• Resolved fatjay


    corn job starts now every 10 mins

    thats the error msg .. it happend after i updated to the lastes version ??

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    	<p><strong>:</strong> Method Not Allowed


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  • Plugin Contributor redsand


    At the top of the support forum there is a sticky post that we ask users to read first because it guides you to excellent troubleshooting options we have already put together for our plugin users.

    Please take a few minutes to work through the Troubleshooting Guide and FAQs, as these solve over 90% of issues users have. (Please be sure to follow all the steps, not just read through them.)

    If the information provided doesn’t solve the issue for you, we’ll need a bit more info from you on the specifics, and we’ll need to email back and forth, so please head over to the WP-SpamShield Support Form, and take a moment to fill out a support request. That will allow us to help you diagnose this, find out what the real issue is, and get things working right for you.

    – Scott

    Please note that the WP-SpamShield Support page is our main support venue, not the WordPress forums here, so that will always be the best way to get a quick response and resolve any tech support issues.

    I have the same issue on my blogs.

    After update I receive a mail like this avery 30 minutes, my Server provvider had adviced to deactive your plugin.
    Now It’s deactived but I would like to re-active again.

    p.s.: your link to support form and support page have 403 page error

    Plugin Contributor redsand


    What browser and OS were you using when you got the 403 error?

    Thread Starter fatjay



    yeah that same thing i have… after the latest update the cron job on my server is going crazy ??


    Firefox and Chrome

    Error 403: Forbidden
    Access to this page is restricted. We apologize for any inconvenience.

    This is for all pages of the sites.


    Plugin Contributor redsand


    @pietro @fatjay

    Ok, try the Support Page again.

    Once you submit your support request we can look into it for you.

    Thread Starter fatjay


    I try that and get only this msg after sending the msg

    There is a problem with your support request.

    As noted above, you need to work through the FAQs and Troubleshooting Guide before submitting a Support Request. You checked the box saying you have worked through these, but you haven’t visited the Known Issues and Plugin Conflicts page yet. This is step 2 of the Troubleshooting Guide. Please go back and work through these completely before submitting a support request.

    We receive many support requests that are easily solved by reading the FAQs and Troubleshooting Guide. This is a requirement for submitting a support request.

    Being that this plugin is provided free, and support is provided free on a volunteer basis, we ask that you be respectful and take a few minutes to look into the issue on your own using the resources we have provided, before you submit a support request. Consider that we have over 100,000 sites actively using this plugin, and if we don’t make this requirement, we will have to move to premium paid support only.

    We are more than happy to help those who are willing to take a few minutes to help themselves.


    Plugin Contributor redsand




    I think that’s fairly self-explanatory…no?

    You checked the box saying you have worked through these, but you haven’t visited the Known Issues and Plugin Conflicts page yet. This is step 2 of the Troubleshooting Guide. Please go back and work through these completely before submitting a support request.

    We offer extensive support, but as noted above in my first response, users do need to work through the Troubleshooting Guide and FAQs first.

    It’s simply a form validation feature. If you got that response, it means you checked the validation box saying you had worked through the Troubleshooting Guide and FAQs, but hadn’t yet visited one or more of the pages…so it just means you need to go back and finish up. Then submit your request when you’re done.

    Thread Starter fatjay


    But i visited the sites before… ?? even before you answered on my fist post now i can send the msg …

    Plugin Contributor redsand


    Ok. No worries. ??

    Just go ahead and submit the support request, and we’ll be happy to help you fix your issue.

    ** Please keep in mind that the WordPress forums here are not our main support venue…The WP-SpamShield Support page is our main support venue. Please direct your questions there, as that will always be the best way to get a quick response and resolve any tech support issues.

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