Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Importer] Notice: wp_get_http is deprecated since version 4.4!Wow seven months since it was last reported and still not fixed ??
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: admin.php tries to increase memory_limitThe way to fix this is open your admin.php file within the wp-admin directory and search for 256M. I believe its on line 96. Change this to the maximum allowed memory limit as declared within your php settings and then save.
The error is kicked up when wordpress attempts to increase the maximum memory limit for php. To be honest 256MB per php process is a HUGE amount of memory, I have happily used wordpress with a limit of 32MB and it has kept on ticking over fine.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Page/Post Author option “Admin” not availableLooks like this bug has still NOT been fixed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: admin not showing up as authoroh dear, i have over 500 posts… looks like I shall just write a simple script to set the author to another user then create another admin account. Don’t really need to post under admin anymore as due to the problem I started another user account to publish under.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Zenphoto plugin problemSorry about the length of time that it has taken for me to respond to first your email and second your request here. The only excuse I can post is I have been away from the Internet for a prolonged period of time. I have however fixed the problem you found and the latest version (1.4) of the plugin should fix the problem you have occurred (caused due to zenphoto changing the database structure slightly since I created the plugin).
Latest version of the plugin can be found here:
Also feel free to email me again in future for further support, I do respond eventually.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Tags with Tag WarriorHmm, well I have gotten in touch with the creator of the plugin I use and he says he has fixed it and send me a patch. But I don’t think it has worked ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cant use _wp_page_templateLegend, thanks a lot. That’s not exactly in the documentation is it? Well not on that page, I see it would have told me if I had clicked on links but it doesn’t exactly make it obvious.
Working now ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Tags with Tag WarriorThere isn’t an updated version of the plugin I use available. If it was made public how this was fixed then I would be able to fix the plugin myself. UTW wont allow me to upload keywords using Windows Live Writers keyword box ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: UTW tags disappear when editing a commentI have the same problem ?? But i’m not using UTW im using Andrew Grants KeyWord Tags
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Tags with Tag WarriorI have the same problem although I’m using Andrew Grants Keyword Tags (
What other plugins do you have installed? I currently use:
Akismet Version 2.0
Customizable Post Listings 1.1
Custom Smileys 2.4
Keyword Tags 0.80
Related Posts (modified) 2.02
SimpleTwitter 1.1
Tag Cloud 1.1
Time Since 0.9I think it may be a plugin created problem as I have also seen the Page templates panel in the new page window dissapear :/
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Lost theme and can’t navigate admin panelThe problem is with this
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="screen" />
it appears that when you told wordpress what its local address is you must have said instead of Or at lest thats the only reason i can think of to explain this happening.If you cant change the value in wordpress admin, attempt to modify it using phpmyadmin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Display <code> plugin for wp 2.0?This is the best code plugin for wordpress available. You can see it in action on my website here
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: high traffic crashing usmagazine.comFor that amount of bandwidth running on a VPS is a stuipid idea.
Firstly you would probably need two servers, one dedicated MySQL and one dedicated Apache webserver. You will need a lot of ram, even with any other CMS anything less than 2GB ram for that number of visits per day and your server is going to burn!
Also Email should have its own dedicated server, I made that mistake a while back, great thing is for me with only 20 or so email users I was able to set up the box easily.
The Webhost should have offered you better hosting instead of blaming your choice of software. Your their customer and they have a duty to serve you, not boss you around!
Get a dedicated server on a good webhost, you should see an improvement in service then. Its not the software its a hardware issue.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: installed wp ok -> won’t publishCould be that your webhost doesnt allow permalinks?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: BoldI cant see the bold, but i can see the italics on the bottom. It looks like on the NCAA College Football 2007 Preview post you didnt close the em tag after:
“New Ways to Play—Utilize new gameplay mechanics like Jump the Snap, Slide Protection, Smart Routes, Defensive Hot Routes, and Precision Passing to gain every advantage over your rivals.”
Omi, I just looked at your code and well… its not pretty. Its got em tags all over the place on that one post litterally hundereds of them…
Must be somthing to do with the WYSIWYG editor breaking on somthing. Sorry I dont know how to fix it ??