Forum Replies Created
Great. Thanks again! (yes re: back up.)
One other q, I have another site that I have to do the same thing with. The site imported 800 posts into from a site. The new site was designed also with the IP address. Obviously there is A LOT more material that will be changed from the IP address to the domain name than with the one I just did.
This one (I just did) was fairly easy. Do you think that there might be anything additionally tricky with a site with so much material, images, etc.?
Hi Pothi, That worked! Thank you!!
Hi. No, I can try that. I started out being given very elaborate instructions – the part in this same Codex info about changing the functions.php code in Filezilla. The PlugIn sounded like the answer to my prayers ! But I was also told to do things in very specific order and, in that scenario, changing the site URL was supposed to be done last. In rereading this Codex info, I’d say my site falls under ‘broken site’ not moving the site. So I shouldn’t have to do all that code changing anyway. … I think? Sigh. I have another site with a lot of info on it that I have to do this with … so I’m hoping the PlugIn works here. will try this and report back. Thanks.
Hi Marventus and wp_bh_fan, Great tips. Thank you! These plugins sound great. Okay, I feel a bit more hopeful. Thanks. Hope for the best.
Hi songdogtech, thanks for the information. Oh dear. This is now getting quite complicated. It’s not such a big deal for this site (although still more complicated than I anticipated but I could maybe do instead) but my other site already took me quite some time to import 800 posts from to – and that has A LOT of images and other information. I would almost say I should somehow start anew but (a) the URL right now is domain mapped from (I was hoping to have designed it offline so to speak and then switched it) and (b) it took awhile to get those 800 posts imported. It took multiple tries. I feel a bit defeated. But thanks — Sigh.
I was not clear in my first post and thanks again for your response and this advice. I originally wanted to work on the site without debuting it live. I know there’s a way to do that without doing it this way but someone suggested this and so I designed it via the IP address not realizing this is what would happen now. (I have another site with 800 posts and I’m not sure how that’s going to go when i want to make it live. At least, I can practice with this one that does not have much material on it.)
Regarding the functions.php altering it in Filezilla — I’m worried about changing the code in the wrong section. Although I guess I could change it back.
It says to insert code “after the initial ‘<?php’ line.”
The first time this appears is under theme comments such as this — <?php comment_class()
then — <?php echo get_avatar( $comment, 40 ); ?>
should I be looking it for it to be standing on its own as JUST <?php
or is this first one the one I should enter the code after?Thanks for the clarification and advice.
Oh and am I misunderstanding what you wrote? Do you think I can just change it on my wordpress dashboard or do I need to do a number of steps… that is what my host company told me — that I need to do this in a specific order. So I’m understanding that I need to do this other step and then do the change in the Settings. If I could just make a simple switch of course that would be optimal.
(site is<?php comment_class()
Hi Marventus, thanks for your response! the site is live with the domain name but the inside pages and posts have the IP address – not the domain name. I was advised by my host that I need to Change the Site URL via Codex — I’m trying to alter the function.php code but I am having some trouble.
They suggest four ways to do this. Right now I am trying via Filezilla.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Add Thumbnail] [Plugin: Easy Add Thumbnail] Not WorkingHi Samuel, thanks for the response.
There are images attached to pretty much all my posts but they have not been added in as the featured images since I installed the plugin. They are also in the Media Library.
For example, this post has an image: but when you look at the home page there is none here (4th one down): (The first three I manually inserted.)
Appreciate any help getting to the ‘bottom’ of this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Add Thumbnail] [Plugin: Easy Add Thumbnail] Not Workinghi… I’m using Pagelines Platform. I noted previously Samuel said that thesis would not work automatically, will this work with Pagelines Platform? (They directed me to this plugin!) I recently exported 800 + posts from to and trying not to manually set the featured image but right now no image is showing as a thumbnail to the post without my manually changing it. (The images are at the posts themselves.) All my images are in the WordPress Media Library. I could manually fix them – although I think this would take quite a bit of time! Thanks.
Hi T.,
You are right about sometimes not seeing the forest for the trees and needing others to point things out… It sounds like you and Mattie have a somewhat complicated relationship that also works for both of you!!
So UPDATE: it finally WORKED! It first said it didn’t (again) and gave me the chance to ‘try again.’ When I did that this time, it said it was done!
I really was going to switch hosts if it hadn’t but then miraculously it did!
The theme I wanted to use tho’ has featured posts and it seems that they don’t show up unless you manually insert them for the existing posts – since I have 800+ posts I am probably going to have to find a new theme! Oh well… at least the major trouble is taken care of.
Almost there! Hope things are going well… thanks again.
Hi T.,
Sorry for long delay in response. Not that I have not been thinking about this but am afraid of further frustration at this point!
I’ll definitely think about moving. I have not attempted again yet or double checked to see where I am. I hear what you are saying about ‘blaming the other guy’ as far as my host.
That’s interesting re: your ‘sometime girlfriend’ ?? Mattie’s idea. So funny – I have NEVER thought of that! And I write about wildlife sometimes too so it would make sense. Thank her!
And thank you! Hopefully next time I write it will be because it is all resolved.
Hi T.,
Well tried again – got same error as first time. Although as it was going it reported that certain media were already installed (photos and posts) so that seemed like a good sign and that it might be working.
But then! I got this error : Content Encoding Error
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.My file is now 11 mb and that’s the amount I have allowed as file size. Maybe I’ll increase it? I don’t know if it matters how ‘high’ it goes. Maybe I should double it since I’m re-installing and it’s figuring out what it’ll take. ??
This is not the error I got the last time I tried to re-install but is the error I got the first time.
Just to clarify, I meant that I didn’t recall seeing anything on the wp site or wherever else I went for info about transferring from to about checking the box. I could have just missed it. I was thinking ‘files and attachments’ were not media.
Anyway! I guess I’ll try again. The last time I went to my host with this message they didn’t know what to do and told me to reimport. Maybe if I told them I was thinking of switching, they could find someone who could really help!
Hopefully will come back with good news…
Thanks! Will look into Linda and the Linux issue also.
Hi T.,
Thanks! (& this is true — re: book! but other things too.)
I have a few other sites so I’m not a newbie entirely there.
But I’ve never moved content from to for the tip about I’ll check it out.
That’s also a good tip re: Go Daddy. My host has been my host for a very long time and they are typically great but maybe not so knowledgeable in WordPress. I’m not sure if they are on Linux. I think so but I’ll double check.
I think my first error was not clicking the ‘download files and attachments.’ (which was not mentioned in anything I read … unless I missed it.) Now I’m trying to correct it!
Will update you —
Thanks again.
One more thing – I don’t see a way to download the WordPress Importer PlugIn 0.5.2 which was the previous version. I googled it. It’s not on the PlugIn site. Are you able to find previous versions once a new one becomes available? I’ll do some more searching…