Hello, I just came upon this site while looking for information on either writing a book, giving speeches, whatever to give back because someone gave their expertise to me and helped me survive. I am a survivor of a tragic car wreck in 1988, I have a head injury and I am interested in getting word out to the public and give hope and inspiration to others who may be battling the downfalls that I have overcome and let them know and see that something bad can happen but it doesn’t mean that giving up is the only option. I was given 50/50 chance of survival and even if I did survive, there was a huge chance that I could be a vegetable and require round the clock care. Well, I defied all of the doubters. I’m alive, I can function and I do not even look close to what one would look like after being through what I’ve gone through. I even went to College for the first time in my 40’s and last semester, made the Dean’s list! If there may be someone who reads my post and can give me pointers as to how I might make this dream of mine come true, I’d appreciate it very much.
Thank You
Ms. C. Clayton-Triplett