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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sticky Menu & Sticky Header] Impossible to stick my element with Sticky MenuI looked at the code, and I don’t see, as you, twice the line, only one time, at the beginning.
<div id="primary" class="content-area">
There is something strange
Then, I looked at the end of the different DIV, at the bottom of the code, everything seems to be okay, but I’m not a pro, so maybe I’m wrong !
At the beginning, here is the code, opening the different main DIV :
<div id="content" class="site-content"> <div id="primary" class="content-area"> <main id="main" class="site-main" role="main"> <article id="post-226" class="post-226 page type-page status-publish hentry"> <div class="entry-content">
and at the end, closing the same, in the same order :
</div><!-- .entry-content --> </article><!-- #post-## --> </main><!-- #main --> </div><!-- #primary --> </div><!-- #content -->
and I checked, there the same number of <ARTICLE> and </ARTICLE>
So it seems okay …
do you know if there is a way to flush the cache ? it could be an idea ?
At the end, this script is added
<script type="text/javascript"> var essapi_37; jQuery(document).ready(function() { essapi_37 = jQuery("#esg-grid-37-1").tpessential({ gridID:37, layout:"cobbles", forceFullWidth:"off", lazyLoad:"on", lazyLoadColor:"#cccccc", gridID:"37", loadMoreType:"scroll", loadMoreAmount:6, loadMoreTxt:"", loadMoreNr:"on", loadMoreEndTxt:"No More Items for the Selected Filter", loadMoreItems:[ [332, [-1, 117, 38, 131]], [79, [-1, 3, 38, 97]], [311, [-1, 113, 38, 128]], [205, [-1, 35, 38, 102]], [16, [-1, 2, 38, 99]], [347, [-1, 5, 38]], [196, [-1, 30, 38, 76]], [60, [-1, 6, 37, 38, 98]], [367, [-1, 132, 38]], [203, [-1, 35, 38, 104]], [361, [-1, 132, 38]]], row:9999, loadMoreAjaxToken:"7b3416c587", loadMoreAjaxUrl:"", loadMoreAjaxAction:"Essential_Grid_Front_request_ajax", ajaxContentTarget:"ess-grid-ajax-container-", ajaxScrollToOffset:"0", ajaxCloseButton:"off", ajaxContentSliding:"on", ajaxScrollToOnLoad:"on", ajaxNavButton:"off", ajaxCloseType:"type1", ajaxCloseInner:"false", ajaxCloseStyle:"light", ajaxClosePosition:"tr", space:25, pageAnimation:"fade", smartPagination:"off", paginationScrollToTop:"off", spinner:"spinner3", spinnerColor:"#ff9933", lightBoxMode:"all", animSpeed:500, delayBasic:1, mainhoverdelay:1, filterType:"single", showDropFilter:"click", filterGroupClass:"esg-fgc-37", googleFonts:['Open+Sans:300,400,600,700,800','Raleway:100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900','Droid+Serif:400,700'], aspectratio:"3:3", responsiveEntries: [ { width:1100,amount:12}, { width:1170,amount:6}, { width:1024,amount:5}, { width:960,amount:5}, { width:778,amount:5}, { width:640,amount:5}, { width:480,amount:4} ] }); }); </script>
This script could block yours, but this one depend of the plugin Essential Grid
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sticky Menu & Sticky Header] Impossible to stick my element with Sticky MenuHey Mark, thanks for answering again
I understand what you mean, I will try to clean the code a bit
I’m quite surprised, because I didn’t touch to it.I only – almost- modified the CSS, I’m quite surprised of it. Never mind, I’ll try to figure it out
By the way, I have an other problem that I can’t solve, do you think you help me with it ?
My menu filter, I would like to rotate it 90deg, and to stuck it on the right part of the browser, in the middle (between top and bottom)
I managed to turn it, but I can’t find the way to place it at the right place.
Do you have an idea how to solve it ?Thanks a lot !!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sticky Menu & Sticky Header] Impossible to stick my element with Sticky MenuHello,
Thanks a lot for answering !I had to deactivate it for a while, sorry
It’s activate now, but still doesn’t work
The logo is fixed with CSS (position:fixed), but I wasn’t able to do the same (ok with Firefox, but not with Chrome and Safari) with the menu filters, so I decided to use a wp plugin
Now that the plugin is activated, are you able to see what’s wrong ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with the position fixedHey, thanks for answering
Well, I guess the problem is exactly here
For the grid, I’m using the plugin Essential Grid. And the menu is generated automatically, with the filters, depending of the categories of the articles.
And I don’t know exactly where this menu is written in the php files of EG (Essential Grid). So I tried to modify the position with the CSS, but I guess it’s a bit borderline, and not really correct …
Do you have an idea how to solve that ?
Thanks a lot for your answer !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Customize the search field in Essential Gridhello everybody
Do you have an idea to solve my problem ?
Thanks a lot