Hi there… I’m the person who picked up this Notice.
I see the notice when running a custom template for the ‘Related Posts By Taxonomies’ module. It appears to be related to using setup_postdata($post) rather than the normal loop to populate the $post variable.
What concerns me are two things:
1) The code in your module where the notice occurs looks like this:
function add_ngg_pro_page_parameter()
global $post;
if ($post AND (strpos($post->content, "<!--nextpage-->") === FALSE) AND (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/page/') !== FALSE)) {
if (preg_match("#/page/(\\d+)#", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $match)) {
$_REQUEST['page'] = $match[1];
But as I understand it, there is no $post->content to begin with… it’s $post->post_content.
2) Why is this added to the “the_post” action? It appears to mangle the WP paging variable for any post, not just a gallery display.