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  • capturinglight


    i thought it was the latest version… i just installed it yesterday via Dreamhost’s “one click” install method. I’m using WP version 2.0.2.



    I have had this exact problem in Firefox and Safari 2.0.3. Very odd. “Save” and “Save and Cont. editing” buttons do not function. WP 2.0.2. Seems to happen only when editing Pages, not Posts.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: File Browser

    I just got a chance to try this out… works great! Thank you for your help!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: File Browser

    hbalagh – would you mind sharing how you got the listing on your file-archive page? I’m using the file manager plugin to upload files on the admin side, but i would love to know how to list those files as you did… and how you got the sorting to work. Also, is the file date displayed pulled dynamically from the file, or are you manually editing that info? Thanks!

    I’d also love to see the customizable form plugin, Ryan. Hope it’s still in the works!

    Thanks for the info!

    Just FYI for anyone else using MicroShop that might have encountered this issue.

    I installed everything with ease (thanks for posting the wiki entry!)… but started noticing a bizarre issue (in the store) where the prices i had set were being altered… like the first few numbers, including the ($) dollar sign… were… gone. The prices in the database were correct, so I searched through the code. I found that wherever there was a dollar sign that was intended as an HTML output “$” (not a variable), it was being parsed as a variable.

    “Simple syntax – If a dollar sign ($) is encountered, the parser will greedily take as many tokens as possible to form a valid variable name.”

    I decided to try using the html char. code (& #36;) in place of the $ signs… and that solved my issue.

    For example, in line 142 of index.php (the MicroShop script)… I changed

    echo "<td class="itemprice"><strong>Price:</strong><br/>$" . number_format($item->item_price, 2) . "</td>n";

    TO THIS:
    echo "<td class="itemprice"><strong>Price:</strong><br/>& #36;" . number_format($item->item_price, 2) . "</td>n";

    Did anyone else notice this? Is it common to have to use (& #36;) in place of a $ sign in PHP (where you want to echo a $ sign)? Just trying to understand this… I’m fairly new to PHP.

    Thanks for the script, Ringmaster.

    * If you use the char code, remember to close up the space between
    (& #36;) I had to post it this way… the backticks didn’t work.

    Thread Starter capturinglight


    Anyone? Please?


    Thread Starter capturinglight


    Thank you for your response.

    I’ve replaced the functions.php and template-functions-post.php files with the newest ones. This solved the warning issue I was experiencing on pages that had no “children.” So, thank you for that.

    The remainder of my issue that I’d love to get worked out is this:
    If you click on either of the 2 sub-pages, the sub-nav disappears, and also the “hit state” in the main nav goes away.

    This is the code I’m using in my sidebar.php now:
    if($wp_query->is_page && !is_home()) {
    $lp_param = "";
    $lp_param = "title_li=<h3>" . __('In This Section') . "</h3>&child_of=" .

    And this is the code for my header/main nav:
    <?php wp_list_pages('depth=1&sort_column=menu_order&title_li='); ?>

    How do we tell a child page that it’s a child, and still display the correct subnav items? And how do we tell it to keep the “on state” in the main nav “on”?

    I appreciate any ideas/brainstorming.



    Wow. This one is driving me batty! I’ve spent two long nights on this so far (because i’m stubborn and like to figure things out on my own)… but I give up… so, I’m asking for specific help here. I have tried everything mentioned on this forum in regards to “wp_list_pages” and “sub-navs” and “child_of”, etc. I’ve also tried out the wonderful plugin that Adi listed above, in addition to this one:

    I still haven’t found a solid solution for what I need my site to do. This is a site I created for a friend of mine, it’s located here temporarily:

    All pages on the site are individual “Pages” and “Sub-Pages.”

    I was able to get the main nav working finally by using this bit of code in my header:

    <?php wp_list_pages('depth=1&sort_column=menu_order&title_li='); ?>

    So far, so good.

    The problem comes in with my sub-pages. The only ones I have setup now on the test site are under “Company”…..

    Problem #1 –
    If you click on either of the 2 sub-pages, the sub-nav disappears, the warning appears, and also the “hit state” in the main nav goes away.

    Problem #2 –
    If you click around the rest of the site… you’ll see the warning is displayed on every page that has no “children” or subpages.

    This is the code I’m using in the sidebar to display a Page’s children:

    <?php wp_list_pages('child_of=' . $page_id . '&title_li=<h3>' . __('Pages') . '</h3>' ); ?>

    I thought about doing an “if/else” statement in the sidebar… something that says “If Page has no child… end…. else, display the children”… but it also needs to say “If Page IS a child itself, display the siblings.”

    I love WordPress, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around PHP.

    Thanks for any clues,

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