just me. Very nice work.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: my site


    Oh so lovely. Minimalistic style ??

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to:


    Really great! The colors are nice and smooth, the layout is clean, and the colors are great together ?? I applaud your layout powers.

    Thread Starter cattrin


    Thanks ?? I’ll see what I can do. I actually found the layout here:
    It has some great ones. They even come with php includes already set up, to make for easy management (and possably skin selections in the near future. ?? ) I should be able to darken up the font a tad.

    The hovers are in css, I try and make my site as xml compatable as possable. The only java is for the bookmark option. The images might be hard to make deeper, since it’s all sliced up and the only psd that came with it was the title bar.

    I’ll go ahead and dump the splash… It does get redundant a bit anyways ?? Thanks for the help.


    Thread Starter cattrin


    Nice! Thanks so much for the help ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: ezstatic Fatal error

    Got it!

    what I did was move the section:
    /* Don’t remove this line. */
    to the headder.php include I was using. wow ^_^;;;

    I don’t know if you’re using inclusions, (or a different sepperate header file via some other means) but I hope that helps.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: ezstatic Fatal error

    I’m have the same problem. Apparently it has something to do with the <?php the_ID(); ?> section. I’m still working with it, trying to get it to work. Any help is appreciated ??

    I tried removing the section, but then the last part, ‘end if posts’ wouldn’t work. So, yeah, don’t bother removing that

    another edit. I noticed I was missing “<?php if ($posts) : foreach ($posts as $post) : start_wp(); ?>” ^_^;;;
    Well I added that, but Now it doesn’t like the very last line of code <? include(‘footer.php’); ?> and the posts Still won’t show up.

    Not bad at all ?? It does look a little empty, but then again I’m no minimalist. I’m not to partial with centering the text, But that’s just me. The colors work well… My eyes aren’t slaughtered when I get there. Very nice! ??

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Feedback please…

    Asside from the background, it’s prety good ?? if you want something vlean and fresh (which is what I’m guessing you’re going for) try something a little off white. Plain white will look to empty. go for a nice light blue (but not neon, please. lol) Overall, nice presentation ??

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Help hosting

    Well, all I can really suggest is
    unlimited bandwidth (as logn as it’s reasonable’, only real problems are:
    +allow_url_fopen is set to off, for security reasons. So far the only thing I can’t do is install the plugin manager and auto-update my block list.
    +I apparently have problems with transparent images, but that might just be some other code not related to the host.

    Overall, best ones out there I think. 99.9 percent uptime, php and mysql, ftp, no ads, no forum-posting requirements. And it’s free ??
    Sorry if this isn’t what you’re looking for, not to sharp on these things unfortunately. ^_^;;

    Thread Starter cattrin


    Positive. I’m using the livepress plugin (for just the mood and music options for now. one thing at a time) On my old Lj I have the same moods. Just double checked and they are fine on the black background.

    Thread Starter cattrin


    ok, now I’m having a bit of an issue. I don’t think it’s my host… but it seams that any transparent image (the mood icons I have included) are comming up with a plain white bg. No, it’s not by browser. I use firefox, but I even tired it out on my icky IE version 6. No good on either one. Is there something in my coding? or is it possable that it’s my host (

    Thread Starter cattrin


    oooh, -joins- ?? thanks. And i’ll be changing my layout soon too, somethign a little less grey. ^_^

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