I am having the same issue ?? please if anyone knows how to fix this i would appreciate it also.
my site takes for ever on the 301 and i have not set up on .htaccess , when i set it up on htaccess i can see on tools.pingdom.com my redirect is super fast but the issue i having is i cant find where or what is doing the redirect currectly and its killing my load time.
my site has SSL on it and thats reason i need the redirect but not sure what happen or what plug in is setting the current redirect. i want to remove that one and i add my own on .htaccess.
Please anyhelp i would appreciate it at best the site loads in 5-6 sec and sometimes it goes way way over that. and mostly cause of that redirect 301 which i have been trying to find.
my site is hosted on Godaddy Shared hosting ( Ultimate ) Plan
site works fine except that huge delay at start
My Theme i purchased from CMSMASTERS.NET
I have asked them for help and godaddy but i think they are not able to help me or unwilling cause its not there issue. I understand its not going to load like google fast but i need to make it faster
thank you for time