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  • Plugin Author caterhamcomputing



    You are setting the list parameter to be true (twice), which will output a list rather than the columns.

    The depth parameter only applies when using the list parameter.

    You do not need to specify the id parameter when using the shortcode on the page for which you wish to show the child pages … but if you do use the id parameter you need to specify the ID of the top level page rather than the slug. If you don’t know how to find the ID of a page, have a look at ID is always a numerical value, in this case the string “products” is being evaluated as 0 – the theoretical parent of all the top level pages.

    The shortcode sets skin="simple" if no other value is specified for the skin (or a non-existent skin is specified), so you don’t need to type this every time …

    The exclude parameter takes a comma-separated string of page IDs … using page slugs will not work.

    Since the shortcode is specified on the page for which you wish to show child pages, the usage should be something like:

    [child_pages cols="2"]

    … or, if you wish to specify your own CSS for styling the output you can add a custom class:

    [child_pages cols="2" class="ffchildpages"]

    … note that the layout CSS will still be applied (displaying 2 responsive columns), but the styling will not be – allowing you to style the entries as you wish.

    Full documentation can be found at and (slightly more detailed).

    Plugin Author caterhamcomputing


    Further investigation shows that the Video Thumbnail plugin’s default settings seem to have them turned off for pages. Turning them on for Pages makes everything work as expected.

    This can be changed from the WordPress dashboard from the Video Thumbnails option under the Settings menu.

    However, I have found that requesting a video thumbnail for a page forces one to be created if it hasn’t been already … so in yesterday’s release I added a request prior to displaying the thumbnails when the Video Thumbnail plugin is installed to ensure that the thumbnails are always generated.

    You may need to go into the Settings -> Video Thumbnails menu and make sure that Pages is ticked.

    I have made a small change to my CC Child Pages plugin so that it will request a video thumbnail if the Video Thumbnails plugin is also installed. This seems to successfully generate the thumbnail even if Pages are un-ticked in the settings …

    Plugin Author caterhamcomputing



    Sorry to have taken a while to get back to you …

    I’ve just been playing with the Video Thumbnail plugin, and the thumbnails don’t seem to generated until there is a call to the get_video_thumbnail function.

    I’ve added some code to check whether the Video Thumbnail plugin is installed and to call the get_video_thumbnail function before displaying the thumbnails.

    So far this seems to work well, but I now need to test thoroughly to make sure that I’m not introducing problems for anyone not using the Video Thumbnail plugin.

    Hopefully I’ll be able to release the new version later today.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [CC Child Pages] Child CSS
    Plugin Author caterhamcomputing


    Glad you’re finding the plug-in useful …

    I’m going to mark this item as resolved as I believe that I have answered the question asked, but do contact me again if you need to.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [CC Child Pages] Child CSS
    Plugin Author caterhamcomputing



    I’ve not included a way to upload custom CSS files as part of the plugin as most themes provide a way of specifying custom CSS and if not there are already several plugins for doing this.

    However, now that I have added the options page I may add an option to do so in the future.

    I aim to put together a simple guide to theming the output when time allows, but at present I am currently too busy to spend a lot of time doing so.

    In the meantime, I have added a breakdown of the output of the shortcode at

    Plugin Author caterhamcomputing


    I’m marking this as resolved now. I have provided a way to have styled excerpts, and the rest of the behaviour is consistent with standard WordPress functionality.

    Plugin Author caterhamcomputing


    I have just released a new version of the plugin which includes a new parameter for the shortcode:

    You can stop Custom Excerpts from being truncated by seting the truncate_excerpt parameter to “false”:

    [child_pages truncate_excerpt="false"]

    … this will display custom excerpts exactly as entered without being shortened. (Especially useful if using the Rich Text Excerpts plugin, in which case all styling will be preserved.)

    Plugin Author caterhamcomputing


    Plugin Author caterhamcomputing


    Hi. This isn’t a 100% fix for your situation, but I’ve made some small changes to the way the plugin handles excerpts.

    Generated excerpts (where no custom excerpt has been entered for the page) will still be stripped of their HTML tags (for the reasons outlined above), but custom excerpts will now only be passed through wp_trim_excerpt (which would remove HTML) if they are longer than the specified word count (55 by default, set using the words parameter: [child_pages words="255"]).

    When combined with the Rich Text Excerpts plugin, this should mean that you can specify formatted text as a custom excerpt for each page.

    (You will need to add the rich text editor to the pages post type using the settings in the Rich Text Excerpts plugin, as pages do not have excerpts by default – my plugin adds that functionality.)

    I will look at refining this solution in the future, but hopefully this will help in the meantime.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [CC Child Pages] no excerpt
    Plugin Author caterhamcomputing


    You’re very welcome. Thank you for using CC Child Pages.

    Plugin Author caterhamcomputing


    I’m afraid that styling in the excerpt is not possible.

    The shortcode uses WordPress’ own functionality to generate excerpts where a page’s excerpt is empty.

    Any formatting is stripped from the content before it is trimmed down (to avoid ending up with HTML tags that are opened but not closed because the closing tag is after the cut-off point).

    This is the same way that excerpts work for all post types.

    See and for more information about how excerpts are generated.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [CC Child Pages] no excerpt
    Plugin Author caterhamcomputing


    Hi … I’ve released a new version, adding a “hide_excerpt” parameter. for example:

    [child_pages cols="2" hide_excerpt="true" thumbs="large"]

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [CC Child Pages] Pagination
    Plugin Author caterhamcomputing


    The plugin does not have an option for pagination, and I am not currently planning to add this option.

    The thinking behind the plugin was to make it easy to organise pages into sections and sub-sections, thus avoiding large numbers of pages at the same level (and making navigation easier for the visitor).

    Generally, I find that where large amounts of similar items are required it is better to create a custom post type and create a specific archive page.

    I am currently working on another plugin to provide a front-end for the wp_query command with output that matches the style of the child pages plugin. That will feature pagination (and will work with any type of post – including pages), but I’m afraid it won’t be ready to release in the wild for a while as I am rather busy at present.

    Plugin Author caterhamcomputing


    Glad to hear that it is working OK for you … thank you for using the plugin.

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