Buz Carter
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Simple question! How to make images appear in blog?also, how did you upload it (ftp program or wordpress plugin or file manager), do you know where the file is? if so, you should be able to type this in your browser address bar to view the image:
and, like jpmcc asks, the WP version is important to know.
Also, good ol HMTL image tags work:
<img src=”https://www.mywebsite.com/images-directory/myimage.jpg” />
first, however, verify that the file is where you think it is and that it’s named correctly. we all have made the mistake of misplacing a file or two.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Launched: CharlesPhoenix.com, and bless WordPressNo — that’s great feedback, thanks, vnbPaul, that’s exactly what i need to hear. I go “deer in the headlights” (thorne?) with style-guides, so locking down a consistent scheme is crucial. I’ll revisit these (most aren’t even conscious decisions, just evolve and I forget to check).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: What am I doing wrong with the RSS Feed?I’m no expert, but even clicking around on your site’s “normal” links 404’s are being returned:
and, therefore, this one isn’t surprisingly broken:
first, why https? not http? that might be an issue.
second, check how you have the permalinks set and mod rewrite…
third, ummm, yeah, third… just verify those paths, your links, etc.this is going to one of those “ahhh, ker-der, duh” moments — it’s got to be something simple and obvious in your setup and where the files are located.
and don’t feel stupid, you put a web site up, even one page, so you’re 90% of the way to “super genius”
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to show child pages from a parent page automatically?So you’re hardcoding the ID in that string, right? As in “child_of=23” or something like that, correct?
Instead, grab the ID dynamically…
$g_page_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
and use this variable, $g_page_id, throughout your page. Such as:
wp_list_pages(“depth=1&child_of=”.$g_page_id .”&title_li=”);
Never hard code ‘magic numbers’ into your site — use constants etc, but avoid ever having “where something = 567” because it’s too hard to recall where the number originated and difficult to maintain.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove ‘the_permalink” from posts without a post contentHey, I just had to do this today — her’s the code:
foreach($homeposts as $post) {
echo( "\n<div class=\"post\">" );
// long way to emit the title link
if (strlen($post->post_content)<1){
echo( "\n<h2>" );
echo( "</h2>" );
} else {
echo( "\n<h2><a href=\"" );
echo( "\" rel=\"bookmark\" title=\"Permanent Link to " );
echo( "\">" );
echo( "</h2>" );
} // if more contentthe_excerpt();
// next, need the link to more...
edit_post_link('Edit this entry.', '', '');
echo( "\n</div><!-- post -->" );
} // foreach[/code]
Obviously, you’ll need to adjust to your usage.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Image overflow problemsomeone else just asked similar question… see:
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: CSS Image overflow issue with IE on WindowsWhat you need to do is have the floated image be fully contained within a floated object; the behavior is described fairly well here:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image uploading in different directoriesWow, I know this is a stale question, from a year ago, but figure I’d drop the solution anyway:
Joe Schmoe has an excellent hack (one change to one admin file) that truly lives up to the name! I just installed it and my life is 2.8% better — not bad.
“WordPress File Manager Hack”
Only need to mod menu.php with two lines.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Apache and mod_rewriteI hope that you found the answer long before this, but I just “relearned” this (worked on one machine, not another)
Include “index.php” in the virtual site structure (located in Admin’s “Options –> Permalinks” tab)
For example, here’s what I have:
Without index.php it no workee.
Hope this helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Plugin for Static PublishJust to add fuel to what is clearly a well-burning fire (though i don’t know why it’s so) I’ll defend and even second apoorv’s request… it’s completely reasonable under some circumstances to use the publishing metaphor — publish-static is just as valid as dynamic, they each have appropriate uses, and as pointed out, they can happily co-exist. it’s not a weakness if WP doesn’t do this, it’s a “gosh, would be nice” or “wouldn’t it be cool if” feature.
there’s no need for acrimony just because he (i’ll assume he) raised the issue.