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  • Came across this same bug — the codex/docs are out of date. The new URL for importing (regardless of product) is:


    I just installed wordpress-2.6.3 and this work fantastic (MoveableType/TypePad)

    Buz Carter


    FYI. In WP 1.5 you’ll only need to modify one file, in wp-includes/comment-functions.php near the top of this file is a function, “comments_template”.

    To sort ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) add it to both queries in that function (it’s fairly obvious, only two SELECTS in this function)

    " ORDER BY comment_date DESC"

    By default “ASC” is implied, so these two statements are equivalent:

    " ORDER BY comment_date"
    " ORDER BY comment_date ASC"

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: .ico
    Buz Carter



    You’re all correct, especially about IE’s shortcomings wrt favicons.

    IE’s caching means that even after rebooting *sometimes* your icon will not update.

    Just have to live with that.

    and yes, firefox is a (much^3) better measure of what others who don’t have a cached-icon-encumbered browser would see.

    one measure some site stats packages (such as AWStats) use is estimating the number of people who “favorite” (bookmark) your site using the proportion of IE visitors whose browser requests the fav icon. But this is an upper limit given the buggy nature of IE’s implementation. So, even assuming that since 10% of your IE visitors bookmarked you means 10% of all visitors do so is iffy, since that 10% is in doubt.

    definitely a ballpark guesstimate. but OK for following trends, not quantitative analysis.

    annoying, huh?

    um “take back the web”???

    Thread Starter Buz Carter


    FYI, have at least found, in “Terong related posts”, where the bug is/what is causing it, though I’ve no idea how to fix:

    This problem is related to QuickTags being added to the admin’s Write Posts page. I had this turned on for this plugin:

    $is_quicktags = true;

    I also had the Easy Post-to-Post Links plug-in active. So, two plugins adding total of two extra Quicktag buttons.

    The result? the Status jumped up/down by two: from Private to Published and back to Private, for as long as you click the Close window of the pop-up.

    Now, I deactivated the other plugin. viola, the status changed by one each time: Published to Draft to Private…

    Next changed Terong plugin’s behavior, turning off the quick tag (i now had no additional Quickies on the Write Post page):

    $is_quicktags = false;

    Result? Bug is gone!

    So… behavior is entirely dependent upon those Qucktags.

    Which makes some sense as this affects the placement of certain items on the admin page and the radio buttons seem to jump down by the number of plugins one has activated.

    Now, how do I fix this? I dunno. but it’s a start. Shall see… any help is appreciated ;p

    Thread Starter Buz Carter


    Micheal, thanks … and, funny, I just posted a bug on (where the plug-in lives) and noticed a couple of others experienced the same problems that I did with that plug-in (changing the post status and/or date)… only to discover one of them was you!

    same-same with me

    really cool plugin, however.

    CG-Related is cool, too. I hadn’t wanted any additional db tables, however, but may go back to this as “Terong related posts” isn’t working for me. I’m going to spend a few seeing trying to track down the bug before giving up.

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions and help.

    Thread Starter Buz Carter


    Thanks! Checking it out now…

    Cool, and thanks. Good point on server load. Had been looking for place to move email load, this incident will speed that up.

    The consistent DH complaint seems to be, and I’d concur, that with no phone support, and (as far as I’ve seen) never having real-time chat available, handling hot issues via email with a “we’ll try to reply within 24 hours” auto-responder just drives folks away aggravated. Nothing worse than knowing of a problem with no assurance a person is even on the case.

    Perhaps I’ve overreacted a wee-bit, eh? Funny stuff, adrenaline.

    For what it’s worth: avoid DreamHost at all costs.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: RSS and Favorites

    I had to pull together (read: steal) a page for a friend’s site that goes over this. Feel free to steal from this:

    I think you misread that faq, zeigen:

    I currently only support SpellBound with Firefox 1.0 or greater which includes Trunk builds.

    My read is: yes, 1.5 is good to go.

    Man, I love you folks! Didn’t know about the Firefox spellchecker!

    I wasted a great deal of time trying to install aspell, the engine behind some of the WP spell check plugins, before giving up.

    Quick, group hug. Thanks!

    do a forums search.

    and there are other threads on this, too.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Looking for WP Stats

    Are asking for suggestions? I just installed and use awstats since all the stuff is already logged by the web server. any of the wp stats plug-ins i tested added db tables and essentially were logging what i already have (via web server logs) for free (that is, no additional overhead via php code or database activity)

    I definitely think the plug-ins are well written and serve a need, but for me I like the level of detail and tracking available with awstats, which i think exceeds by a large margin what i’ve seen written as a plugin.

    again, i’m not saying they are bad, just not what i wanted.

    </ end two cents >

    Thread Starter Buz Carter


    I’ve been swampers lately (yeah, no excuse) and barely hacked out roughly the requisite number of words for a FAQ and colophon on the site. Will need to return to this, but here’s version 1 of “share the love” credits:

    Thanks all for the feedback.

    One feature ONLY available via dynamic (OK, I can think of a middle way to do it via AJAX and whatnot, but that’s not the point) is if you want comments, etc on your site, you pretty much have to go dynamic.

    There’s no denying that all things being equal a static site is less hassle, better performance for serving up the same pages. fewer moving parts always trump even a well designed machine. and if that suits your needs, go with it.

    and the appearance is backend agnostic, just doens’t matter whether it’s static or dynamic to have a good design.

    the publish metaphor, movable type et al, is appealing if you don’t show comments, or other evolving/frequently changing info (including RSS feeds).

    there is a price to publishing, though. if you have 10,000 pages then generating and uploading those is an issue.

    so frequency of updates is another consideration.

    lots of decent static sites built entirely with dreamweaver templates, too. and you’d never know it.

    no one here evangelizes WP as the only solution, it’s a tool, choose the one that’s best for you. that said, WP is fairly cool ;-p

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