Buz Carter
Forum Replies Created
in wp-config pls verify:
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘blah_wp1’);
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘blah_wp1’);
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘blahblah’);
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);if you have my sql admin access, via cpanel etc, check user, then that there are tables there, if not, restore from a backup.
Definitely (hah, nothings definite) but I suspect database tables?
check user. perhaps logging into the wrong db or a db prefix issue.
don’t have a clue how this would have happened overnight, though.
can you access the db via mysql admin? check tables have data etc.
do you have a db backup? (please, oh, please, say yes)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Dreamhost pulled my site and I don’t know why.Please, keep us posted on this. I’ve got a site on DreamHost and am nervous about the sheer quantity of bad press they get on this forum. I’m watching them closely.
Not to thread jack, but I just heard from someone who signed up with webhostingbuzz.com, another huge storage/bandwidth hosting company. will be interesting to see whether they are any better than DH.
I imagine we know what your first post’s topic will be once you’re back up…
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: choosing a host?telnap.com. they have a modest $25/year plan that i’ve got a few sites residing on. uses cpanel/fantastico.
i also have some folks over at dreamhost and bluehost, cheap for all of the bandwidth, but particularly dreamhost has come under a lot of fire recently.
try telnap.?!
(god, i hate recommending anything… i’m not responsible)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Newbie considering WPThe front-page? absolute piece of pecan pie easy.
now, the subpages look, well, each appears to be a one-off, not a lot of consistency in the layouts, plus multiple columns.
this is something few off-the-shelf cms’es, of which blogging apps like WP are a member, this lack of consistency is acheivable, but requires effort, which usually is the antithesis of blog s/w.
So… i dunno.
if your design is locked, as that page appears, i dunno. seems like you need to loose a bit of the loosey-goosey-ness and apply some styles.
but all things are possible in CSS…
sorry. my answer is: sure, but might be some work.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: 10acious.com – Theme AND Blog comments please!Agreed — clean. Checked with IE6 and Firefox 1.5 Windows.
Some exuberant (where oh where is spellcheck?) behaviour with the search field in firefox, highlights when i’m mousing around several inches to the left of the search magnifying lens. But nothing startling.
where the heck is the “home”
i can’t click the blog title to return to the home page? tsk tsk. (actually, i just did a site and forgot to do this too)
I’m neutral wrt wahgnube’s comment, i see their point about not wanting to drill-down immediately, but it doesn’t bother me.
now, the home page? that bothers me.
jk. nice job.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: OpinionsI have almost the exact same feedback for your site as i did for AutoHacks…
that is, for me, I prefer narrower columns, about 30 -34em seems about the max before it becomes straining to read. but, i’m old and frail and never got the hang of RayGun — but i’d perhaps pad the text, make it narrower.
good job, you should feel pleased.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: AutoHacks – Go on, have a go at meMy feelings? The world is always in short supply of orange, so no complaints.
This page:
https://autohacks.net/news/2006/01/gave me pause because of font size and width. Generally, eyes like to travel about 30-34em before the line seems too wide, but the large, loose font made me feel a bit of vertigo reading that post.
it’s a little, personally thing of mine. I have to shower sitting down, so what the hey do i know?
but that’s my only suggestion: think newspaper/magazine column widths, keep them proportional to font so eyes don’t need to travel too far across the screen.
me likes.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Icarus Divingthe “click to enlarge” effect is fantastic. IE fails to do the graying-out, but still nice, but from Firefox that’s really, truly cool.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Icarus DivingAs for the mouse-over… works in Firefox, but the images all appear, all the time in IE. Might be because IE only has a hover CSS pseudo-class for A … and that might be it, anchors only.
again, CSS almost but not quite the one-size-fits-all solution.
i’ve handled a problem similar to this (but different enough that it doesn’t apply here) before using IE hacks, but truly a pain
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Icarus DivingYou’re a far, far braver man than myself… very cool, and not just because I’m a bookaphile.
there are a couple of issues, one each for IE (Windows IE6) and Firefox (1.5) that both concern the background attachment for the book pages (the image… hang on, easy enough to get exact filename…) ah, here, not so easy as I thought… where IS that shaded center-of-the-book effect coming from. Had thought it was:
but that can’t be it. Ah, here it is:
body2.gifregardless, as i resize the window (firefox we’re now talking, see image below) i see the middle “seam” trying to center itself, but at a certain point it shouldn’t, there is a min viewable area. probably need to make a div with the background attached upper left and repeat Y.
i’ve had this happen before, just need to not attach the “column’ed” image to the body, but to the smallest container, your book, as it were.
Now for IE that center effect of the pages is not there at all. So i took a snapshot of the bottom of the page, showing how it appears at the bottom but disappears where there is center content…
pls hold:
here’s the problem, as i thought,
body {
background:#fff url(./gfx/body2.gif) repeat-y center top;
}see, when i resize this page that’s going to center itself, meaning that your center of page spline will appear to slip left, under the content.
wrap the book in a div with this background attached instead.
did that make any sense whatso ever?
I’ll post, then hate myself for being so obtuse.
screenshots here:
https://pizzabytheslice.com/temp/images/vlognblog.ie.jpgForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Simple question! How to make images appear in blog?OK, sport — I’ve setup my own wordpress.com blog and tried to recreate what you did, or, what I think you did if you did what I did in so thinking:
- added a post
- uploaded a picture
- saved the post
- via drag ‘n drop added the picture to my post and hit save
- viewed my post and its source
what i found is that my file was uploaded to here:
https://pizzabytheslice.wordpress.com/files/pbts-75px-avatar.gifyou are using their WYSIWYG, no?
I did not see any images or (image tags in the source) on your post. try again.
- save a post
- upload an image
- save post (just to be sure)
- drag the picture into your post
if you are using the pop-up add image link, please show us the URI you’re using.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Simple question! How to make images appear in blog?ooh, out of my depth here, don’t know how wordpress.com has stuff configured, but… that said, what do you think the URI to your image should be?
I’ll hop over there and take a look.
anyone else?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: reducing white space in left sidebarlooked at your styles, saw this:
li {
padding:0.3em 0;
}the culprit is your padding declaration. quick css 101. you’re using a shorthand version of padding. by only supplyin two values you’re telling browser to repeat these two for the missing values.
also, the syntax is:
padding: top right bottom left;
so an equivalent markup for your statment is:
padding: 0.3em 0 0.3em 0;
that’s .3em for top and bottom and 0 for right and left;
instead do this:
padding: 0.3em 0 0 0;
that make sense?
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Launched: CharlesPhoenix.com, and bless WordPressagreed, excellent point.
I’m going to sell ’em on an about page, site’s colophon, include WordPress, plugins in use, phpList (the mailing list management app), and awstats (the site log analyzer, stats package)
I’ll give a lengthier (read: way geeky) credits on my own site, too.
But point taken: share the love