For anyone else that might come across this issue.
Turns out my client had tracks in their account that they had shared and not uploaded themselves. Once these tracks were removed it worked fine.
I have contacted the adpress people, just waiting on a response. Thought I’d contact both in case you’ve come across this before.
I’ll submit a bug report if they don’t have a solution themselves. Thanks!
jeebus, 2 mins after posting I thought perhaps I should try version 1.2 instead of the beta one. and wouldn’t you know it, it works. bah!! at least I have it working.
Thanks for the great plugin!!
hi i’m trying to put the print link together with my post footer links (permalink, trackback etc), but for some reason the link appears above their containing div. as far as i can tell it’s just an a tag. any ideas?
hey not sure if this will help but might be useful.
I just installed WordPress for the first time following the 5min install and had issues with paths. I installed in a sub-directory but all the paths were pointing to the root.
In the end I realised it was a problem with the host server. I was installing on a Windows IIS server. As far as I could tell this should have been no problem, documentation says any server with PHP and MySql support is fine.
In the end I did the same install on a Linux server and had no problems at all.
hope this info helps.