13 years, 8 months ago
The problem is solveable by commenting out or removing the line postboxes.add_postbox_toggles('wppiwik'); since this seems to cause the double event
14 years ago
Since the merge of flattr and the flattRSS-Plugins, I can not turn off the RSS-Button (at least, there is no option which lets me think that I can).
I know many users for whom the option to disable the RSS -Button generally or at least for some categories is really important.
Can you please make the flattRSS-Thing configurable?
14 years, 3 months ago
What’s in that extra line?
My uploads are working, in another browser whcih never used the backend before, even the flash uploader works.
The path permission etc are okay.
But where can I make the flash upload “forget” the old path?